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This page lists all of the released Cumulative Updates (CU) and Service Packs (SP) for Microsoft Project 2010, both Standard and Professional.
From February 2015 onwards all fixes are shipped in Public Updates. From March 2015 client updates available via Windows Update and Download Center, server updates only via Download Center.
They are listed in reverse date order - newest at the top. Each of these packages is cumulative, including all the previous fixes back to the last baseline (either the initial release or a Service Pack). I have also recorded the version you will see in the File, Help, About Microsoft Project - then the Additional Version and Copyright Information (the version shown just above this link is the Office shared components version)
December 2016
No client update for Project 2010 in December 2016.
November 2016
The update from November 2016 contains one new fix.
- If you have a task that has a duration of four elapsed months or longer, Project 2010 freezes when you save the project as an XML file.
October 2016
No client update for Project 2010 in October 2016.
September 2016
- When you try to save a project as an XML file in Project 2010, Project 2010 may freeze if there's a task with an elapsed duration.
August 2016
No client update for Project 2010 in August 2016.
July 2016
No client update for Project 2010 in July 2016.
June 2016
No client update for Project 2010 in June 2016.
May 2016
- Consider the following scenario:
- A team member submits a status update.
- A status manager approves the update.
- A project manager opens the project and verifies that the status update has been applied correctly to the project.
- The project manager then saves the project.
- In this situation, depending on the state of the project manager's local active cache, the updated version of the project may be overwritten by an older version of the project in the project manager's active cache. Therefore, the status updates that have been applied are lost.
This update also fixes the following issues:
- After you remove all progress from a task, a leading split is added incorrectly to the task.
- When a task is observed from the Gantt view, you may see an unexplained split, for example, at the end, and when you try to remove the split, it grows larger, and the task finish is now later than before.
April 2016
No client update for Project 2010 in April 2016.
March 2016
- If you save an incremental baseline that rolls up baseline values from a task to summary tasks, the timephased baseline values of the summary tasks are deleted from the MSP_EpmTaskBaselineByDay table in the reporting database.
February 2016
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a 1d task that has an assigned resource and the assignment has 8h of work on a single day.
- You set the assignment contour to front-loaded. At this point, you now have two daily work segments of 6.67h and 1.33h.
- You save the project as an XML file and reopen it.
- In this situation, the work contour is lost and the opened assignment has a single work segment of 8h. In a related scenario, if you open an XML file, Project 2010 may crash and become unresponsive. This issue occurs after you install December 8, 2015, update for Project 2010 (KB3114419).
January 2016
No client update for Project 2010 in January 2016.
December 2015
- It takes a long time to open an XML file and to create a new project in Project 2010.
November 2015
- When you view the physical "% complete" field on an inserted project summary task in a master project, the value doesn't always reflect the same value on the project summary task in the sub project. In addition, if you open the master project and the sub project isn't in memory, the physical "% value" is displayed as "0%."
- This security update resolves vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office that could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted Office file. To learn more about these vulnerabilities, see Microsoft Security Bulletin MS15-116.
October 2015
- When you import timephased data by using XML files in Project 2010, the< WorkContour> tags are ignored if timephased actual work exists and not all remaining work values exist.
- When you resource level, assignments that are updated from Project Web App may be ignored by leveling, and the Remaining Availability value for certain time periods is incorrect.
- When you try to unlink a subproject from a master project that has a custom field with a lookup table defined, Project 2010 crashes if the subproject doesn't have the same lookup table definition as in the master project yet the custom field has values.
September 2015
- When you assign a resource on the Resources tab of the Task Information dialog box to a task in Project 2010, the Units value of the resource is always set to 100% even if another value is entered.
August 2015
- Consider the following:
- When you open a project in Project Professional, you may find that local custom fields are copied from the enterprise global template into your project. The enterprise global should not have local custom fields in it, and these fields should not be copied to individual projects. This fix prevents these fields from getting into the Global template and then getting incorrectly copied into your project and overwriting local custom fields that you may have already defined.
- You use Project 2010 to open a project file (.mpp) from a SharePoint document library.
- You save the file to a nondefault file format such as .txt, csv, or xlsx.
- You keep the MPP file open.
- You make some changes to the project, and then save it.
- You save the In this scenario, the changes that you made to the MPP file are not saved properly
- When you open an XML project file in Project 2010, a milestone task that is marked as completed may incorrectly be set to 99%.
July 2015
- If a subproject in a master project has a baseline date that is earlier than its start date while the master project does not have a baseline set for the task that represents the subproject, you may be unable to create a visual report for the master project in Project 2010. Instead, you receive the following error message:
- An unknown error has occurred.
- An error occurred and the requested action could not be completed at this time.
