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This page lists all of the released Cumulative Updates (CU), Service Packs (SP) and infrastructure update for Project Server 2010 from RTM to June 2012. From February 2015 onwards all fixes are shipped in Public Updates PU). From March 2015 client updates available via Windows Update and Download Center, server updates only via Download Center. They are listed in reverse date order - newest at the top. The CUs are normally available in a 'rollup' package that also includes the SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation CUs as well as one (sometimes two) 'Individual' packages which just contain the Project Server fixes. Each of these packages is cumulative, including all the previous fixes back to the last baseline (either the initial release or a Service Pack). In some months a rollup package did not get released. I have also recorded the version you will see in the dbo.Versions table in the Project Server database after applying each update and running the configuration wizard. In some months this does not get incremented if there were no database changes.
Rollup - Individual - and Database Version - 14.0.6122.5000
- Consider the following scenario:
- You create a user account in Project Web Access (PWA), and you enable Exchange Synchronization for the user account.
- You create a new plan that contains many tasks in Project 2010.
- You assign the user account to all the tasks.
- You save and then publish the plan in Project Server 2010.
- You log on to the mailbox of the user account that you created to see whether the task list is synchronized.
In this scenario, duplicate tasks are created in the task list in Microsoft Outlook.
- You cannot edit security categories that contain more than 1000 projects when one or more projects in the security categories are archived and then renamed.
- You cannot submit a project to the next stage of a demand management workflow in Project Server 2010.
- When a team resource tries to self-assign a task, the task is still displayed in the task list and is not assigned correctly to the team resource.
- When you change a project summary task in Project Server 2010, the timephased budget cost information for cost resources is lost.
- When Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) contains an inactive user, the Project Server security group synchronization process fails.
- Timephased remaining costs and actual costs are calculated incorrectly in the report database in Project Server 2010.
- When you set a custom date field to NA in Project Server 2010, the date 1/3/84 is displayed unexpectedly in the field.
- Values in a custom field are not displayed in Project Professional 2010 or in Project Web App (PWA). This issue occurs when the custom field can contain multiple values. However, the values are displayed in Project Professional 2010 or in PWA after you clear the local project cache.
- After you save a value in the cost formula field on a Project Detail Page (PDP), an incorrect value is displayed. This issue also occurs in the percentage formula field.
- After you accept status updates for a project in Project Server 2010, the project displays actual work that is submitted through PWA as an incorrect decimal value. For example, a project displays .48h as the actual work even though you submitted .5h as the actual work.
- Assume that you self-assign a task in Project Server 2010, and then you open a new timesheet that contains an assignment without any planned work. In this situation, the task enterprise custom field does not populate values as expected.
- Assume that you edit a task by using the Schedule Web Part in the Project Center. When you try to close and update the task, you receive the following message:
- When you update the status of certain projects, the status update job fails. Additionally, you receive the following error message:
Status approval internal error: StatusingInternalError (3116)
- When you publish a Project Detail Page (PDP) in Project Server 2010, the values in an enterprise custom field are lost. This issue occurs even when you do not change the project schedule in the PDP.
- Buttons on the ribbon are disabled for certain tasks in the Approval Center. This issue is caused by a script error that occurs on the Approval Center page.
Rollup - Individual - Database Version 14.0.6119.5000
- When a project manager approves status updates, and then publishes a project plan from Project Web App (PWA), the field that is calculated based on a cost rate table contains an incorrect value.
- Assume that you configure an auto-publish rule for projects in Project Server 2010. When a project is checked out, the auto-publish rule does not publish the project as expected. Additionally, all successive auto-publish jobs are skipped, and other projects that meet the auto-publish rule are not published.
- You cannot change the user logon account information to an account that does not exist in the Manage Users page. Additionally, you receive the following error message:
The NT account specified is invalid. Check the spelling of the user name, verify that a valid domain name was included, and check that a duplicate domain was not used.
