OPS112: Azure Stack HCI Hybrid is built-in: How does it really work?

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Ready to deploy Azure Stack HCI, the new hyperconverged infrastructure operating system delivered as an Azure service? Join this session to learn everything you need to know about how Azure Stack HCI's hybrid connectivity works. Is it hard to register? (Hint: no.) Is there an agent? (Hint: no.) Does Azure see my VMs and their data? (Hint: no.) Do I need to open my firewall to freely allow Internet traffic? (Hint: no.) All these answers and more.



Kerim Hanif, Senior Program Manager 


Azure Stack HCI solution overview

Azure Stack HCI is a hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) cluster solution that hosts virtualized Windows and Linux workloads and their storage in a hybrid, on-premises environment. Azure hybrid services enhance the cluster with capabilities such as cloud-based monitoring, Site Recovery, and VM backups, as well as a central view of all of your Azure Stack HCI deployments in the Azure portal. You can manage the cluster with your existing tools including Windows Admin Center and PowerShell.


Azure Stack HCI data collection

This data is collected once a day, and data collection events can be viewed in the event logs. Azure Stack HCI collects the minimum data required to keep your clusters up to date, secure, and operating properly.


This session includes:

0:00 Introduction
1:50 What is Azure Stack HCI?
5:55 Azure Stack HCI as a Hybrid services
8:30 Native OS-level integration with Azure
11:20 Demo: Azure Stack HCI
14:10 Registering with Azure
20:19 Demo: How to register
25:21 What happens in the background in Azure?
37:06 Azure Stack HCI Connectivity requirements
44:00 Data privacy
49:36 How can I see the diagnostic data myself?
51:39 Just the foundation more to come!
58:10 Wrap Up


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