- When you try to create a visual report on a master project that contains a project summary task, you receive the following error message if the project summary task does not have a matching baseline:
- An error occurred and the requested action could not be completed at this time.
- When you assign a resource to a task in the Task Information dialog box in Project 2010, the resource assignment unit may be incorrect if Resource Availability for that resource is changed.
June 2015
- After you open an .xml file in a new project in Project 2010, the work and the actual work of some assignments are incorrect.
- Consider the following scenario:
- As a team member in Project Web App, you set an actual start date on a task that is assigned to you.
- You submit the update.
- Your status manager approves and applies the update to the project.
- You open the project in Project Professional.
- In this situation, the actual start date on the assignment is not found.
May 2015
- When you roll up baseline values from selected tasks into all summary tasks, the time-phased baseline work and cost values may be incorrect. For example, suppose that over a series of days, the time-phased baseline work values on the summary task are 4h, 2h, 8h, 0h, and 2.5h. After you save the baseline, the values may change to something like 4h, 4.13h, 4.13h, 4.13h, and 4.13h.
April 2015
- When you merge the data of an .xml file into a project in Project 2010, levelling delays of all tasks are reset unexpectedly. Additionally, the total task work may be increased in some cases.
- When you group on a field for some tasks in Project 2010, the Duration field value on the group summary row is incorrect. The duration should reflect the working time between the earliest and the latest dates on the tasks that are grouped. Instead, it is the task in the grouping that has the maximum duration.
- When you change the Status Manager value for a task and publish the project in Project 2010, the changed value is not updated as expected within the reporting database.
March 2015 - No updates for Project 2010 this month.
February 2015
- When you update the same project by using Project 2010 or a Project Server Interface (PSI) application, the task’s critical path may differ. For example, a task that is marked as critical by Project 2010 may not be marked as critical when updated by using a PSI application.
December 2014
- It takes longer time to use Project 2010 to open an .mpp file from a remote file server.
- Assume that your project has a baseline set. When you set a baseline on specific tasks in Project 2010, and roll the baseline data up to the summary tasks, the rollup on the summary tasks may be incorrect.
- Assume that you open a project that shares resources from a common resource pool, and when you are prompted, you click to open the resource pool. When you change the assignments in the sharing project, the changes are not reflected in the resource pool project.
November 2014
- Assume that you apply a custom date-based interactive filter to a view in a project in Project 2010,and then you switch to a different view. When you revert to the original view, the Date/Time Picker control that is associated with the interactive filter may not work.
- Assume that you configure Project 2010 to load the complete subproject when you expand a subproject by using the CloseSubProjHandleAfterOpen registry key. Then, you save and close a master project after you do a recalculation. When you open the subproject again, the tasks in the subprojectmay be damaged. For example, tasks may be in the wrong location in the project, tasks that previously were non-summary tasks may now be summary tasks, or you may see a message that resembles the following:
- No calculations can be performed now. There is a circular relationship in task <task name> of <project name>. The successors of this task refer back to this task or its predecessors, causing a circular reference.
October 2014
- When you set a baseline for a project in Project 2010, if a cost resource is assigned to a milestone task, the values of the timephased remaining cost for that cost resource are assigned to the timephased baseline cost incorrectly.
- When you create a visual report that is based on task usage data in Project 2010, and the level of usage data is set to weeks, you may receive the following error message:
- Unknown error has occurred. An error occurred and the requested action could not be completed at this time.
- In addition, if you try to save the cube data, the previous error is also generated. If you click OK, you receive the following error message:
- This is not a valid file name. File names must be less than 255 characters and they cannot contain any of the following characters: \ " / ; ? < > |
September 2014
- When you create a grouping by clicking the New Group By button, the values in the % Complete and % Work Complete fields may not be rolled up to the grouping row in the Task Usage or Resources Usage view.
August 2014
- Assume that you open and edit a project from Project Server in Project Professional 2010, and the Protected Actuals feature is enabled. When you sync the actual work, the timephased actual work may change. The Sync to Protected Actuals function may also run automatically when you save a project after you see the "Your action may result in actuals in this project becoming out of sync with the actuals updated from timesheets" message.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a project file that contains more than two enterprise resources.
- You open the project file in Project Professional 2010.
- You change the list separator so that the client's and the server's characters are different.
- In this scenario, you cannot save or import this project to a Project Server.
June 2014
When you open a project in Project Web App, the timephased value appears incorrectly.
April 2014
- When you save a sub project in a master project, the save process may fail. Additionally, you may find an error message that resembles the following in the Universal Logging Service (ULS) logs:
- Canceling correlation 088954b8-eec2-4e6a-9b23-1fb1654e411f as save is an overwrite or resubmit.
- When you open a project in Project 2010 from a Project Server, you may receive a message that resembles the following:
- Your action may result in actuals in this project becoming out of synch with the actuals updated from timesheets.