- It takes a long time to create a portfolio analysis in Project Server 2010 when the Analyze time-phased project resource requirements against organizational resource capacity check box is selected.It takes a long time to display the Resource Availability page when you click the Resource Availability button on the Resource Center view.
- When you try to access a Project Center view that has a filter which filters by a value field of a custom lookup table, you receive the following error message:
Unknown Error
- Assume that you back up a project that contains a resource plan. After you restore the project, the resource plan disappears.
- Project Server 2010 deletes resources and assignments from projects unexpectedly.
Rollup - Individual - Database Version - 14.0.
- Consider the following scenario: When you use the Project Server Interface (PSI) to update an enterprise custom field on a local resource, the values in the enterprise custom field that are associated with the local resource are lost.
- You set the system time zone to a setting between UTC and UTC +12:00 on a Project Server 2010 server.
- You set a date period for a project in the Date Range dialog box by using Project Web App (PWA). For example, you set the Date Range when you edit a resource plan.
- You view the date value on the Date Range group on the ribbon.
- Assume that you create a timesheet that contains a task. The task has a Flag enterprise custom field that is set to Roll down. In this situation, the timesheet is not created successfully. Additionally, you receive the following error message:
The Timesheet creation failed, because of problems with the project server or with data validations, such as resources not being valid work resources or users. Check your environment, and then try again.
- When you add a task to a timesheet in a project whose name contains an ampersand (&), you receive the following error message:
An unknown error has occurred.
- Assume that a status manager rejects some updates to a user's timesheet and publishes the project plan. Then, the user resubmits the rejected values. In this situation, the timesheet is displayed as approved. However, the re-submitted updates do not appear in the approval center or in the project plan.
- When a resource pool is resynchronized with Active Directory, the Exchange Server Synchronize Tasks property flag for users is reset. Therefore, users are not synchronized with the Exchange Server until the Synchronize Tasks settings are re-enabled.
- When you try to set actual work for a manually scheduled task on a nonworking day, the actual work values that are displayed in PWA, such as in My Tasks, may not appear. For example, five hours of actual work entered on Sunday may be displayed as zero hours in My Tasks.
- The Task Hierarchy field in a timesheet view is not populated until the timesheet is saved. This issue occurs when one of the following conditions is true: Assume that you have a fixed duration task that has more than one enterprise resource assigned. Then, a user updates the actual work of a resource in the task by using Project Web Access (PWA). In this case, the task-level % Complete and Actual Duration values are not updated correctly when you view the task in Project Professional.
- An existing task that is assigned to a resource has no planned or actual work during the period of a newly created timesheet.
- A new task is assigned to a resource, and a user opens an existing timesheet period that contains the new assignment.
- When you publish projects, you receive the following error message in the queue:
Queue Error: General Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Queue.Message: ProjectPublishFailure (23000). Details: id='23000' name='ProjectPublishFailure' uid='<uid>' projectuid='<projectuid>' messagetype='Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.QueueMsg.UpdateSRAMessage: projectUid = <projectuid>' messageID='179' stage='' blocking='Block'. Queue: GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000) - ProjectPublish.UpdateSRAMessage. Details: id='26000' name='GeneralQueueJobFailed' uid='<uid>' JobUID='<jobuid>' ComputerName='<computername>' GroupType='ProjectPublish' MessageType='UpdateSRAMessage' MessageId='179' Stage=''. For more details, check the ULS logs on machine <computername> for entries with JobUID <jobuid>.
- Assume that you have a multiple-value custom field that is referred from a formula in an enterprise project custom field. In this situation, when the formula is recalculated on the server, you do not receive a list of all selected values. Instead, you receive only the last value. For example, a multiple-value custom field displays the values A1, A1.1, C, C1.1, and C1.2. However, the formula on the server returns the value C1.2 only.
Rollup - Individual - Database Version - 14.0.6114.5000
- Consider the following scenario: Assume a PWA site administrator disables the Allow future time reporting setting on a Project Server 2010 server that has single entry mode enabled. In this situation, when you submit a timesheet, an error occurs.
