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First published on MSDN on Jul 16, 2018The Project and Planner engineering teams have been hard at work improving the accessibility of our products. A set of documents is now live that walks through some of the screen reading functionality that has been added to help users relying on Narrator or Jaws to navigate Project and Planner – as well as other accessibility features . The landing pages for Project Web App in Project Online, the desktop client and Microsoft Planner can be found at:
Accessibility support for Project web app
Accessibility support for Project desktop
Accessibility support for Microsoft Planner
The screen reader can tell you where you are on the screen – and for example if you are in the schedule web part it tells you which column and row you are on – and if the field is editable or read only. Similarly if you are in the desktop client it identifies row and column and the edit options – such as knowing that the duration columns has a spinner control.
Keyboard shortcuts are listed both for the web and desktop client – and worth remembering Alt-q which takes you directly to the Tell Me dialog where you can search for commands and execute them right from the dialog – as an example here I am getting Tell Me to give me the Scroll to Task option rather than hunting it down:
For Planner the various screen elements are described which will help the Narrator user to understand the layout – and details of the keyboard controls are given too.
All the articles also include links to both the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk and for our government, commercial and enterprise customers the enterprise Disability Answer Desk – where links to all Microsoft’s accessibility resources can be found