Healthcare Short: Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (ET3)

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Story Background


CMS has created a program called ET3 or Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (ET3) Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (ET3) Model | CMS Innovation Center


What is the ET3 Model? What are the goals of this Model? - The Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (ET3) Model is a voluntary, five-year payment model that will provide greater flexibility to ambulance care teams to address emergency health care needs of Medicare Fee-for-Service beneficiaries following a 9-1-1 call. The goals of the Model are to provide person-centered care, increase efficiency in the EMS system, and encourage appropriate utilization of emergency medical services.


Providers are looking for ways to connect EMTs virtually with their Emergency Departments so they can Triage and Treat onsite or decide if it is best to trasport the patient to the nearest E\DR. 


There are other B2B type virtual visit use cases such as the ones below, these all have some triage and routing that must happen to get the patient to the correct physician for the visits. A similar solution can be used to accommodate these scenarios as well. 

  • Home Health or Skilled Nursing Facility needs to contact an MD for a Patient Virtual Visit 
  • PCP needs a consult with a specialist 
  • Adult Acute Care Facility needs a consult with a Pediatric Acute Care Facility


Business Challenge 


EMTs currently are not equipped with all the medical training or equipment they need to fully treat all patients but treating onsite when medically viable costs everyone less money. Therefore we need a way to equip the EMTs with a way to virtually connect with an ED Physician. 


Business Outcomes 


There are many business outcomes if we solve this problem: 

  • The patient gets treated onsite which creates a greater probability of positive outcomes 
  • The cost is lower:
    • The patient pays less and they are treated faster 
    • EMTs get paid for their services
    • Providers get paid via the CMS program
    • CMS pays less overall


Solution Overview 


There are multiple parts to this solution 

  • EMT Intake Portal: where they submit a simple request to engage with a Physician and join the virtual visit 
  • Physician Queue: where they see the intake request, review the information and join the virtual visits 
  • API Calls: We use the Virtual Visit API to generate the virtual visit URL for the EMT and Physician to join 


Thanks for reading, Shelly Avery |EmailLinkedIn 

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