- You create a Project Web App (PWA) site on a Project Server 2010 server that has single entry mode enabled.
- You recall a timesheet through the PWA site.
- You review the timesheet on the PWA site.
- When you create a project template that contains a custom calendar, you cannot use Project Server Interface (PSI) to create a project from the project template.
- When a timesheet approval job fails, the timesheet appears in the approval list. Then, when you approve the timesheet for the second time, a TimesheetIncorrectMode error occurs. Additionally, you receive the following detailed information about the error:
There has been an error processing a timesheet for which you are/were responsible. Check your approvals list to locate the offending timesheet if one exists. The error condition may be related to the fact that Timesheets are a state driven feature; therefore, the allowable values for processing are dependent upon the existing value which for this transaction was 3.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You apply Service Pack 1 for a non-English language pack on a Project Server 2010 server.
- You create a PWA site that uses the same non-English language.
- You apply the hotfix package that is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article 2536600.
- You log on to the PWA site.
- Consider the following scenario: Assume that you specify a minimum version level required by Project clients to connect to a Project server in Project Server 2010. When you use a Project client that does not meet the minimum version level required to connect to the Project server, the client connects to the server successfully. However, the client should be unable to connect to the server.
- You add an enterprise custom field that includes a formula to a project.
- The formula references a baseline field that is set to NA.
- You save the project from a Project Detail page.
- You review the project through PWA.
- When you try to save a project to a Project Server 2010 server, you receive the following error message:
The following job failed to complete. Job Type: Save Error ID: 9000(0x2328) Error Description: The project could not be saved to the server. Please retry saving the project. If the problem persists, save the project as a MPP file and contact your system administrator.
- Assume that you set the Publish field to No for a task that is already published in a project. After you publish the project to a Project Server 2010 server, all the pending status approval items are rejected on the Approval Center page.Note This hotfix package does not change the rejection behavior for reassigned, self-assigned, or newly created tasks. In these cases, if you set the Publish field to No, all the pending approval items are still rejected on the Approval Center page.
- Assume that a workflow for a project is successfully completed. When you try to open the project by using PWA after 60 days, you receive the following error message:
- When you use the TimesheetCreated event to customize a timesheet in Project Server 2010, the timesheet does not display the correct data.
- When you accept updates for a task in Project Web App (PWA), the duration and actual work values for certain tasks are lost.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You add an enterprise custom field which is based on a lookup table to a timesheet in Project Server 2010.
- You update the timesheet.
- You submit the timesheet.
- You view the Approval Center.
- Consider the following scenario: Assume that you close a task to prevent that task from being updated in a timesheet in Project Server 2010. When you recall a timesheet to which the task was previously added, the task disappears from the timesheet.
- You set yourself as the assignment owner of a material resource in the Assignment Owner field in Project Server 2010.
- You assign the material resource to a new task in a project.
- You save and publish the project.
- You view the new task on the My Tasks page in PWA.
- When you group by projects in the Timesheet view in PWA, PWA displays duplicate project names.
- Consider the following scenario: Consider the following scenario. You add a Task Hierarchy field to the Timesheet view in PWA. Then, you add a new assignment to the timesheet. In this situation, the Task Hierarchy field does not display the task hierarchy details. However, the Task Hierarchy field displays the task hierarchy details after you save the timesheet.
- You create custom fields that are associated with tasks in PWA.
- You update a task together with the custom field information on the My Timesheets page.
- You import the results into the My Tasks page.
- Consider the following scenario. You log on to PWA as a project manager. You approve a task and enter many characters into the comments text box in the Approval Center. In this scenario, you receive the following error message:
An Error occurred while processing one or more items. This was caused by one of the following: A timesheet job is failed and blocking correlation in the queue. The approval item no longer exists or has already been approved. The host server is unreachable.
- This hotfix configures the Approval Center to highlight task updates when a task is updated in Project Server 2010.
