What’s new for SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services CTP 2.3

We find great pleasure in announcing the public CTP 2.3 of SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services. New features detailed here are planned to ship later in Power BI Premium and Azure Analysis Services. Calculation groups Here is a question for seasoned BI professionals: what is the most powerful feature of SSAS multidimensional? Many would say… Continue reading What’s new for SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services CTP 2.3

Lesson Learned #73: Azure Database for MySQL – CONVERT_TZ returns null

Hello Team, Today, we have a new service request where our customer asked about the CONVERT_TZ function to convert time to CET, but, unfortunately the function always returns null. Searching in several MySQL webs we found that it is needed to run a process to load the different time zones as are described in these… Continue reading Lesson Learned #73: Azure Database for MySQL – CONVERT_TZ returns null