Securing Sensitive Data with the AIP Unified Labeling Scanner

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Tech Community.

NOTE: This is an updated version of the blog posted at  This blog is based on the Unified Labeling version of the AIP scanner.  If you would like to deploy the classic version, please see the preceding link.


Most modern organizations have terabytes (or petabytes) of unstructured data sitting in their on-premises data repositories and SharePoint libraries. Managing this data, the way you manage other corporate resources, is a daunting but achievable task using tools that you likely already own. In this article, we will walk you through the discovery of sensitive data and show you options to classify and protect that data.


The AIP scanner allows you to scan your on-premises data repositories against the standard Office 365 sensitive information types and custom types you build with keywords or regular expressions. Once the data is discovered, the AIP scanner(s) can aggregate the findings and display them in Analytics reports so you can begin visualizing your data risk and see recommendations for setting up protection rules based on the content.


To configure the AIP unified labeling scanner, there are a few steps you need to follow:

  • Configure on-premises prerequisites
    • Server
    • SQL
    • Installer account permissions
    • Local Service Account
    • Open required network locations
    • AIP scanner binaries
  • Configure Azure prerequisites
    • Global admin credentials
    • Cloud service account (creation or sync)
    • Create Azure AD application for service authentication
    • Grant authorization for Azure AD application
    • Configuring AIP Azure Log Analytics (Optional)
  • AIP scanner profile configuration
  • AIP scanner installation

Now, this may seem like a lot of things, but don't worry. We will walk you through the whole process so that it is as painless as possible. This article assumes a standard implementation.  Before production deployment we recommend that you read through the official documentation at to ensure that you will not run into any issues and to help through any custom scenarios.


On-Premises Prerequisites

  • At least one Server (Physical or Virtual) capable of running the AIP unified labeling scanner
    • The official specifications are listed in the docs here but at least 4 cores and 8GB RAM is required (more is highly recommended) and at least 10GB of free storage space for temporary files (again, more = better)
  • A SQL Server Instance to store configuration and scanned file list.  SQL Server Express Edition installed locally on the AIP scanner server is supported but for load balancing capabilities of the AIP unified labeling scanner, a full version of SQL is required.
  • An installer account with sysadmin rights to the SQL instance and local admin rights on the Server (apologies for the overuse of bold, but these requirements are often missed)
  • An on-premises user account to run the AIP scanner service (e.g. Contoso\AIPScanner)
    • No special rights are needed for configuration, but this account will need read rights to all configured repositories to do discovery and read/write for labeling and protection
  • Internet connectivity that allows the following URLs over HTTPS (port 443):
    • *
    • *
    • *
    • *
    • *

Installing Scanner Binaries

Installing the AIP scanner binaries is a very straight-forward process as they are included with the AIP unified labeling client. Navigate to and click the Download button. When presented with the download options, check the box next to AzInfoProtection_ul.exe and click the Next button. The download should start automatically. Once complete, double-click on the file and run through the quick setup on the prepared AIP scanner server.


Azure Prerequisites

  • Global Admin permissions for the tenant
  • Synchronized or created cloud service account
    • This is typically done using Azure AD Sync after the on-premises service account is created.  If you are not using Azure AD Sync to synchronize your on-premises service account, you will need to create an account in the cloud.  This can be accomplished manually by logging into the Azure Portal, or via PowerShell script.
    • For convenience, we have created an script example named New-CloudServiceAccount.ps1 which you may review and download from
  • Configure Azure Applications necessary for AIP scanner authentication.

Creating the Azure AD Application

We must create an Azure AD Application for AIP Authentication to allow the scanner to protect files non-interactively (you only need to run this the first time you are setting up the AIP scanner. You can use the same Set-AIPAuthentication command created at the end to authenticate multiple AIP scanner servers). The official documentation for creating these applications is found at

For convenience, we have created a script below that will create the AAD Application. This will also create scripts named Grant-AdminConsent.ps1 and Set-AIPAuthentication.ps1 on the desktop that will contain the commands needed to authenticate your AIP scanner server(s).





