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With this post we’d like to announce a few updates and bug fixes that we’ll be rolling out with the next upcoming 2.3, 3.2, and 4.1 release trains.
If you are interested in receiving an early build with these fixes, please register with the preview program or reach out to Microsoft.
Notable updates and bug fixes delivered in the 2.3 release train
(Build 9.0.1901.3212, starts rolling out mid-March until early April in EMEA and NAM.)
Marketing lists form fixes
We are providing a script to fix an issue with where member grids didn't show up correctly for some customized marketing-lists forms.
Bug fixes
The following bug fixes will be delivered in the 2.3 release train:
- A fix for a situation where the "Add existing marketing list" button was not working in associated view for marketing lists on campaign activities
- A fix for the situation where the auto-populated currency field on a new campaign activity gets emptied again when saving within a campaign
- A fix for the situation where certain versions of Internet Explorer produce an error when using "Add to Marketing List" for accounts, contacts, and leads
- A fix for the situation where users can’t close campaign activities on certain versions of Internet Explorer
- A fix for the situation where the "Created by" field was not set correctly when copying dynamic lists to static
- In several Dynamics 365 organizations, the relationships account_CampaignResponses and contact_CampaignResponses appeared to be missing. A bug fix reintroduces the relationships for those cases.
- A fix for the situation where "Copy marketing list" didn't work for list views that don't contain the column "Marketing list member type"
- A fix for the situation where, when creating a new campaign response within a campaign, the fields in the "Received from" section need to be editable if no "Customer" is selected
- An enhancement for the campaign response form, where if a "Customer" is selected (contact, account, or lead) the form will show details of the selected record in read-only contact fields
Notable updates and bug fixes delivered in the 3.2 release train
Build 9.0.1903.2001 will start rolling out end of March and should arrive around mid-April in EMEA and NAM.
New Unified Interface experience for managing members using advanced find
We are soon rolling out the new unified-interface experience for managing members of dynamic and static marketing lists. This will replace the hybrid mode and provide a fresh and beautiful experience for managing list members.
Bug fixes
The following bug fixes will be delivered in the 3.2 release train:
- Fix an unnecessary update lock in the select statement of the ListBase table, which could cause timeout/blocking
- For the Web client: Users with read-only permissions on marketing list members should see the manage members functionality as disabled (even when an attempt to manage members failed as expected)
- For the unified interface: Remove redundant "Add new campaign" button on a custom sub-grid for campaigns in the account form
- A fix that allows customizations to add a subgrid on the campaign activity to display associated activities. The relationship "CampaignActivity_ActivityPointers" was missing the navPaneViewId attribute.
Notable updates delivered in the 4.1 release train
Quick Campaign update
We will soon roll out an update to the quick campaign, probably in release train 4.1. The relationships to related information like members and failures will change to a regular N:N relationship. This allows us to take full advantage of the UI capabilities in the unified interface. Together with this change we will include new forms that customers can choose to start using instead of the existing form. The existing form will still be included be deprecated over time.
In the upcoming release, the existing form will still be the default, but will be tagged as being deprecated. We recommend customers to start using the new form by using the form selector. The new form provides fixes for the sub-grids on the quick campaign form and now will correctly open members and show failures. Going forward the new form will become the default form.
A dedicated Audiences tab makes it easier to find included members, excluded members, and failed deliveries for campaign activities and quick campaigns.
We hope that this notification helps our customers to plan for the iterative improvements in the domain of basic list and campaign management capabilities for Dynamics 365 applications.
-Christian Abeln, Program Manager, Dynamics 365