- You can: sync actuals with the Synch actuals command on the Tracking menu, or synch actuals when you save the project.
- After you install the December 2013 or February 2014 cumulative update, every time that you open a project in Project 2010, all built-in filters and filters in the global template are copied to and duplicated in the If you connect to a Project Server, then every time that you save the enterprise global template, these filters will be copied to it. Additionally, you may receive a message that resembles the following:
- The enterprise global already contains a filter named "Critical".
- Do you want to replace the filter with the one from the enterprise global, replace all items with duplicate names, rename the filter in the project, or cancel opening the project?
February 2014
- Assume that you have a project that has a budget resource assigned to the project summary task. When you view the project in Project Center within Project Web App, the Gantt bar does not correctly display the progress status of the project.
- Views, tables, filters and groups added to the Enterprise Global do not properly save the Show in Menu option and therefore the property is always enabled.
- When Project is running in the background, the Auto Save feature causes the processor to be fully allocated.
- When you open a read-only project from Project Server 2010 in Project Professional 2010, removing a deliverable from a task deletes and saves it from the deliverables SharePoint list, which is unexpected.
- When you try to print a project that contains grouping in Project 2010, Project may crash.
- Assume that you have an MPP file that is created by using the Project server Save for Sharing feature and you are now saving it back to the server. In this case, the status manager property on each task and the project owner may change unexpectedly to be the person who is saving the Save for Sharing MPP file to the server.
December 2013
- When you calculate an earned value field such as "Budgeted cost of work performed" (BCWP) based on a baseline other than Baseline0 for a project in Microsoft Project 2010, the earned value field is calculated incorrectly.
October 2013
- Assume that a lookup table contains many entries. When you run the CustomFieldValueListAdd Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) method to add the entries to a project in Project 2010, it takes longer than expected.
- Assume that you use the Gantt Chart view to view some pages in Project 2010. When you print the pages, the "Fit to" settings in the Page Setup dialog box are not applied correctly. For example, Gantt bars and text are not printed.
- Assume that you create a task that contains three or more assignments in Project 2010. Then, you sequentially enter some actual work for the assignments in the Task Usage view. In this situation, the actual work for other assignments that the task contains may be displayed for the wrong day.
- After you group some assignments in the Task Usage view or Resource Usage view in Project 2010, some tasks or resources may be displayed in the wrong group.
- When you assign a budget cost resource to the Project Summary task in Project 2010, the "% Work Complete" value for the Project Summary task is calculated incorrectly.
August 2013
- Assume that you create a text enterprise custom field that contains a lookup table in Project Web App. When you use the text enterprise custom field to apply a grouping to an enterprise view in the enterprise global template in Project 2010, Project 2010 crashes and then restarts.
June 2013
- Project 2010 may crash when you open a project that contains a macro.
- You run a macro that sets the duration of a custom duration field for a task in a project in Project 2010. When you save and then reopen the project, you receive the following error message:
- Invalid Duration
- This is not a valid duration, or is outside the range for this field.
- Type a duration in the correct format: for example, 4 hours (or 4h), 12 days (or 12d), or 2ed for elapsed days.
- When you use VBA Userforms and controls in Project 2010, you experience one of the following issues:
- You receive the following error message:
- System error &H80070057 (-2147024809). The parameter is incorrect.
- Project 2010 crashes.
- You copy a group of tasks that have predecessor and successor relationships. When you paste the groups of tasks into a different part of the project, the relationships to the tasks outside the copied relationships are not preserved. For example, consider the following scenario:
- You have three tasks in which the second task is linked to the first task in a finish to start (FS) relationship.
- The third task is linked to the second in a FS relationship.
- You paste the second task and third task into a different part of the project.
- In this scenario, the relationship between the original first task and the new instance of the second task is lost. However, the relationship between the new instance of the second task and the third task is maintained.
- You create a drawing object in a Gantt chart view for a project in Project 2010. When you undo a formatting change, the created draw object is deleted and cannot be recovered.
- The CustomFieldValueListAdd method for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) cannot write a value that is longer than 127 characters in Project 2010.
- When you export a project as an Excel workbook in Project 2010, dates that appear as NA in Project 2010 appear as 1/0/1900 or 12:00 AM in the workbook. Then, when you import the workbook into Project 2010, the task progress information is incorrect, and constraints are ignored.
Service Pack 2
- 32-bit - Download the Microsoft Project 2010 Service Pack 2 32-bit package now.
- 64-bit - Download the Microsoft Project 2010 Service Pack 2 64-bit package now.
- List of fixes - Download the Microsoft Office and SharePoint 2010 Service Pack 2 Changes.xlsx package now.