# Install Azure AD module (if necessary) and Import if (Get-InstalledModule -Name "AzureAD" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { "Importing Azure AD Module" Import-Module -Name "AzureAD" } else { "Installing Azure AD Module" Install-Module -Name "AzureAD" "Importing Azure AD Module" Import-Module -Name "AzureAD" } # Capture Global Admin credential $gacred = get-credential -Message "Enter Azure Global Admin Credentials" # Connect to Azure AD Connect-AzureAD -Credential $gacred # Store date and create unique Display Name for AAD application (you may comment out these lines and set $DisplayName to a unique value if desired) $Date = Get-Date -UFormat %m%d%H%M $DisplayName = "AIPOBOv2-" + $Date # Creating Azure AD Application. This will create the application and assign permissions for Microsoft Rights Management Services, Microsoft Information Protection Sync Service, and Microsoft Graph. $SvcPrincipal = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | ? { $_.DisplayName -match "Microsoft Rights Management Services" } $ReqAccess = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess" $ReqAccess.ResourceAppId = $SvcPrincipal.AppId $Role1 = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess" -ArgumentList "d13f921c-7f21-4c08-bade-db9d048bd0da", "Role" $Role2 = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess" -ArgumentList "7347eb49-7a1a-43c5-8eac-a5cd1d1c7cf0", "Role" $Role3 = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess" -ArgumentList "006e763d-a822-41fc-8df5-8d3d7fe20022", "Role" $ReqAccess.ResourceAccess = $Role1, $Role2, $Role3 $SvcPrincipalUL = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | ? { $_.DisplayName -match "Microsoft Information Protection Sync Service" } $ReqAccessUL = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess" $ReqAccessUL.ResourceAppId = $SvcPrincipalUL.AppId $Role4 = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess" -ArgumentList "8b2071cd-015a-4025-8052-1c0dba2d3f64", "Role" $ReqAccessUL.ResourceAccess = $Role4 $SvcPrincipalGr = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | ? { $_.DisplayName -match "Microsoft Graph" } $ReqAccessGr = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess" $ReqAccessGr.ResourceAppId = $SvcPrincipalGr.AppId $Scope1 = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess" -ArgumentList "e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d", "Scope" $ReqAccessGr.ResourceAccess = $Scope1 New-AzureADApplication -DisplayName $DisplayName -ReplyURLs http://localhost -RequiredResourceAccess @($ReqAccess, $ReqAccessUL, $ReqAccessGr) $WebApp = Get-AzureADApplication -Filter "DisplayName eq '$DisplayName'" New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId $WebApp.AppId $WebAppKey = New-Guid $Date = Get-Date New-AzureADApplicationPasswordCredential -ObjectId $WebApp.ObjectID -startDate $Date -endDate $Date.AddYears(1) -Value $WebAppKey.Guid -CustomKeyIdentifier "Password" $TenantID = (Get-AzureADCurrentSessionInfo).tenantid # Generate Authentication Token scripts '"A browser will launch to the created web application to provide Admin consent for the required API permissions. Please log in with tenant admin credentials to provide permissions for this application. If you are unable to provide this consent, please provide the URL below to your tenant administrator."' | Out-File ~\Desktop\Grant-AdminConsentUL.ps1 '$weburl = "'+$WebApp.AppId+'/isMSAApp/"' | Out-File ~\Desktop\Grant-AdminConsentUL.ps1 -Append "" | Out-File ~\Desktop\Grant-AdminConsentUL.ps1 -Append '$weburl' | Out-File ~\Desktop\Grant-AdminConsentUL.ps1 -Append '"Press Enter below to launch the browser"' | Out-File ~\Desktop\Grant-AdminConsentUL.ps1 -Append "" | Out-File ~\Desktop\Grant-AdminConsentUL.ps1 -Append 'Pause' | Out-File ~\Desktop\Grant-AdminConsentUL.ps1 -Append 'Start-Process $weburl' | Out-File ~\Desktop\Grant-AdminConsentUL.ps1 -Append '$ServiceAccount = Get-Credential -Message "Enter the on-premises service account credentials"' | Out-File ~\Desktop\Set-AIPAuthenticationUL.ps1 '$DelegatedUser = Get-Credential -Message "Enter the cloud AIP scanner service account credentials"' | Out-File ~\Desktop\Set-AIPAuthenticationUL.ps1 -append "Set-AIPAuthentication -AppID " + $WebApp.AppId + " -AppSecret " + $WebAppKey.Guid + " -TenantID " + $TenantID.Guid + ' -DelegatedUser $DelegatedUser -OnBehalfOf $ServiceAccount' | Out-File ~\Desktop\Set-AIPAuthenticationUL.ps1 -append "Restart-Service AIPScanner" | Out-File ~\Desktop\Set-AIPAuthenticationUL.ps1 -append






After you run this script, you will need to run the Grant-AdminConsentUL.ps1 script on the desktop in the context of a global admin to authorize the application permissions. We will run the other script later in this article.


Configuring AIP Azure Log Analytics (Optional)

Although this step is technically optional, we recommend configuring analytics prior to running your first scan so you can begin to visualize your data risk as shown in the initial image in this article. In the AIP blade of the Azure Portal, you will see Configure analytics (preview) under the Manage section. Click on this and you should see a page like the one below.


If you already have a configured ALA Workspace for this purpose, check the box next to it and press OK. Otherwise, click the + Create new workspace link.