- When you apply updates on a completed task that does not have an actual start date, task scheduling fails in Project Server 2010.
- Assume that you first set a large value for the actual work on a material assignment in Project Server 2010. Then, youreduce the value. In this case, the actual work is saved incorrectly for the material resource.
- Assume that you click Send to submit a timesheet in Project Server 2010. You click Send again when the timesheet is being processed in the queue. In this case, a TimesheetIncorrectMode error occurs.
- Task scheduling fails in Project Server 2010 if a project contains links to tasks that do not exist.
- Consider the following scenario: The scheduling feature changes a task’s start date to an earlier date under certain conditions. This issue may cause task scheduling to fail in Project Server 2010.
- You have a project that has a material resource.
- The material resource is assigned to a task.
- The material resource has no cost.
- The cost accrual is set to the start of the assignment.
- Assume that you open a timesheet for a future period of time. Then, you click Save. In this case, additional lines are added into the timesheet.
- You may experience one or more of the following issues in Project Server 2010: When a project manager makes a change to an assignment in Project Server 2010, resources receive an email message notification even if the assignment is completed.
- When you update a timesheet line, you may receive the following error message:
An unhandled exception occurred in Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Statuing.StatusingSendGridUpdatesForNodeConsistency.
- When you save a timesheet, the queue job fails. Additionally, the following message is logged in the Unified Logging Service (ULS) log:
assert - resume_computation error.
- When you update a timesheet line, you may receive the following error message:
- The reporting database update job fails in Project Server 2010. Therefore, other jobs that are marked with "waiting to be processed" that follow the update job in the queue are auto canceled.
- When you click the This is an Enterprise Project. Click this icon to open the Project for editing in Project Professional icon to open a project in read/write mode in the Project Center, the project opens in read-only mode.
- You cannot use the QueueUpdateProject project server interface (PSI) to change a project owner if you do not have Save permission in Project Server 2010.
Rollup - Individual - Database Version - 14.0.6105.5000
- Assume that you edit a project plan through a Project Web App (PWA) site that is hosted in Microsoft Project Server 2010. When you try to calculate the project plan, you receive the following error message:
An error occurred while scheduling the project. Try to schedule the project again in a moment. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.
- No cancellation feedback message displays when you perform a cancel operation in a PWA site that is hosted on Project Server 2010.
- Assume that you perform a cancel operation for the Project Publishing event, the Project Summary Publishing event, or the Project Updating Scheduling Project event in a project detail page (PDP) in Project Server 2010. In this situation, no cancellation notification message is displayed.
- An exception occurs when you synchronize users from a domain that does not contain a Project Server 2010 server.
- You cannot create timesheets when you migrate databases from Office Project Server 2007 to Project Server 2010.Note This issue occurs because the Project Name field is removed from the My Timesheet view when an Office Project Server 2007 instance is configured.
- When you enable Single Entry Mode on a Project Server 2010 server, resources can remove themselves from a task through PWA even though they have added actual work to the task. Therefore, the approved actual work is deleted from the Project server.
- You edit a project plan that contains a custom field in a project detail page in Project Server 2010. Additionally, the custom field includes a formula. You save and check in the project plan, and then you visit another page before the save and check in request is completed. In this situation, the project plan may remain in a checked-out state.
- Assume that you try to approve a task that has a summary task as its predecessor or successor in Project Server 2010. When you preview the task’s status update in the Status Update Preview page, you receive the following error message:
The view failed to load. Press OK to reload this view with the default settings. Press Cancel to select another view.
- You cannot open multiple projects from the PWA that is hosted on a Project Server 2010 server when the list separator is not a comma.
- The PSI returns incorrect results when lots of Project Server Interface (PSI) calls are sent to the ASMX interface in Project Server 2010.
- Consider the following scenario: You cannot sort your assignments on the My Timesheet page in Project Server 2010.
- You log on to the My Timesheets page through PWA.
