Azure Bot Function

First published on MSDN on Apr 22, 2018

Here are the simplified steps to start developing

Azure Bot Function

. In this blog post we will create a test bot that talks to



QnA Maker

. LUIS will help us understand user’s natural language. QnA Maker will help us answer user’s frequently asked questions.

In this sample Bot, we will convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. We will use


to understand user intent and extract temperature value and unit information. We will use

QnA Maker

to answer user questions on temperature conversion.

Here is link to add this test Bot to your Skype and Microsoft Teams and play with web chat

Trying typing

80 f to c

in the chat window

Here are high level steps :

  1. Create a Bot Function App

  2. Test Bot

  3. Add current time to this Bot App

  4. Create a LUIS App

  5. Add LUIS as Dialog in Bot Function App

  6. Test Bot for LUIS commands

  7. Add this Bot to a website

  8. Add this Bot to Skype

  9. Add this Bot to Microsoft Teams

Step 1 : Create a

Bot Function App

  1. Log into

    Azure Portal

  2. Click on “Create a resource” on the top left navbar

  3. Type Bot in search box

  4. Click on the “Functions Bot”

  5. Click on Create button

  6. Click Create button

Step 2 : Test this Bot

  1. In the Azure Portal, click on the

    Bot Services

    from the left navbar

  2. If the

    Bot Service

    is missing , click on the

    All Services,

    search for Bot and click on the star icon as shown below

  3. Now, click on the newly created Bot

  4. In the next blade, click on the

    Test in Web Chat

  5. Type Hello in the chat window as shown below

  6. Our test bot will reply with text “

    1: You said hello

  7. 1

    ” in the reply is count of messages it got from user in that session

  8. if you type hello again, you should see “

    2: You said hello

    ” as shown below

Step 3 : Lets add current time to Bot

  1. Click


  2. Click

    Open this bot in Azure Functions

    as shown below

  3. This will open

    Azure Function

    blade. Here you can edit your Bot code and settings

  4. Click on the


    Function, this should open your Bot source code

  5. Check line # 48, here we are calling


    if there is a message from user

  6. Lets check


    class code

  7. Click on the

    View files

    on the right navbar and select


    file as shown

  8. Add below code

    [code language=”csharp” highlight=”1,2,3,4,5″]

    else if (message.Text == “time”)


    await context.PostAsync($”{this.count++}: current time is {DateTime.Now}”);





    await context.PostAsync($”{this.count++}: You said {message.Text}”);




  9. Here is the complete function code

  10. Now we are going to test it in the

    Web Chat

  11. Open a new browser window, go to Azure Portal, click

    Bot Service

    , click on your

    Bot Function

    , click on

    Test in Web Chat

  12. In the chat window, type


    . You should now see the current time as shown below

Step 4 : Create LUIS App

  1. Open a new browse window and go to

    LUIS portal (

  2. Click on

    Login/Sign Up

    button, login using your Microsoft Account

  3. Now, click on the ”

    Create New App

    ” button as shown below

  4. Enter a app name and description as shown below and click on the done button

  5. Next, we are going to add


    to capture temperature data from user’s messages

  6. We have three variables to capture :

    1. Temperature Value

    2. Current Temperature Unit

      (Fahrenheit or Celsius)

    3. Temperature Unit to convert

  7. Lets create these three entities in LUIS

  8. Click on the


    on the left navbar and click on

    Create new entity

    as shown below

  9. In the new Entity dialog box type a name and set the type to simple as shown below

  10. Create two more, one for




    as shown

  11. Next, we need to create Intents. At this time there will be only one intent : convert temperature between units

  12. Now, let train LUIS by providing few sample sentences

    1. Convert 100 f to c

    2. Convert 100 c to f

    3. Change 100 f to c

    4. Change 100 c to f

    5. What is 100 c in f

    6. What is 100 f in c

    7. 100 f in c

    8. 100 c in f

  13. Here is the screenshot

  14. For each of this sample sentences, tell LUIS which is






    1. Convert 100 f to c

    2. 100 is


    3. f is


    4. c is


  15. Here is the screenshot

  16. Now, lets build LUIS and test it

  17. In the top menu, click on the



  18. Next, click on the


    button. In the test textbox type “75 f to c” and hit enter, click on the


    as shown

  19. check the entities values

  20. Now lets publish this LUIS service, click on the publish menu item and click on “publish to production slot” as shown

