Service Delivery Manager Profile: Sachin Kumar

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Service Delivery Manager Profile: Sachin Kumar

Defender Experts for XDR



"As an SDM, I am committed to walking this path of security alongside our Defender Experts for XDR customers."

-Sachin Kumar, Product Manager



In the realm of cybersecurity, where digital threats are ever evolving, there are dedicated professionals like Sachin Kumar, who steer organizations towards a more secure future. Sachin is a Service Delivery Manager (SDM) on the Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR service. With a mission to not only mitigate cyberthreats but also foresee them, he plays a vital role in safeguarding Microsoft's customers and organizations. Let's delve into Sachin's world, exploring his journey, insights, and the impact he has on the cybersecurity landscape.


Who is Sachin Kumar?

Meet Sachin Kumar, a trusted advisor for Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR. He introduces himself, saying, "My name is Sachin Kumar, and I am a Service Delivery Manager, a dedicated trusted advisor for Defender Experts for XDR, with a mission to steer Microsoft customers and organizations towards a secure future by not just mitigating cyberthreats but also foreseeing them and lead our customers on a path of continuous protection and improvement."


The Passion for Cybersecurity

Sachin loves being a Defender Experts for XDR SDM because his role aligns perfectly with his passion for cybersecurity. He thrives on learning from some of the most sophisticated security operations center (SOC) teams worldwide and helping Defender Experts for XDR customers navigate the complex world of security.


Before Becoming an SDM

Sachin's journey to becoming an SDM involved a previous role as a Product Manager for Microsoft Defender for Office Customer Experience Engineering team. In this capacity, he helped Microsoft customers combat phishing and guided them in adopting security best practices, configurations, and defense features against email threats. His responsibilities included gathering customer feedback and collaborating with various cross-Defender engineering teams to develop and prioritize features aligned with customer business use cases and email threat mitigation.


How SDMs Enhance Security

SDMs like Sachin are at the forefront of providing deep expertise, tailored guidance, unwavering support, and a single point of contact for Defender Experts for XDR customers. They analyze incidents and threat trends, identify patterns and insights, and share comprehensive plans focused on continuous learning and proactive defense. It's a multifaceted role that ensures customers are not just protected but also empowered to improve their security posture continuously.


Tips for Choosing an MXDR Service

Sachin offers valuable advice for organizations looking to select a managed extended detection and response (MXDR) service. He suggests choosing a service that meets security requirements in terms of agility and scalability. Additionally, investing in a service that actively engages with machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) for both threat detections and responses is crucial in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.


A Day in the Life of Sachin Kumar

Sachin's daily routine is a blend of customer interactions, data analysis, collaboration with security analysts and researchers, and partnerships with Defender engineering and different product groups within Microsoft. Staying ahead of emerging threats is a core component of his role, ensuring that he can provide the most current guidance and support to his customers.


A Success Story: Making a Difference

Sachin reflects on a success story where he made a significant impact on one of his Defender Experts for XDR customers. He had the opportunity to fine-tune their Defender and Intune policies, resulting in a remarkable 60% reduction in false positive incidents and a 25% reduction in overall true positive incident counts. This not only improved the customers' security but also reflected in a significant jump in their secure score, showcasing an enhanced security posture.


Sachin Kumar is an integral part of the cybersecurity ecosystem, ensuring that Microsoft's Defender Experts for XDR customers are not just protected but also empowered to thrive in a secure digital landscape. His journey, expertise, and commitment are a testament to the relentless pursuit of security excellence in an ever-changing world of digital cyberthreats.

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