- You open an already approved timesheet in the My Timesheets page.
- You recall your timesheet.
- You change actual work on a task in the timesheet.
- You add actual work to a nonworking administrative time category.
- You save the timesheet, and then you submit it.
- You open the project plan in a Project 2010 client after actual work is synchronized with the project plan.
- When you log on to a project site through PWA, and then you try to view an issue that links to a deleted project task, you receive one of the following error messages:
An error has occurred in the script on this page.An unexpected error has occurred.
- When you enable the Use this field for matching generic resources option in PWA, the Roll down, unless manually specified optionin the Calculation for Assignment rows section is disabled unexpectedly.
- Assume that you delete values in the Enterprise Custom Field (ECF) of a task through PWA. In this situation, any following update for the task cannot be saved. Additionally, there is no message that indicates the save operation failed.
- The OnUpdatingScheduledProject event handler method that cancels updates for a project does not work in Project Server 2010.
- Assume that you try to manage users on the Manage Users page in Project Server 2010. When you try to deactivate a user who is not listed on the first page, you receive an error message.
- The NullRefrenceException exception may occur when you create a project by using the PSI in Project Server 2010.
- Consider the following scenario: Assume that you perform a cube building operation on a PWA site that uses Claims based authentication. In this situation, Windows NT accounts are not automatically added to the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cube role.
- A project manager accesses the Approval Center page by using PWA.
- The project manager accepts task status updates from a team member.
- The project manager verifies that the status update queue job is finished successfully.
- The project manager opens the project plan, and then views the updated task status.
- The user delegation feature does not work for pages that directly call Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) in a Claims based authentication PWA site.
- When a status manager accepts updates for tasks in Project Server 2010, the status of the update job is listed as processing on the Manage Queue page and never finishes.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You enableSingle Entry Mode in a PWA site.
- You create a delegation for a user.
- You start a delegation session as the user’s delegation.
- You create a timesheet, and then you save it.
Timesheet has already been created by either the timesheet owner or a delegate. Refresh this page to get an up-to-date list of timesheets. - Consider the following scenario:
- You create a user account in a PWA site.
- You add the user account to a group that only has the permission to see a project's details, but not to open the project.
- You use the account to log on to the PWA site to see the project’s details.
Error: Access Denied. - Consider the following scenario. You edit a project through PWA. The edit operation starts a server-side scheduling process. In this scenario, you cannot save the project successfully. Additionally, you receive the following error message in the Unified Logging Service (ULS) log:
Download - List of fixes - Database Version 14.0.6027.1000
Rollup - Individual - Database Version - 14.0.5137.5000
- Assume that a master project has a subproject that contains more than 100 tasks in Microsoft Project Server 2010. You try to view the master project tasks from Project Detail Pages. In this situation, not all the tasks are visible. Additionally, the subproject tasks collapse unexpectedly.
- Consider the following scenario: You try to select certain time periods on the My Tasks page through Project Web App (PWA). You click the Next button multiple times on the My Tasks page. In this situation, a time period start date is a day earlier than what it should be.
- You have a single entry mode in Project Server 2010.
- You update the timesheet line for a task assignment.
- You submit the task status and the timesheet.
- You try to delete the project that contains the task after the timesheet is approved.
Rollup - Individual - Database Version - 14.0.5130.5000 (Not updated - same as December)
- You enable Single Entry Mode on a Microsoft Project Server 2010 server, and then you send a timesheet. In this situation, the task status manager does not receive an email message notification for status updates.
- Consider the following scenario: When many users try to create timesheets on a Project Server 2010 server at the same time, the user who first submits a timesheet creation request receives an error message. In this situation, the rest of users can create timesheets successfully. However, the timesheets that are created do not contain administrative line items.
- You create a custom field in a Project Web App site.
- The site is hosted on a Project Server 2010 server and has a non-English locale.
- The custom field contains a graphical indicator that is based on formulas.
- You save the custom field, and then you open it again.
