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This page lists the updates for Project Server 2016. Initial release was 1/5/2016 and the DB Version was 16.0.4327.1000
DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4822.1000
Improvements and fixes
Makes the following improvement in SharePoint Server 2016:
Adds support for the new Japan era in SharePoint Server 2016
Contains a fix for the following non security issue in Project Server 2016:
Editing a project-level custom field while on a project detail page (PDP) causes lost task-level calculated custom field values if the field formula includes the task's Unique ID.
DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4807.1000
This security update contains the following improvement in Project Server 2016:
This update adds support in the client-side object model (CSOM) for setting the EnterpriseProjectType of a project by using the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API).. DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4795.100
This security update contains fixes for the following nonsecurity issues in Project Server 2016:
- If you update both a task's name and Actual Cost value through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM), the task name is lost. Additionally, other fields that were set during the same update are lost.
- You can't get all the details of a dependency link, such as the lag duration and project UID properties, through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM).
- Assume that you have selected PEN, AED, or other values in the Currency Settings section on the Additional Server Settings page. When you create a project from Project Web App (PWA), you experience a "ProjectOptCurrencySymbolInvalid" error, and the project is not successfully created.
December 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4783.100
- This update provides the UpdateCreatePDP method so that you can set the "New Project Page" Project Detail Page (PDP) for an enterprise project type (EPT) through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM).
- While on the Timesheet Adjustment page, you click the Filter button and then you manually enter a Custom Date Range date that is outside of the allowable range for the project (such as between 1/1/1984 and 12/31/2149). When you then click the Apply button, the page fails to load and becomes unrecoverable. You see the following error message:“Sorry, something went wrong. Your request has failed for an undetectable reason; you may need to contact your system or database administrator."
November 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4771.100
- When multiple user and group synchronization jobs run in parallel, SQL deadlocks may occur. This issue may cause orphaned records in the MSP_WEB_SECURITY_PSMODE_PERMISSION_SYNC_STATES table that may also cause poor synchronization performance and large amounts of disk space consumed by the orphaned rows.
- When an automatic approval rule is used to process status updates, for a given task, the Process Status field on the Tasks page is not changed from "Manager updated" to "Completed" even though the task is completed.
- This update enables the ScheduledFromStart property to be set in the DraftProject class in the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM). You can now specify at creation of a new project whether it should be scheduled from the start date or the finish date.
- This update adds the GraphicalIndicator property to the CustomField class in the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM). You can now set and get a Graphical Indicator for a custom field.
- Approving status updates leads to an internal failure. The Info column in the Status updates history says that there was an internal error, and the Status says "Pending." This problem can occur when a team member adds notes to their task status.
- This update adds a UseForMatching property to the CustomField class in the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM). Through this property, you can set whether a field is used for matching generic resources.
- Assume that you change the Week starts on setting for a project and save the project as a template in Project 2016. Then, you associate the template to an Enterprise Project Type (EPT) in Project Web App. When you create a new project from the Project Center by using the EPT, you find that the Week starts on setting doesn't match the setting in the template.
- Approving status updates leads to an internal failure. The Info column in the Status updates history says that there was an internal error, and the Status says "Pending." This problem may occur when an internal services timeout occurs even though the Project Calculation Service RequestTimeLimits is set to an appropriate value.
- In the Capacity Planning report, the Resource Center, Resource Assignments and Resource requests buttons on the Ribbon are not working.
- This update adds the Departments property for the EnterpriseProjectType class in the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM). You can now set and get the department for an Enterprise Project Type.
- The Current Max. Units (%) value of a resource that's shown in Project Web App doesn't match the current Max. Units value that's seen in Project 2016.
- A project's or task's calendar can't be set through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM). Instead, you see the error message: "Column "TASK_CAL_UID' is read only."
October 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4756.100 This security update contains improvements and fixes for the following non security issues for Project Server 2016:
- This update adds support for cost resources in the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) in Project Server 2016. Now, you can create or get a cost resource through CSOM.
- This update adds the ability to set the LookupAllowMultiSelect property on the CustomField class in the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM).
- This update adds support for the HyperlinkURL and HyperlinkName properties to the EnterpriseResource class in the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM).
- This update adds a IsLeafOnly property to the CustomField class in the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM). Through this property, you can get or set a value that indicates whether the custom field value must be a leaf node in the lookup table.
- The data of an inactive resource assignment incorrectly affects availability on Capacity Planning reports.
September 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4744.1000
This security update contains improvements and fixes for the following non security issues for Project Server 2016:
- You can't update the Status Manager field for a task through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM).
- When you create and insert a new task into a collapsed task outline in a project through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM), the new task may be inserted at the wrong location in the project.
- When you assign a resource to a task through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM), this is done based on the resource name instead of pairing the resource and task GUID fields. As a result, the resource that is assigned to the task is not the one that is specified through CSOM.
- When the scheduled Backup and Restore Timer job runs, SQL Server deadlocks occur when an archived version of the project has to be deleted before a new version can be written.
- If a task link is created between two tasks, the dependency type of the task link can't be changed through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM).
- The Task IsLockedByManager property can't be set through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM).
- You can't get the department that is associated with a custom field through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM).
- When you try to get an enterprise resource through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM), the RES_ID property (the Unique ID of an enterprise resource), isn't returned in the same manner as it is through the Project Server Interface (PSI).
- You can't return a list of template projects by using the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) ProjectCollection.
