New experiences coming to Microsoft Viva Engage

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Tech Community.

Today, at the Empowering Your Workforce in Economic Uncertainty event in London, Microsoft Viva unveiled new capabilities coming to Viva Engage designed to better connect leaders and employees and help promote open knowledge sharing and solution finding amongst employees.


Watch this new Microsoft Mechanics video where we show...
• How to build communities within Viva Engage
• How you can share experiences through storyline and stories
• A walkthrough of a brand-new experience called Leadership Corner
• How Leadership Corner brings together personalized views of analytics, and new event experiences
• A first look at Answers in Viva – a new way to uncover knowledge in Viva that helps everyone find answers to their questions and chase down experts from across their organization.



Leadership Corner comes to Viva Engage

Today, we announced Leadership Corner as a space for leaders to encourage open dialog and feedback across communities and teams through news, Ask Me Anything (AMA) events, surveys, and more in Viva Engage. This new space offers leaders a dedicated place to guide discussions and use intuitive dashboards to track metrics and employee sentiment in real time.




Beyond leaders, employees get new experience too by with a personalized view of the leaders they are connected to, and employees can stay aligned to what’s happening at work. Leadership Corner offers a way to highlight announcements, posts, and other content for employees.



Leadership teams can foster dialogue and guide discussions within Leadership Corner.




Employees can share their thoughts with their leadership team and engage in two-way dialogues like during an Ask me Anything events




Answers in Microsoft Viva connects employees to the answers they need by crowdsourcing knowledge from across the organization. Answers is a conversational experience for asking questions and connecting to experts for answers. Natural language processing helps match those questions with any existing answers, and the experience rewards experts who contribute back to the knowledge base. Learn more about Answers in Viva in the announcement blog.



Answers in Viva brings knowledge to you across Viva Engage web, client, and mobile experiences.


Leadership Corner and Answers will be available in 2023 to licensed Viva suite users within the Viva Engage app.


More resources


In case you missed it, watch the Empowering Your Workforce in Economic Uncertainty event and hear from Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO of Microsoft, Ryan Roslansky, CEO of LinkedIn, and Jared Spataro, Microsoft's CVP of Modern Work, for urgent insights every leader needs to know in a rapidly changing economic environment. To learn more about other Microsoft Viva innovations announced today, read the Microsoft 365 blog by Seth Patton, check out the Microsoft Viva website, and explore the Viva Innovation Brochure.






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