Validate your Azure network environment for SQL Managed Instance

First published on MSDN on Jul 12, 2018

Azure SQL Managed Instance is a fully managed PaaS SQL Server Database Engine hosted in Azure cloud that is placed in Azure Virtual network, and you need to ensure that your network is properly configured. In this post your will see a PowerShell script that can validate the Azure network that you prepared for the Managed Instance.

In the previous posts we saw how to

create a new Azure Network environment

where Managed instance will be deployed via




. Often customers want to deploy Managed Instance to an existing Virtual Network (Vnet) & Subnet in their subscription. However the deployment shall fail if the subnet does not meet requirements outlined



In this post we share a PowerShell script authored by Rohit Nayak that checks

a specific subnet

within your Vnet against the pre-requisites for hosting Managed Instance. Please ensure you have

installed Azure RM PowerShell


IMPORTANT NOTE: There is another official Managed Instance network validation script published on

Azure SQL Managed Instance documentation page

. Although this script should work, I would recommend to use the officially documented script. Try this script only if the official one has some issue.

The  following parameters are required for the script below  to run:

  • Subscription ID where you placed the Azure VNet where you want to deploy Managed Instances

  • Resource group name – This is the resource group that contains the Virtual network – and where your Managed Instance will be eventually deployed

  • Virtual Network (Vnet) Name – the name of the Azure VNet where your want to deploy your SQL Managed Instance

  • Subnet Name – This is the subnet within your Virtual network which you plan to use for Managed Instance

Validation can be done using a simple PowerShell function call where you provide parameters described above:

##Inputs that end user needs to fill in manually

$azSubscriptionName = “Replace with your subscription id”

$azResourceGroupName = “Replace with your Resource group name”

$azVnetName = “Replace with your Virtual network name”

$azSubnetName = “Replace with your Subnet name”

Validate-Subnet-For-MI -inSubscriptionName $azSubscriptionName -inResourceGroupName $azResourceGroupName -inVnetName $azVnetName -inSubnetName $azSubnetName

The output will be something like below, listing out all the checks that were done against the subnet and which ones passed (in green) vs failed( in red)

Here is the PowerShell script that performs these validation checks:

function Validate-Subnet-For-MI {


param (

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]




begin {

#Login to Azure

Login-AzureRMAccount | Out-null

Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName $inSubscriptionName | Out-null

$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $inResourceGroupName -Name $inVnetName

#Start with getting the vnet details

Write-Host(“——————— Vnet Details ————————————- “) -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host (“Vnet ID = {0}” -f $vnet.ID.ToString()) -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host (“Vnet Address Space = {0}” -f $vnet.AddressSpaceText.ToString()) -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host(“———————————————————————— “) -ForegroundColor Yellow


process {

$subnets = $vnet.Subnets.Name

if ( $true -eq $subnets.contains($azSubnetName)) {

Write-Host(“— Begin validation of subnet {0} in {1} —” -f $inSubnetName, $vnet.Name)

#Get the subnet object

$idx = $subnets.IndexOf($azSubnetName)

$sn = $vnet.Subnets[$idx]

$bIsSubnetValidForMI = $true


Write-Host(“———- Subnet Name {0} [ Subnet Address Range {1} ] ————— ” -f $sn.Name, $sn.AddressPrefix) -ForegroundColor Yellow


# Check that subnet is not a Gateway subnet

if ($azSubnetName -eq “GatewaySubnet”) {

Write-Host (“Warning – Subnet {0} in virtual network {1} is possibly Gateway Subnet. Please check subnet configuration in Portal before continuing with deployment” -f $sn.Name, $vnet.Name ) -ForegroundColor Yellow


# Check that subnet does not have a Network Security Group associated with it.

$sn.NetworkSecurityGroup| Format-List | Out-Host

if ($true -eq [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($sn.NetworkSecurityGroup)) {

Write-Host(“Passed Validation – NSG is empty subnet {0} in virtual network {1}” -f $sn.Name, $vnet.Name) -ForegroundColor Green



else {

Write-Host (“Failed Validation – Found NSG associated with subnet {0} in virtual network {1}” -f $sn.Name, $vnet.Name ) -ForegroundColor Red

$bIsSubnetValidForMI = $false


## Route table specific checks

# Check that subnet is associated with a route table

$rt = $sn.RouteTable

if ($false -eq [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($rt)) {

$rtSegments = ($rt.Id).Split(“{/}”, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

$rtName = $rtSegments[-1].Trim()

$rtResourceGroup = $rtSegments[3].Trim()

Write-Host(“Passed Validation – Route table {0} is associated with subnet {1} in virtual network {2}” -f $rtName, $sn.Name, $vnet.Name) -ForegroundColor Green