- Office and SharePoint 2010 Service Pack 2 Changes.xlsx
April 2013
- When the custom field values of a sub-project are rolled up to a master project, you may see an #ERROR. However, you can see the correct values when you expand the sub-project within the master project and then calculate the master project.
- When you try to create a site for a project and set up the site as a sub-site of another project in Project 2010, you find that the projects are not listed alphabetically in the Select a project drop-down list.
- When you open a project that has cross-project links in Project 2010, the scheduling engine may incorrectly detect a circular reference in the project. You may also see more than one external task in another project that is linked to the same task.
- When you print or print preview a project in Project 2010, the inside text of the project in the Gantt bar is not truncated on the right-side of the bar as expected. Instead, the text extends beyond and overwrites the text on the right-side of the Gantt bar.
- Assume that you set the Schedule from value to Project Finish Date in the Project Information dialog box for a project in Project 2010. You click the Update Project button to set a Reschedule uncompleted work to start after date for the project. In this scenario, some scheduled work is unexpectedly deleted.
- Assume that you create a project in the English version of Project 2010 and you open the project in the French version of Project 2010. In some cases, the schedule of the project unexpectedly changes.
- Assume that you use the Save for Sharing feature in Project Server 2010 and you have the saved for sharing project open. When you change the value of an enterprise custom field and save the project, the change is not saved and the custom field reverts to the original value.
- When you view the allocation of resource in resource usage view, for example, the view may display the resource as overallocated even though no overallocation exists. To resolve the problem, you have to update the summary resources assignment (SRA) data.
February 2013
- Assume that you apply hotfix 2687386 in Project Professional 2010, and then you apply a group definition to create a custom group. Then, you open a project that contains summary resource assignments (SRAs). When you expand the "Other projects and commitments" node in Resource Usage view, the SRAs are not displayed with the corresponding resource.
- Assume that you apply hotfix 2687386 in Project Professional 2010. After you expand subtasks that correspond to project SRAs in Resource Usage view, you cannot collapse resource nodes.
- When you open a project plan in Project Professional 2010, actual work is applied to an assignment in the plan. However, the owner of the assignment did not submit any actual work to the assignment.
- Assume that you apply resource leveling to multiple projects, and the projects contain the same resource but have different booking types. In this situation, the "Level resources with the proposed booking type" option does not work as expected across multiple project plans.
- Assume that you print a view or report, and you specify that the pages be stabled together. When you print multiple copies of the view or report, all the copies are stapled together as one unit.
- Assume that a project contains a local resource whose name is the same as an enterprise resource. Additionally, the local resource is assigned to a task that is incomplete and a task this is 100 percent complete. When you save the project to a server, the local resource is assigned to the completed task, and the enterprise resource is assigned to the incomplete task.
December 2012
- When you try to sync a list of tasks from a SharePoint server in Project 2010, Project 2010 crashes. This issue occurs if the length of the URL in the Site URL box exceeds URL length limitations.
October 2012
- Assume that you open an existing project plan in Project Professional 2010 from Project Server 2010. When you select any kind of Resource Usage report in Visual Reports, you receive an error message that resembles the following:
- An unknown error has occurred.
- An error occurred and the requested action could not be completed at this time.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You save a project that shares resources from a resource pool project in Project 2010.
- You are prompted to also save changes to the resource pool project.
- You save changes.
- In this scenario, Project 2010 may crash.
- Assume that you have a task that has more than one resource assigned and at least one of the assigned resources has no Actual Work associated with it. Then you use the Update Projectoption to reschedule work for a time before the task's start date. In this scenario, all existing Actual Work for the assignments on the task is deleted.
- Assume that you enable the legacy formats in Project 2010. When you import text data to the project, you may receive an error message that resembles the following:
- An import error occurred.
- Check row n column n
- The number you entered is invalid or is outside the range for a Number field. Make sure you are typing only numbers and no letters or other characters in this field, or type a smaller number.
- Assume that you start Project Professional and it is connected to a server. In this situation, when you select to load summary resource assignment (SRA) information, you may see unexpected work overallocations problems.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You open a project from Project Server that contains enterprise lookup fields and values and then use the Save for Sharing feature.
- When you are disconnected from the server profile, you change the file in certain ways (for example, you edit the title, start, finish or duration).
- You reconnect to the project server and then save the file to the server.
- You open the plan.
- In this scenario, the values in the enterprise lookup field are lost.
- When you open a project file from a Project server, Project Note This occurs because the contour data on the project summary task has gone bad.
August 2012
- Assume that you add a resource to the plan of a project in Project Professional 2010 and then save the plan. After you publish the project to a Project server, you cannot open the plan from the server. This issue occurs because there are duplicate RES_OPTINDX values in the MSP_PROJECT_RESOURCES table.
- Duplicate project names are displayed for summary resource assignments under the Other Projects and Commitments section in Resource Usage view.
