Rules Extensions – MA Extension

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Core Infrastructure and Security Blog articles.

First published on MSDN on Jun 23, 2017

The following is just an example of what an MA Extension would like like and should only be used as a reference on how to build your own MA Extension, I use this post as a reference for all my MA Extension Post which I have broken up into sections

Rules Extensions – ShouldProjectToMV

Rules Extensions – MapAttributesForImport

Rules Extensions – MapAttributesForJoin

2 Way Account Expires Rules Extension

using System;
using Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Security.Principal;
// Date Changed 23 June 2017
namespace Mms_ManagementAgent_MAExtension
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for MAExtensionObject.
/// </summary>
public class MAExtensionObject : IMASynchronization
const string FSP = "foreignSecurityPrincipal";
const string ADMA1 = "Contoso ADMA";
const string ADMA2 = "Fabrikam ADMA";
const string ADMA3 = "Fabrikam SPMA";
public MAExtensionObject()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
void IMASynchronization.Initialize()
// TODO: write initialization code
void IMASynchronization.Terminate()
// TODO: write termination code
//bool IMASynchronization.ShouldProjectToMV(CSEntry csentry, out string MVObjectType)
//    MVObjectType = "foreignSecurityPrincipal";
//    bool ShouldProject = false;
//    if (csentry["whatever"].StringValue.Length >= 30)
//    {
//        ShouldProject = true;
//    }
//    return ShouldProject;
bool IMASynchronization.ShouldProjectToMV(CSEntry csentry, out string MVObjectType)
string fsp = "foreignSecurityPrincipal";
bool ShouldProject = false;
MVObjectType = null;
switch (csentry.MA.Name)
case ADMA1:
MVObjectType = "person";
ShouldProject = true;
case ADMA2:
MVObjectType = "group";
ShouldProject = true;
case ADMA3:
switch (csentry.ObjectType)
case FSP:
MVObjectType = fsp;
if (csentry["cn"].StringValue.Length >= 30)
ShouldProject = true;
default: throw new EntryPointNotImplementedException();
return ShouldProject;
DeprovisionAction IMASynchronization.Deprovision(CSEntry csentry)
// TODO: Remove this throw statement if you implement this method
throw new EntryPointNotImplementedException();
bool IMASynchronization.FilterForDisconnection(CSEntry csentry)
// TODO: write connector filter code
throw new EntryPointNotImplementedException();
void IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForJoin(string FlowRuleName, CSEntry csentry, ref ValueCollection values)
switch (FlowRuleName)
case "SPAccountName":
// TODO: write join mapping code
values.Add(csentry["samAccountName"].StringValue.Replace("SP_", ""));
case "BuildAccountName":
if (csentry["accountName"].IsPresent)
else if (csentry["firstName"].IsPresent && csentry["lastName"].IsPresent)
values.Add(csentry["firstName"].StringValue + "." + csentry["lastName"].StringValue);
bool IMASynchronization.ResolveJoinSearch(string joinCriteriaName, CSEntry csentry, MVEntry[] rgmventry, out int imventry, ref string MVObjectType)
// TODO: write join resolution code
throw new EntryPointNotImplementedException();
void IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForImport(string FlowRuleName, CSEntry csentry, MVEntry mventry)
string csAttrib;
string mvAttrib;
long dtInt;
string targetFormat;
string sourceFormat;
// TODO: write your import attribute flow code
switch (FlowRuleName)
case "getDate":
mvAttrib = "deprovisionDate";
if (mventry.ConnectedMAs[ADMA1].Connectors.Count == 0)
if (mventry[mvAttrib].IsPresent && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mvAttrib))
DateTime depoDate;
if (!DateTime.TryParse(mventry[mvAttrib].Value, out depoDate))
//mventry ["deprovisionDate"].Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(90).ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.000'");
mventry[mvAttrib].Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(90).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.000");
mventry[mvAttrib].Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(90).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.000");
mventry[mvAttrib].Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(90).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.000");
case "removeDate":
mvAttrib = "deprovisionDate";
if (mventry.ConnectedMAs[ADMA1].Connectors.Count == 1)
if (mventry[mvAttrib].IsPresent)
case "employeeEndDate":
csAttrib = "accountExpires";
mvAttrib = "employeeEndDate";
dtInt = csentry[csAttrib].IntegerValue;
//targetFormat = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.000'";
targetFormat = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.000";
//targetFormat = "M/d/yyyy h:mm tt";
sourceFormat = string.Empty;
GetDateString(csentry, mventry, dtInt, mvAttrib, sourceFormat, targetFormat);
case "pwdLastSet":
csAttrib = "pwdLastSet";
mvAttrib = "pwdLastSet";
dtInt = csentry[csAttrib].IntegerValue;
targetFormat = "M/d/yyyy h:mm tt";
sourceFormat = string.Empty; ;
if (csentry[csAttrib].IsPresent && csentry[csAttrib].IntegerValue != 0)
GetDateString(csentry, mventry, dtInt, mvAttrib, sourceFormat, targetFormat);
///mventry[mvAttrib].Value = ConvertFileTimeToFimTimeStamp(csentry[csAttrib].IntegerValue);
case "pwdExpires":
csAttrib = "pwdLastSet";
mvAttrib = "pwdExpires";
dtInt = csentry[csAttrib].IntegerValue;
targetFormat = "M/d/yyyy h:mm tt";
sourceFormat = string.Empty;
if (csentry[csAttrib].IsPresent && csentry[csAttrib].IntegerValue != 0)
GetDateString(csentry, mventry, dtInt, mvAttrib, sourceFormat, targetFormat, 180);
///mventry[mvAttrib].Value = ConvertFileTimeToFimTimeStamp(csentry[csAttrib].IntegerValue);
case "lastLogonTimestamp":
csAttrib = "lastLogonTimestamp";
mvAttrib = "lastLogonTimestamp";
dtInt = csentry[csAttrib].IntegerValue;
targetFormat = "M/d/yyyy h:mm tt";
sourceFormat = string.Empty;
if (csentry[csAttrib].IsPresent && csentry[csAttrib].IntegerValue != 0)
GetDateString(csentry, mventry, dtInt, mvAttrib, sourceFormat, targetFormat);
//mventry[mvAttrib].Value = ConvertFileTimeToFimTimeStamp(csentry[csAttrib].IntegerValue);
case "createdDate":
csAttrib = "whenCreated";
mvAttrib = "createDate";
string dateStr = csentry[csAttrib].StringValue;
targetFormat = "M/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss tt";
sourceFormat = "yyyyMMddHHmmss.0Z";
GetDateString(csentry, mventry, dateStr, mvAttrib, sourceFormat, targetFormat);
case "objectSidString":
string objectSidString = ConvertSidToString(csentry["objectSid"].BinaryValue);
mventry["objectSidSTring"].StringValue = objectSidString;

void IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForExport(string FlowRuleName, MVEntry mventry, CSEntry csentry)
// TODO: write your export attribute flow code
// TODO: write your export attribute flow code
switch (FlowRuleName)
case "accountExpires":
CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
if (mventry["employeeEndDate"].ToString() != "")
//DateTime dtFileTime = DateTime.ParseExact(mventry["employeeEndDate"].Value, "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.000'", provider);
DateTime dtFileTime = DateTime.Parse(mventry["employeeEndDate"].Value, provider);
csentry["accountExpires"].IntegerValue = dtFileTime.ToFileTime();
csentry["accountExpires"].Value = "9223372036854775807";
#region helper functions
private static void GetDateString(CSEntry csentry, MVEntry mventry, long dtInt, string mvAttrib, string sourceFormat, string targetFormat, int days = 0)
if (dtInt == 0 || dtInt == 9223372036854775807)
// This is a special condition, do not contribute and delete any current value
DateTime dtFileTime = DateTime.FromFileTime(dtInt).AddDays(days);
if (targetFormat.Equals("LONG", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
mventry[mvAttrib].Value = dtFileTime.ToLongDateString();
else if (targetFormat.Equals("SHORT", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
mventry[mvAttrib].Value = dtFileTime.ToShortDateString();
mventry[mvAttrib].Value = dtFileTime.ToString(targetFormat);
// mventry[mvAttrib].Value = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(dtInt).ToString(targetFormat);
//(CSEntry csentry, MVEntry mventry, long dtInt, string mvAttrib, string targetFormat, int days = 0)
private static void GetDateString(CSEntry csentry, MVEntry mventry, string dateStr, string mvAttrib, string sourceFormat, string targetFormat, int days = 0)
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(dateStr, sourceFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
GetDateString(csentry, mventry, dt.ToFileTime(), mvAttrib, sourceFormat, targetFormat, days);

private static string ConvertFileTimeToFimTimeStamp(long fileTime)
return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.000");
private static string ConvertSidToString(byte[] objectSid)
string objectSidString = "";
SecurityIdentifier SI = new SecurityIdentifier(objectSid, 0);
objectSidString = SI.ToString();
return objectSidString;

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