- You assign a resource to an existing project plan in Project Server 2010. Then, the resource inserts a row in a timesheet. In this situation, there is no top-level summary task that is listed for the plan in the menu of the row.
- When lots of users try to create timesheets at the same time on a Project Server 2010 server, the following issues occur: Assume that you edit a project in a project detail page (PDP) in Project Server 2010. When you select to save and check in the project, then you visit another page before the save and check in request is completed. In this situation, the project may be left in a checked out state.
- Certain users cannot create timesheets successfully. Additionally they receive an error message.
- The timesheets that are created do not contain administrative lines. In this situation, users cannot add time to the timesheets.
- When you try to save a project in Project Server 2010, you receive the following error message:
Individual - and Database Version - 14.0.5130.5000
- In Project Web App (PWA), you cannot change the value in the Actual Start field on the My Work Tasks page.
- Consider the following scenario:In Project Professional 2010 you save the baselines for a project. Then, you use the Update Tasks command to update the tasks in the project. In this situation, the baseline values that you previously saved are lost.
- You are a team member of a project in Project Server 2010.
- You only have permissions to view projects in PWA.
- You drill into the project.
An unexpected error has occurred. - In Project Server 2010, you try to change the owner for a project in the Project Information Project Detail Page (PDP). However, you cannot change the project owner in the Owner field when the new owner does not have the Save permission on the project.
- In Project Server 2010, you cannot create a PWA site that uses a host header name. Instead, the site can only use the server name.
- Consider the following scenario. In Project Server 2010 you create a site by using the Microsoft Project Site template. Then, you try to access the Cost column in the Risks page of the new project site. In this scenario, you receive the following error message:
An unexpected error has occurred.
Rollup - Individual - Database Version - 14.0.5114.5000 (Not updated - unchanged from June 2010)
- Assume that you create a custom field together with a formula that uses the semicolon separator. When you create another custom field together with a formula that refers to the first custom field, you receive the following error message:
Rollup - Individual - (There was also a reliance on the SharePoint Foundation patch for a jsgrid fix - Database Version - 14.0.5114.5000 (Not updated - unchanged from June 2010)
- The New-SPProjectWebInstance cmdlet does not work together with the host header when a site collection already exists.
- Project Server administrators now can resolve user names by using email addresses. For example, depending on how the claims providers are configured, the user logon account can be entered and validated as an email address such as
( the Edit User page.
- After you provision a Project Web Access (PWA) site, the queue service process restarts unexpectedly. This causes the interruption of the queue on other PWA sites.
- The queue service may consume large amounts of memory, such as several gigabytes (GB), when there are hundreds of PWA sites in a farm.
- If users cannot be resolved in Active Directory because of intermittent connectivity issues, the users are deactivated.
- Consider the following scenario. You apply the hotfix package that is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2075990. You connect the Project client to Project Server 2010 and use manually scheduled tasks. Then, you update the % complete column on a manually scheduled task in the project. In this scenario, the baseline work value is cleared from other manually scheduled tasks unexpectedly.
No Rollup Individual - Database Version - 14.0.5114.5000
- The tracking GUID that is specified in the Project Server Interface (PSI) headers is not honored as the Job Group ID of the resulting queue jobs.
- If the project uses a Force-in alias or a Force-out alias, you cannot switch a project to automatic scheduling. Additionally, recalculation fails, and you receive the following error message:
An unknown error has occurred.
- You set a baseline to the NA status for any project task. However, this baseline is not updated when you publish the project from the client.
- You cannot create enterprise projects or templates on the server from certain Microsoft Office Project 2007 templates.
- If the value of the ChangeXML parameter is a large number, the UpdateStatus PSI method requires a long time to update many tasks that apply to different users. This behavior blocks the Team Foundation Server (TFS).
- When you attach some databases and then provision a site, the upgrade fails if you load a language pack that is not supported by Project Server 2010.
RTM Initial Release Database Version 14.0.4750.1000