- After you apply the hotfix package that is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article 2536590 to the French version of Project Professional 2010, tasks in an .mpp file are scheduled incorrectly. This issue occurs because Project Professional 2010 uses a wrong Note For more information about KB article 2536590, click the following article number to view it:
- 2536590 ( )
- Description of the Project 2010 hotfix package (project-x-none.msp): June 28, 2011
- Assume that you view a plan in Resource Usage view and apply a grouping on the view. When you select the Maintain Hierarchy in Current Group option, Project 2010 crashes.
- When you view the baseline work field for an unassigned resource by using Resource Usage view, incorrect values are displayed in the baseline work field.
- When you publish a project that contains defined enterprise flag fields, the number of records in the MSP_TASK_CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUES_SHADOW table doubles in the published Note To resolve this issue, you should apply the update that is described in this article and then apply the update that is described in KB article 2687390 on the Project server. For more information about the update, click the following article number:
- 2687390 ( )
- Description of the Project Server 2010 hotfix package (Pjsrvwfe-x-none): August 28, 2012
- When you set the list separator in Regional Settings to a character other than a comma (,), the following issues occur:
- You cannot use Form view to create task dependencies.
- You cannot assign resources to a task. For example, you cannot assign resources to a task by using the Assign Resources dialog box.
- A resource in a summary field that shows summary resource assignments is displayed as overallocated unexpectedly.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You schedule a project from the project finish date.
- You create a task in the project and assign two resources to the task.
- You start one of the assignments.
- You click the Reschedule uncompleted work to start after: button to update the project.
- In this scenario, the scheduled work for an assignment that is not started is reduced.
- Assume that you enable the Keep local with base calendar optionon resources when you use the import wizard to import a project from Project Professional 2010 to a Project server. When the import wizard finishes and you view the Resource Center through Project Web App, resources that are supposed to be local to the imported project are displayed unexpectedlyas enterprise resources.
- When an assignment has a protected actual work field that contains a zero value in Project Professional 2010, the assignment cannot be completed.
- When you enter timephased actual work for a period of time on an assignment in a manually scheduled task, the actual work value is divided and displayed in two periods of time.
June 2012
- Assume that the Protected Actuals feature is enabled in a project, and you use a date auto filter in Project 2010. Additionally, assume that you set actual work in the project. When you save the project and then sync the actual work, the actual work is not cleared.
- Assume that you perform earned value calculations in a task that has cost resource assignments. When you manually change costs in the task, the estimate at completion (EAC) values are calculated incorrectly.
- Assume that you open a project in Project Server 2010. When you save the project in a different file format, the project on the server contains orphan baseline records.
- Assume that you create some enterprise custom fields that contain rollups in a project. When you change the project in Project 2010, the values that should be rolled up are not immediately visible. Additionally, the values that should be rolled up are not saved.
- Assume that you create an enterprise custom field that is based on a hierarchical lookup table. When you group the items in the field, the items are not grouped hierarchically.
- If a task has a duration of less than a month, and if you enter the actual cost for the month in the time-phased view, the actual cost is divided between the days in the month.
- When you disable the "Save protected baseline" option in Project 2010, you can change the Baseline Start, Baseline Finish, and Baseline Duration fields unexpectedly.
- Assume that you disable the "Actual costs are always calculated by project" option, and then you assign a cost resource to a task. When the assignment is finished, all time-phased costs and actual costs are cleared unexpectedly.
April 2012
- Assume that a certain unit is incompatible with the upper unit in the Timescale dialog box in Project 2010. When you try to change the Label drop-down list or the Aligndrop-down list, you receive the following warning message:
- Tier size mismatch: An upper tier has less time per tick than one of the tiers below it.
- Trying the following:
- Change the value in the tier’s Units box.
- Change the number of units you want displayed in the tier’s Count box.
- Additionally, every time that you click the OK button or the Close button in the warning message, you receive the warning message again.
- When Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code is executed from a ribbon button in Project 2010, the End statement does not work. Additionally, you receive the following error message:
- Automation error
- Assume that you have a milestone task that is in the Manually Scheduled task mode in a project plan in Project Professional 2010. If you set the duration of the milestone task to 0 days, and then you define an actual start date and actual finish date, the milestone task is 100 percent complete. However, when you reopen the project plan, the manually scheduled milestone task is 99 percent complete. Additionally, when you open the project in Project Web App, the manually scheduled milestone task is also 99 percent complete.
- When you try to scroll up and down in the Resource Usage view in Project 2010, the grid jumps to the active cell.
- Assume that the Protected Actuals feature is enabled and that a resource contains an assignment that is 100 percent completed in Project 2010. In this situation, you cannot transfer the Remaining Work part of other assignments in the resource to a different resource by using the Replace functionality in the Build Team dialog box.