Fill in the items shown in the image below:


  • Log Analytics Workspace (must be unique across Azure)
  • Azure Subscription (If this is not populated, you will need to get access or have someone with access to the subscription create the workspace)
  • A new or existing Resource group
  • The Location closest to your users (usually this will be in the same geography as your tenant)
  • A Pricing tier (usually Per GB or Standalone. Free tier only stores logs for 7 days)
  • Press OK.


Finally, back in the Configure analytics (preview) blade, check the box next to the workspace and click OK


NOTE: Checking the box next to Enable deeper analytics allows the actual matched content to be stored in the Log Analytics workspace. This could include many types of sensitive information such as PII, Credit Card Numbers, and Banking Information. This option is typically used during testing of automatic conditions and not widely used in production settings due to the sensitive nature of the collected data. If this is used in a production setting, extreme caution should be taken with securing access to this workspace.


AIP Scanner Profile Configuration

Configuration of the AIP scanner is now done via the Central Management User Interface in the Azure Portal. We will quickly walk through the minimum configuration elements to install a functional scanner in discover mode.


The AIP scanner Profiles blade can be found in the AIP blade on the left side in the Scanner section. Follow the steps below to create and configure an AIP scanner profile.


  • Under Scanner, click on Profiles and click the + Add button at the top to create a new profile.
  • In the Add a new profile blade, provide a Profile name.
  • Under Policy enforcement, set Enforce to Off.
  • Click Save.
  • Once the profile is saved, under Profile settings, click on Configure repositories.
  • In the Repositories blade, click + Add.
  • In the Repository blade, enter the path to your repository (\\Fileserver\Documents or https://SharePointServer/Documents)
  • Leave the settings as Profile default and click Save.

There are many other options and settings for the Scanner profiles, please see our official documentation for additional details on these.


Installing the AIP Scanner

We should now have all prerequisites in place to install the AIP scanner. To do this, type the command below in an Administrative PowerShell window.






Install-AIPScanner -Profile "ProfileName"





You will be prompted to enter the local AIP scanner service account credentials in Domain\AccountName format and to provide the SQL Server instance name (This will be ServerName or ServerName\SQLExpress depending on the version you installed).


If you encounter any errors, please validate that the installer account has the permissions mentioned in the On-Premises Prerequisites and you do not have any firewall issues reaching the SQL server or Azure.


Now that you have the AIP scanner service installed, you can run the Set-AIPAuthentication command to get the non-interactive authentication token.


In the Admin PowerShell prompt, run the Set-AIPAuthenticationUL.ps1 script from the desktop. This will ask for the credentials of the on-premises AIP scanner service account and the cloud service account. The service is then restarted to allow it to use the new token and pull down policy.


The same Set-AIPAuthentication command can be used on multiple servers in your tenant even if they use different profiles.


The scanner should be fully functional at this point and you can run the commands below to verify the state (should be idle) and start the initial discovery scan.





Get-AIPScannerStatus Start-AIPScan





After a few minutes you will begin seeing data start to flow into your Data discovery (Preview) dashboard in the azure portal. Since you are only doing discovery, you will not see any labeled or protected files (unless you have been using AIP before running the scanner), but you will see the identified files and the sensitive data types found in the configured repositories.


There is also a blade under Analytics named Recommendations (Preview) that will be populated by this data. Any sensitive information types discovered that do not have associated automatic classification conditions will display in this blade.


You may then click on the sensitive information type and a fly-out panel will allow you to assign the information type to a classification label. This allows you to quickly map your sensitive information to classification labels.


NOTE: The AIP scanner will only trigger on conditions which are set to Automatic.


Once you have configured these conditions, you can return to the profile in the Azure portal and change the settings to the ones below.


  • Schedule: Always
  • Info types to be discovered: Policy only
  • Enforce: On
  • Save


Because we set the schedule to Always, the scanner will begin monitoring the files automatically within 5 minutes. If you want to start the scan yourself, follow the instructions below.


  • In the AIP blade, under Scanner, click on Nodes.
  • Select your AIP Scanner server and click Start in the toolbar.

The result will be similar to the image shown below with labeled and protected files and the distribution graph showing in the Data discovery (Preview) dashboard.


Please let us know in the comments if you have any questions on this approach. If you are interested in how Microsoft uses the AIP scanner, please see the MSIT showcase at




The Information Protection Customer Experience Engineering Team

2 Replies to “Securing Sensitive Data with the AIP Unified Labeling Scanner”

  1. I have a key word dictionary as a sensitive info type and couple of documents that contains word in the key word in dictionary. The scanner won’t capture dictionary as a sensitive info type also I have a regular expression, that is also not identified as a sensitive info type in the scanner dash board. It shows only standard sensitive info types such as credit card , etc.
    Can you please tell me what would be the issue.

    • Did you ever resolve this? I am facing similar issues where my custom sensitivity types are not being picked up by the AIP scanner.

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