Write-Host(“———- Route Table {0} Details ————— ” -f $rtName) -ForegroundColor Yellow


$tblRoutes = Get-AzureRmRouteTable -ResourceGroupName $rtResourceGroup -Name $rtName

$tblRoutes.Routes| Select-Object -Property Name, AddressPrefix, NextHopType | Format-Table| Out-Host


# Check if route table has BGP route propagation set to Enabled

if ($false -eq $tblRoutes.DisableBgpRoutePropagation) {

Write-Host(“Passed Validation – Route table {0} has BGP Propagation = Enabled” -f $tblRoutes.Name) -ForegroundColor Green



else {

Write-Host(“Warning – Route table {0} has BGP Propagation = Disabled. This could affect connectivity to resources behind VPN Gateway” -f $tblRoutes.Name) -ForegroundColor Yellow


#Check if route table contains more than one rule

if ($tblRoutes.Routes.count -eq 1) {

Write-Host(“Passed Validation – Route table {0} has only one rule” -f $tblRoutes.Name) -ForegroundColor Green



else {

Write-Host(“Failed Validation – Route table {0} has more than one rule ” -f $tblRoutes.Name) -ForegroundColor Red

$bIsSubnetValidForMI = $false


# Check route table has a route that is Next Hop Internet

$nextHopRule = $tblRoutes.Routes| Where-Object { $_.AddressPrefix -eq “” -and $_.NextHopType -eq “Internet” }| Select-Object -Property Name, AddressPrefix, NextHopType

if ($false -eq [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($nextHopRule)) {

Write-Host(“Passed Validation – Route table {0} has rule” -f $tblRoutes.Name) -ForegroundColor Green



else {

Write-Host(“Failed Validation – Route table {0} is missing rule ” -f $tblRoutes.Name) -ForegroundColor Red

$bIsSubnetValidForMI = $false



else {

Write-Host (“Failed Validation -No Route table is associated with subnet {0} in virtual network {1}” -f $sn.Name, $vnet.Name ) -ForegroundColor Red

$bIsSubnetValidForMI = $false


# Check that subnet does not have a Service endpoint (Storage or Sql) associated to it

$sn.ServiceEndpoints| Format-List | Out-Host

if ($true -eq [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($sn.ServiceEndpoints)) {

Write-Host(“Passed Validation – Service endpoints are empty for subnet {0} in virtual network {1}” -f $sn.Name, $vnet.Name ) -ForegroundColor Green



else {

Write-Host (“Failed Validation – Found Service Endpoint associated with subnet {0} in virtual network {1}” -f $sn.Name, $vnet.Name ) -ForegroundColor Red

$bIsSubnetValidForMI = $false


# Optional custom DNS: If custom DNS is specified on the VNET, Azure’s recursive resolvers IP address (such as must be added to the list

If ($vnet.DhcpOptions.DnsServers.Count -eq 0 ) {

Write-Host(“Passed Validation – No custom DNS is defined for virtual network {0}” -f $vnet.Name ) -ForegroundColor Green



else {

Write-Host(“Custom DNS is defined for virtual network {0}” -f $vnet.Name ) -ForegroundColor Yellow

#Write-Host(“Please add Azure’s recursive resolvers IP address (such as to the list of DNS Servers for virtual network {0}” -f $vnet.Name ) -ForegroundColor Yellow

$isAzureRRAdded = $false

Write-Host(“———- DnsServers ———-“) -ForegroundColor Yellow

foreach ($entry in $vnet.DhcpOptions.DnsServers) {


if ($entry.ToString() -eq “”) {

$isAzureRRAdded = $true



if ($isAzureRRAdded -eq $true) {

Write-Host(“Passed Validation – Azure’s Recursive resolver IP address is added to DNS Servers for virtual network {0}” -f $vnet.Name ) -ForegroundColor Green



else {

Write-Host(“Failed Validation – Azure’s Recursive resolver IP address is not added to DNS Servers for virtual network {0}” -f $vnet.Name ) -ForegroundColor Red

$bIsSubnetValidForMI = $false



if ($bIsSubnetValidForMI -eq $true) {

Write-Host(“———- Subnet Name {0} in Vnet {1} passed all pre-requisite checks for SQL Managed Instance ————— ” -f $sn.Name, $vnet.Name) -ForegroundColor Green


else {

Write-Host(“———- Subnet Name {0} in Vnet {1} did not pass all pre-requisite checks for SQL Managed Instance ——— ” -f $sn.Name, $vnet.Name) -ForegroundColor Red


Write-Host(“— End validation of subnet {0} in {1} —” -f $inSubnetName, $vnet.Name)


else {

Write-Host(“— Subnet{0} does not exist in vnet {1} —” -f $inSubnetName, $vnet.Name) -ForegroundColor Red



end {



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