- When you try to open a project that contains some invalid lookup table values, Project 2010 crashes.
- Assume that you include some milestone tasks in a summary task in Project Professional 2010. Then, you assign some cost resources to the milestone tasks. Finally, you select the From subtasks into selected summary task(s) check box in the Set Baseline dialog box. In this situation, the value of the Baseline Cost field does not roll up to the summary task.
- When you try to clear the Generate WBS code for new task check box in the WBS Code Definition in ProjectName dialog box, the check box remains selected.
- Assume that you save a project that contains more than 255 resources as an .xml file in Project 2010. Then, you open the .xml file as a new project. In this situation, the resource notes contain corrupted data.
- Assume that you open a project that has at least one baseline saved and that is in the Project 2007 format from a Project server. Additionally, you do not have permission to save protected baselines. Then, you save the project in the Project 2010 format. In this situation, all data in the protected baselines in the project is lost.
- Assume that you change a calendar on a project server. Then, you open a project that relies on the calendar. In this situation, Project 2010 crashes.
February 2012
- Assume that you open a project that contains Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code in Project 2010. When you use the Save As command to replace the existing file many times, the save process eventually fails. Additionally, the project is corrupted and cannot be opened.
- You create an .mpp file that was saved from a Project server by using the Save for Sharingcommand. When you try to resave the .mpp file back to the Project server in Project 2010, the save process fails, and you receive the following error message:
- Project Server was unable to find the specified resource. If the problem continues, contact your server administrator.
- This issue occurs when the list separator character that is contained in resource names within the .mpp file on the client differs from the list separator character on the server.
- When you open a project that contains a milestone task that has actual work but does not have an actual work contour, Project Professional 2010 crashes.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a subtask whose progress is set to incomplete.
- The summary task of the sub task has a predecessor task.
- You schedule the predecessor task to finish at a later date.
- In this scenario, the remaining duration of the sub task is not split, and the remaining duration of the sub task is not pushed to begin after the predecessor task finishes.
- When you open and edit a project that contains some cost resource assignments that have actual cost values in Project 2010, some resource assignments are not marked as completed. And if you set the assignments to complete and then save the project, the next time that you open the project, the assignments are incomplete. Additionally, the finish dates of the assignments are extended.
- After you open and work on a project in Project 2010 for a while, the user interface does not draw correctly, and you may be unable to save the project.
- Assume that a task that has resource assignments and actual work values is changed into a summary task in a Project 2010 project. In this situation, the actual work values in the summary task may differ from the actual work values that were in the original task. Or, the actual work values may be lost.
- Consider the following scenario in Project 2010:
- You change the Hours per day setting to a real number value (for example, you change the setting to 7.6). You also change the Work is entered in setting to Days on the Schedule tab under Options.
- You assign a material resource to a task.
- You type a value in the work field or in the actual work field (for example, you type 1 in the work field or in the actual work field) in Task Usage view.
- In this scenario, the value in the work field or in the actual work field is incorrect (in the example, the value is displayed incorrectly as 1.09).
- Project 2010 crashes when you save a project. This issue may occur when summary resource assignments are loaded.
December 2011
- When you use VBA code to create a custom solution for a custom field in Project 2010, and then you change the value of the custom field in the Project Information dialog box, the ProjectBeforeTaskChange event is not raised as expected.
- When you try to save a project in Project 2010, the save operation fails and you receive the following error message:
- The following job failed to complete.
- Job Type: Save
- Error ID: 9000(0x2328)
- Error Description:
- The project could not be saved to the server. Please retry saving the project. If the problem persists, save the project as a MPP file and contact your system administrator.
- Note To resolve this issue, apply this hotfix package on the Project client computer and the Project server.
- Consider the following scenario. You select the Actual costs are always calculated by project option in a project and you manually enter the actual costs of a cost resource into the project. You save and close the project. Then, you open the project in Project 2010. In this situation, Project 2010 crashes.
- Assume that the status updates for a project are accepted. When you open, save, and then publish the project plan for the project in Project 2010, not all the accepted actual overtime work values are displayed in the project plan.
- When you change a custom field in a project and then publish the project in Project 2010, the graphical indicator for the custom field is not displayed in the Project Center.
October 2011
- When you change certain values in a project that contains many tasks in Project 2010, Project 2010 takes a long time to recalculate the project.
- Consider the following scenarios:
- You change the timephased work in a Project 2010 project.
- You change the remaining work for a task or assignment in a Project 2010 project.
- You enter a time value for the timephased work, and the time scale granularity is more than one day.
- In these scenarios, the actual work is rescheduled unexpectedly. Additionally, you do not receive a message that notifies you that the project is out of sync with the Project server.
