Deploy an end to end Azure environment easily and run your benchmarks with azhpc!

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Azure Global articles.

The Azure Customer Advisory team works with many customers helping them architect and build their end to end solutions to run successfully on Azure. Ability to deploy an Azure HPC environment reliably and quickly is one of the key asks from all our customers and partners so we wanted to build infrastructure framework that we can use not only in our own daily role but also share with the community to help them get a quick start on Azure.  In this blog I would like to introduce you to this framework built by the Azure HPC Customer Advisory team


This project is aimed at simplifying deployment and setup for HPC environments in Azure. The deployment scripts include setting up various building blocks available for Networking, Compute, Scheduler and Storage that are needed for an e2e setup. You can do this all with a few commands and fast as these are run in parallel.


They key motivation is:

  • Simplified Automation
  • Flexibility
  • Speed of deployment


The basis for the project is a single JSON config file and some shell scripts for installing. The key point about the config file is that you can describe network, resources and installation steps. Tags are applied to resources that determine which scripts run in each install step.


Multiple examples for building blocks commonly used, scripts for building, installing and running some applications are included here so they can be used as you build your environment and run benchmarks.


We have also made some tutorials available that you can follow to not only learn more about the framework but also to understand how you can easily set an environment up e2e for your own application.


Give it a spin and let us know if you have any feedback or hit issues by opening an issue in GitHub or better yet send us a pull request and help us make this even better. 

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