What’s next join the community! – Hack Together with MS Graph SDK and .NET – March 15th 4PM GMT

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Community Hub.


Hack Together is a hackathon for beginners to get started building apps with Microsoft Graph and .NET. In this hackathon, you will kick-start learning how to build apps with Microsoft Graph and develop apps based on the given Top Microsoft Graph Scenarios, for a chance to win exciting prizes. Check out our announcement post to learn more about the hack: Join us for Hack Together: Microsoft Graph and .NET


Hack Together will run online from March 1-15, 2023. Hear from our team – why you should join us. Register today

In the first week of Hack Together, we hosted two live sessions to kickstart Hack Together and show you how to get started building apps with Microsoft Graph and .NET.

See the sessions on demand at:
Kickoff Hack Together: Microsoft Graph and .NET! - March 1st 4PM GMT
Get started with Microsoft Graph .NET SDK! - March 2nd 4PM GMT

Ask the Experts: Meet the Microsoft Graph and .NET teams - March 8th 4PM GMT

Last Week 
We continued to hack together and helped each other on GitHub Discussions of our repository. We also hosted “Ask the experts/Get to know Microsoft Graph team!” session on Reactors to address commonly asked questions and answer the questions from the live audience.  Maisa Rissi, Brian Jackett, Andrew Omondi from Microsoft Graph product team and Justin Yoo from .NET Advocacy joined us to answer all the questions about Microsoft Graph and .NET live!  



Justin Yoo also shared a great example of using Microsoft Graph on Azure Static Web Apps with Blazor WebAssembly! If you are interested in this project, you may find more information about the project repository. 


This Week
Is the final week of Hack Together, we’ll host a live “What’s next: join the community for Microsoft Graph!” session. Microsoft Graph product team members and MVPs will join us in this session to talk about introducing you to the Microsoft Graph community. This will be the session for you to learn what you can achieve more by joining the community for Microsoft Graph! 

March 15, 2023, 4:00PM GMT | Join live | What's next: join the community!


What’s this session about?

We're at the end of Hack Together: Microsoft Graph and .NET, but the journey doesn't end here. Join us to see the cool projects all of you've built during the hacking. Also, join us, Fabian Williams - Senior Product Manager in the Microsoft Graph Customer and Partner Experience organization, and our MVPs, to talk about how you can join our community, keep learning and help others as well!


This session is for students, early career and professionals who are interested in learning a skill that can accelerate their career. If you are interested in what Microsoft Graph can do across Microsoft ecosystem, this session is for you.


Did you know that you can access to all the data and intelligence behind the popular Microsoft 365 apps such as Microsoft Teams, Outlook, To-Do, OneDrive, Planner and more? Microsoft Graph is the unified API for all the data and intelligence across Microsoft 365. That's why, it plays a critical role for developers who want to work across Microsoft ecosystem. If you are planning a career upon Microsoft technologies, Microsoft Graph is the one thing you will need to learn. Join this session to skill up and win prizes while learning.


  • Fabian Williams - Senior Product Manager in the Microsoft Graph Customer and Partner Experience
  • Ayca Bas – Senior Cloud Advocate 
  • Waldek Mastykarz – Senior Cloud Advocate
  • Agnes Molnar – Microsoft RD & MVP, CEO at SearchExplained 

  • Adam Wójcik - Microsoft MVP, .NET Developer working at Hitachi Energy 

Use the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK

Activate your Azure for Student Subscription 
Azure for Students is an excellent platform for university students to develop and experiment with cloud services. With $100 cloud credit, you can access a variety of Azure services, including building applications, analyzing data, collaborating with others, and learning emerging technologies. Activate your Azure for Students subscription today and unlock the power of cloud computing!

Don’t forget to submit your project by March 15! :rocket: 

Although it’s the last week of the Hack Together, it’s still not too late to join us. Head to https://aka.ms/hack-together to register, build your hack and make sure to submit your project by March 15 to earn exciting prizes! We’re looking forward to seeing what you’ll build! 


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