A gaze forward to tomorrow’s medicine, athletes, artists and internet – Weekend Reading: Feb. 24 edition

We admire the future – from 3D operating rooms to a young athlete’s rise to a universe five centuries ahead – in the latest Weekend Reading. Let’s begin at the most distant milepost, the year 2559, when the UNSC warship Spirit of Fire has embarked on a new journey. Awaiting its human crew are a savage mob known as the Banished. If those sentences hit home, you’re undoubtedly immersed in … Read more »

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Opening UWP to OpenZWave

Morten Nielsen shares his journey and work on getting ZWave devices working in .NET and UWP Apps…

Using OpenZWave in UWP apps

In my recent IoTivity hacking, I wanted to create a bridge between ZWave and IoTivity, and run it as a StartUp task on my Raspberry.

Something similar already exists in Windows IoT Core, as a bridge between ZWave and AllJoyn. Actually all you have to do is get a Generation 2 Aeotec ZWave ZStick, plug it into your device running IoT COre and you got yourself a ZWave-to-AllJoyn bridge. Unfortunately those aren’t being sold any longer, only the Generation 5, which isn’t compatible with the bridge. AllJoyn isn’t doing too well either.

Anyway, back to IoTivity: To build a bridge, I needed a ZWave library that supports UWP. After all, most of my devices are ZWave devices. I have my SmartThings hub as a primary controller, but you can add any number of ZWave USB Sticks as secondary controllers to the ZWave network. So I can continue to rely on SmartThings (for now), while I start hacking with the USB controller against the same devices.

Luckily Donald Hanson has an awesome pull-request for OpenZWave that adds a native UWP wrapper around OpenZWave, based on the .NET CLI wrapper…

Anyway go grab the source-code (make sure you get the submodule too), and try it out: https://github.com/dotMorten/openzwave-dotnet-uwp

Here’s how you start it up:

The rest is in the Notification handler. Every time a node is found, changed, remove etc. an event is reported here, including responses to commands you send. Nodes are identified by the HomeID (one per usb controller), and by the NodeID. You use these two values to uniquely identify a node on your network, and can then oerform operations like changing properties via the ZWManager instance.

There’s a generic sample app you can use to find, interrogate and interact with the devices, or just learn from. Longer-term I’d like to build a simpler API on top of this to work with the devices. The Main ViewModel in the sample-app is in a way the beginnings of this.

And by all means, submit some pull requests!”

… [Click through to see the entire post]

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SharePoint Framework reaches general availability—build and deploy engaging web parts today

The SharePoint Framework lets developers take advantage of up-to-date developer practices, tools and libraries to help them build more engaging, mobile-ready user experiences at a rapid pace. Today, we’ve reached the general availability milestone of SharePoint Framework—allowing developers and administrators to build and deploy parts that are used by Office 365 users in their production environments.

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Five Secrets for Success in the Ghost Recon Wildlands Open Beta

The Santa Blanca drug cartel may have seized control of Bolivia, but you and an elite team of soldiers will soon have a preview of what it takes to break the cartel’s grip over the country when the Ghost Recon Wildlands open beta begins today, February 23, on Xbox One. In addition to the content featured in the closed beta, the Ghost Recon Wildlands open beta includes five additional story missions and an entirely new province called Montuyoc. This is the same province where the Santa Blanca trains its soldiers, so while you may have thought rescuing Bolivian rebels in… Continue reading Five Secrets for Success in the Ghost Recon Wildlands Open Beta