- When you try to print an .mpp file directly from Windows Explorer, you receive the following error message:
- An unexpected error occurred.
- Project 2010 stops responding when you try to open a project that contains incorrect, manually scheduled task date values.
- When you open a Network Diagram view in Project 2010, and you print or print preview a project, the fill color of the task boxes is the same as the border color of the task boxes. Therefore, the text inside the task boxes appears fuzzy or unreadable. This issue specifically occurs when you use a black-and-white printer to print preview a project or to print a project.
- When the custom duration fields are defined in an Office Project 2007 project, you may be unable to open the project file in Project 2010.
- When you try to update deliverables or dependencies in a project that contains more than 159 deliverables, the update process may fail.
August 2011
- When you restore projects from backups in Project 2010, the deliverables and dependencies are restored incorrectly.
- Assume that you have a milestone that has a task link in its own project and a cross-project link from a different project. In this case, the cross-project link incorrectly schedules if the date format does not display the time.
- When you create a visual report in a master project, Project 2010 crashes.
- Assume that you clear the local cache after you change the task data. In this case, the custom flag field values are lost.
- Assume that you click a resource after the Links Between Projects dialog box appears. In this case, Project 2010 crashes when you switch to the Resource Sheet view on a customer file.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You create a deliverable that has a finish date for a task in Project 2010.
- You create another task.
- You add a dependency for the two tasks. In this scenario, the dependency finish date that is shown in the Gantt chart differs from the finish date that is shown in the Dependency pane.
- When you click the Reschedule uncompleted work to start after button, remaining work is not rescheduled if only a material resource is assigned to a task in Project 2010.
- Project 2010 crashes when projects in a master project calculate contour information.
- Task names and other demand-loaded properties are lost after you perform undo actions in Project 2010.
June 2011
- A Microsoft Project 2010 report enables you to select and print a specific data range. For example, you can print all tasks, resources, assignments or all time scaled dates. When you try to print a specific data range in a report in Project 2010, the whole data range is printed.
- Project Professional 2010 may crash or suddenly disappear without any crash error message when you save a project plan to a Project server.
- You cannot receive correct values for the % Complete field, and the Cumulative % Complete field by using the VBA code in Project 2010.
- Project 2010 may stop responding (hang) when you use the Team Planner view.
- Assume that you use Project Web Application to apply status updates to a task. When you open the task in Project 2010, the updates for the actual work are lost.
- After you import a project plan in Project 2010 from a format such as TXT, CSV or Excel, all new baselines (baseline 1 to baseline 10) are duplicated as the default baseline for all tasks.
- When you clear the baseline in a view, such as the Task Usage view, certain assignment baseline cost values are not cleared.
- When you open a Project 2003 plan in Project 2010, the task outline collapsed or expanded state displays incorrectly. Additionally, the percentage complete status of the summary tasks also displays incorrectly.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You create a project plan that contains a task in Project 2010.
- You configure a baseline for the project plan.
- You click the Project Information command to change the project status date.
- You change the date in the Reschedule uncompleted work to start after: list in the Update Project window.
- You click the File tab, and then you select the Options option to change to a date format that does not include elements such as the year or the time.
- In this scenario, the Gantt bar for the task's baseline draws in an incorrect place.
- Assume that you view a task in a new Window, and then you edit the task name on task name field in Project 2010. When you reproduce these two steps for many times, the data in the task disappears. Additionally, Project 2010 may stop responding.
- You add actual cost values to a resource assignment in a project. Then, you open the project in Project 2010. In this situation, Project 2010 crashes.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You add a new task into a project in Project 2010.
- You receive a prompt to save and check in the project when you close the project.
- You click OK on the prompt dialog box to save and check in the project.
- You immediately close the prompt dialog box before the project is checked in.
- You click Yes when another prompt dialog box pops out to prompt to check in the project.
- In this scenario, the project is saved. However, it is not checked in.
- You clear the Link to Project check box in the Insert Project dialog box when you try to insert tasks into a project in Project Professional 2010. Then, you open the project. In this situation, Project Professional 2010 crashes.
- Assume that a SOAP error occurs in Project Professional 2010. When you view more information about the error in the error dialog box for a while, and then you click OK on the error dialog box, Project Professional 2010 crashes.
- Assume that you type a Korean character as a task name in a project. When you want to change the task name to another Korean character that has the same initial consonant and middle consonant as the former Korean character, Project 2010 generates the final consonant as the former Korean character automatically. Additionally, you cannot change the final Note A Korean character consists of three components, initial consonant, middle consonant and final consonant in Korean language.
- The ProjectBeforeTaskChange event does not trigger in Project 2010 when you click the Mark On Track button in the ribbon.