  21. Once published, you should see the keys available below as shown

  22. Copy these keys, we need them in the next step

Step 5 : Add LUIS as Dialog to Bot

  1. Go back to Azure portal, navigate to Bot services, click on the


    and click on the “

    Open this bot in Azure Functions

  2. Add a new file and name it as TemperatureLuisDialog.csx

  3. Add this below code

  4. Add the LUIS key in

    Line # 10

  5. Note in

    line # 37,41 and 45

    , we are using LUIS API to get our temperature value and units

  6. [code language=”csharp” highlight=”10,37,41,45″]

    using System;

    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs;

    using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Luis;

    using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Luis.Models;

    using Microsoft.Bot.Connector;

    using System.Threading;


    [LuisModel(“54201f7e-4b88-4686-841c-5f47364eb875”, “737bf507949b4bada390bf914b41176d”)]

    public class TemperatureLuisDialog : LuisDialog<object>


    // Name of entity

    public const string Entity_TemperatureUnitTo = “TemperatureUnitTo”; // fahrenheit”;

    public const string Entity_TemperatureUnitFrom = “TemperatureUnitFrom”; //celsius”;

    public const string Entity_TemperatureValue = “TemperatureValue”; //100″;

    // methods to handle LUIS intents


    public async Task None(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)


    string message = $”try 100 f to c”;

    await context.PostAsync(message);




    public async Task SerialNumber(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)


    string tempTo = “not found”;

    string tempFrom = “not found”;

    string tempValue = “not found”;

    EntityRecommendation entity;

    if (result.TryFindEntity(Entity_TemperatureUnitTo, out entity))


    tempTo = entity.Entity;


    if (result.TryFindEntity(Entity_TemperatureUnitFrom, out entity))


    tempFrom = entity.Entity;


    if (result.TryFindEntity(Entity_TemperatureValue, out entity))


    tempValue = entity.Entity;



    [°C] = ([°F] – 32) × 5/9

    [°F] = [°C] × 9/5 + 32


    double d = 0.0, t = 0.0;

    if (double.TryParse(tempValue, out d))


    if (tempTo.Contains(‘f’) || tempTo.Contains(‘F’))


    t = ((d * 9) / 5) + 32;




    t = ((d – 32) * 5) / 9;



    string answer = String.Format(“{0:0.00}”, t);

    //string message = $”{answer}”;

    string message = $”answer={answer} ; tempTo={tempTo} ; tempFrom={tempFrom} ; tempValue={tempValue}”;

    await context.PostAsync(message);





Step 6 : Test Bot for LUIS commands

  1. Go back to Azure portal, navigate to Bot Services, click on Test WebChat

  2. type

    66 f to c

  3. you should see 18.89 as answer shown below

Step 7 : Add this Bot to a website

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to Bot Services, click on your Bot and click on


  2. Add these three channels

    1. Web

    2. Skype

    3. Microsoft Teams

  3. Next click on the “

    Get bot embed codes

    ” as shown below

  4. Copy the embed codes for each one of them as shown

  5. Create a Azure Website and in the default.html page, add all three embed codes as shown

  6. [code language=”html”]

    <a href=’‘>

    <img src=’’/></a>


    <a href=’‘>

    <img src=’’/></a>


    <iframe src=’‘ width=”400″ height=”400″>



  7. Now browse to the test website, in the chat window type “

    100 f to c

  8. Should see the temperature value in Celsius as shown

Step 8 : Add this Bot to Skype

  1. At this above test website, click on the “Add to Skype”

  2. Wabac Bot will be added to your Skype account as shown

  3. type

    100 f to c

    and check the return value

Step 9 : Add this Bot to Microsoft Team

  1. At this above test website, click on the “Add to Teams”

  2. Wabac Bot will be added to your Microsoft Teams

  3. type

    100 f to c

    and check the return value

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