9 ways to start using Microsoft Kaizala

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Microsoft Kaizala Blog articles.

With flexible group types, large group size of millions of users, integrated work management action cards such as surveys, announcements, jobs, trainings, and in-built management and analytics capabilities, Microsoft Kaizala opens a broad range of unique scenarios  - beyond just simple communication needs.  We have seen customers adopt Microsoft Kaizala in very unique ways, and continue to be inspired by what they are envisioning to do in the future.


  1. Training and on-boarding: With dynamic, transient workforces, training, safety and compliance are often key concerns. Kaizala's phone-number based identity and action cards like training and attendance allows simple and easy on-boarding of new staff, easy distribution of training content, be it videos or other forms of documents.
  2. Gathering field insights: With in-built action cards like surveys and polls, and real-time aggregated reporting, Kaizala is not only empowering field teams to do better work, but also allowing decision makers to gain deeper business insights.
  3. Firstline engagement: Engage your mobile-only Firstline staff and field workers: share key announcements, celebrate successes, and 
  4. Engaging your extended network: With Kaizala's unique phone-number based open-directory model, customers are connected with their extended networks (suppliers, distributors, partners, customers) for day-day business operations, logistics management and more
  5. Customer engagement: With Kaizala's public groups, organizations are engaging their customers, listening to grievances, sharing new and exciting product announcements, offers, discounts and more
  6. Event coordination: Coordinating with hundreds of vendors and suppliers can be extremely challenging - especially on the fast-paced show floor. Kaizala allows dynamic groups to quickly come together using location proximity, bar-codes and more, and share real time updates.
  7. Community and fan-club engagement: With support for large groups of people, Kaizala can help establish and grow a community which shares similar interest and passions 
  8.  Government to citizen connections: With Kaizala's unique hub-and-spoke groups, and support for millions of users in a group, public sector organizations are connecting with citizens to listen to feedback, exchange ideas, share key updates and thereby increasing citizen satisfaction
  9. Digitizing manual processes using simple chat interface: Kaizala is helping organizations across multiple industries in digitizing their workflows and integrating it with Kaizala's simple chat interface: such as doctor and patient communication, field sales reporting,  incident management.


We would love to hear from you - how are you envisioning using Microsoft Kaizala in your organization?


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