- Certain actual work and orphaned pending updates are missing in Project Professional 2010 when you select the Save for Sharing option for a project file from a Project Note This issue occurs because the project file is saved locally with different GUIDs when you select the Save for Sharing option for the project file.
Service Pack 1 (SPI)
- 32-bit - Download the Microsoft Project 2010 32-bit Service Pack 1 package now.
- (
- 64-bit - Download the Microsoft Project 2010 64-bit Service Pack 1 package now.
- (
- List of fixes - Download the Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 Changes.xlsx package now.
- ( Office 2010 Service Pack 1 Changes.xlsx)
April 2011
- When you try to save a project in Microsoft Project 2010, the Start1 to Start10 fields, and the Finish1 to Finish10 fields that are related to a task’s interim baseline may be lost. This issue occurs when the fields are not visible in an active table when you save the project.
- Project 2010 crashes when you copy a task in a master project that contains a local custom field. This issue specially occurs when the local custom field in the master project has a lookup table defined. However, the local custom field in a subproject does not have a lookup table defined.
- Project Professional 2010 may crash when you try to save a project in Project Professional 2010.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You create a deliverable that has a finish date for a task in Project 2010.
- You create another task.
- You add a dependency for the two tasks.
- In this scenario, the dependency finish date that is shown in the Gantt chart differs from the finish date that is shown in the Dependency pane.
February 2011
- When you save a project plan in Microsoft Project 2010, and then you reopen this project plan, you experience one of the following symptoms:
- Assignments are moved to other tasks.
- Data is missing.
- Data is moved around.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You configure a Project Server 2010 server to operate in Backwards Compatibility mode.
- You have a project plan that contains cross-project dependencies.
- You connect to the Project server by using Project Professional 2010, and then you open the project plan.
- You try to save the project.
- In this scenario, Project 2010 crashes. Additionally, you receive an error message that resembles the following:
- Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
- Application Name: WINPROJ.EXE
- Application Version: 14.0.4751.1000
- Application Timestamp: 4b8e2679
- Fault Module Name: WINPROJ.EXE
- Fault Module Version: 14.0.4751.1000
- Fault Module Timestamp: 4b8e2679
- Exception Code: c0000005
- Exception Offset: 00000000001282c0
- OS Version: 6.1.7600.
- Locale ID: 1033
- Project 2010 crashes when you update cross-project links through the Links Between Projects dialog box.
- When you select to display a baseline in the Gantt Chart view, bars that represent milestones or summary tasks do not display.
December 2010
- In Microsoft Project 2010, when you changean assignment value by using code, the ProjectBeforeAssignmentChange event is not triggered as expected.
- Project 2010 is not designed to enable users to create a project deliverable against Project Summary Task. However, you can create a project deliverable against Project Summary Task in Project 2010. Therefore, when you try to manage the project deliverable, you receive the following error message:
- An error has occurred in the script on this page.
- Line: line number
- Char: character number
- Error:error
- Code: code number
- Consider the following scenario:
- You insert two custom text fields into a Project 2010 plan.
- You type text in a column of the first text field.
- You copy the whole column from the first text field and then paste it into the second text field.
- In this scenario, the second text field contains additional spaces within the values that are pasted.
- Project 2010 may crash when resources are disconnected from a pool of shared resources. Specifically, this issue occurs when a project is closed.
October 2010
- Assume that you open an .mpp file from a document library in the Explorer View. When you open a second .mpp file, Microsoft Project 2010 crashes. Additionally, you receive the following error message:
- Microsoft Project has stopped working
- A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
August 2010 - No client release in August 2010
June 2010
- When you use the Visual Reports feature in Project 2010, you receive an error message that states that you do not have access to the .mdb
- Some Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) methods such as FileOpen, FileOpenEx, and OutlineIndent, do not raise error messages when they should.
- You copy formatted cells from an Excel workbook and then paste them into the Task Name column in Project 2010. When you click to select the Match Destination Formatting option from the Paste Options list, Project 2010 may Note If you use the option button directly, this issue does not occur.
- You insert many tasks into a project that is connected to a server. When you save, close, and then reopen the project, all null (empty) tasks in the file are moved.
- When you print or preview a project that has a dependency to a task and that task ends up as the last task on the page, the link line goes off the left side of the pageWhen you print or preview a project that has a dependency to a task and that task ends up as the last task on the page, the link line goes off the left side of the page toward infinity.
- When you click Replace All, Project 2010 crashes. For example, Project 2010 crashes when you click Replace All to replace TaskName to TaskName2.
- If a subproject task on the timeline is deleted from the subproject, the timeline data becomes corrupted, and tasks cannot be added to the Timeline view.
- When you save a project as an XML file, the values that are in that XML file do not have a period as the XML decimal symbol. Instead, the values have a decimal symbol that is determined by the regional settings. For example, the values are the cost values.
RTM Initial Release