- You can't update a Lookup Table mask through the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM). Therefore, you can't programmatically add a value to the Lookup Table at the level that is not defined in the mask.
August 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4732.1000
This security update contains improvements and fixes for the following nonsecurity issues for Project Server 2016:
- When a SharePoint Server 2013 content database that contains Project Server sites is mounted on a SharePoint Server 2016 farm that was set up by using PowerShell cmdlets, Project Server-related database tables are not created. Therefore, the Project Server related sites cannot be opened.
- When you restore Enterprise custom fields by using the Administrative Backup and Administrative Restore features in SharePoint Server 2016 Central Administration, you experience a "ForeignKeyViolationError."
- If you set a long Duration or Work value for a task in a project and then try to achieve the value of the WorkTimeSpan property by using the Project Server 2016 client-side object model (CSOM), an overflow occurs in the WorkTimeSpan property. For example, when you set the Duration value to 75 days, the DurationTimeSpan property displays 36000. However, the WorkTimeSpan property displays -35791.3941333333.
- You receive an unknown error when you set a lookup table value for a local custom field through the Project Server 2016 client-side object model (CSOM).
- When you enter 1d in the Committed Work field for a resource engagement, the Committed Work field always displays the default 8h for 1 day instead of the project calendar setting from the Enterprise Global.
- This update makes the Task Type field and Task.IsEffortDriven property updatable through the Project Server 2016 client-side object model (CSOM).
- When you create an enterprise resource through Project Server 2016 client-side object model (CSOM), you are unable to set values for required custom fields. Therefore, you can’t create the enterprise resource.
July 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4717.1000
This security update contains improvements and fixes for the following nonsecurity issues in Project Server 2016:
- The ReadResourcePlan API is now available even if the Resource Engagements feature is enabled.
- It takes a long time to process tasks in a project through the client-side object model (CSOM) APIs in Project 2016.
- Local custom date type fields that have a formula and have the calculation for the task and group summary rows option set to minimum or maximum are not rolled up correctly to summary tasks when you update a project in Project Web App.
- It takes a long time to load entities such as tasks, resources, and assignments through the client-side object model (CSOM) APIs if custom fields exist.
- When you use the Chrome browser to open a project from the Project Center where the project name includes spaces, you receive the following error message:
Project Web App was unable to find the specified Project.Sorry, we were unable to open your project. Please try again. If this happens again, contact your ADMINISTRATOR.
June 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4705.1000
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- It takes a long time to load tasks from a project through client-side object model (CSOM) if custom field lookup table data is also loaded.
- It takes a long time to load a project in a Project client that has a large number of long-running resource engagements.
- After the migration from Project Server 2013 to Project Server 2016 and SQL Server 2014 to SQL Server 2016, the performance of a custom SQL reporting query is slow.
- When you select multiple resource in Project Web App and select to open them in Project Professional 2016, you receive the "Undefined" error message. You should receive an error message that resembles the following:
Your selection exceeds the limit for the number of resources we can open at a time from Project Web App. We opened the enterprise resource pool with the supported number of resources.
- If you use the on-premises version of CSOM, the EnterpriseResourceCostRate classes are not available. Therefore, you cannot update resource rates.
- Even if a status manager has never touched or owned a given assignment, the Status Update History page still shows the assignment. For example, the status history in the approval center shows a status manager approved an assignment even if the status manager did not approve it.
May 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4690.1000
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- If the proxy for the Project Service Application services already exists when you create a new Project Service application by using Install-SPService –Verbose command, an additional proxy for the service is created.
- Consider the following scenario:
- As a team member, you open your timesheet and enter work for two adjacent days.
- On the first day, you set the actual work value back to zero.
- On the first day, you set 8 hours of non-working time on an administrator task (for example, vacation)
- You send a status update for approval.
- You open the previous week timesheet.
- You enter actual work values.
- You send the timesheet for approval, and the status manager approves it.
- When you publish a project in which the process updates the Summary Resource Assignment to a later date, the publish fails if the server is configured to use a date format other than MM-DD-YY.
This security update contains improvements and fixes for the following nonsecurity issues in SharePoint Server 2016:
- When an item is deleted from the usage analytics caches, the item is now also deleted from the analytics reporting database.
- If you don't have sufficient permission to mount a content database to a farm by using the Mount-SPContentDatabase cmdlet, the cmdlet fails and the database is dropped unexpectedly.
- This update introduces the "My Site creation default to OneDrive in Office 365" hybrid feature in SharePoint Server 2016. After you install this update and enable this feature, hybrid-enabled users can have their OneDrive personal sites provisioned in the cloud instead of on-premises. On-premise only users can still have their OneDrive personal sites provisioned on-premises.
- You cannot use the SharePoint Term Store Management UI in browsers other than Internet Explorer.
- The WebPart.ZoneID property is unavailable in the Web Part information.
- SharePoint emails that are longer than 1,000 characters could become corrupted at the 1,000-character position. Depending on what content happens to be at that position, the corruption could be minor (corrupted text) or severe (broken HTML markup).
- This update fixes the following three issues with the SharePoint Properties Panel:
- When you save a SharePoint properties panel with required properties for the first time, you cannot find the properties.
- The DateTime format is assumed to MM/DD/YY.
- Drop-down of lookup type is set to nil when the label is selected.
April 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4678.1001
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- Portfolio Analysis View displays incorrect availability and requirements information in certain conditions, depending on data and planning horizon settings.
- You cannot see Queue Job status because duplicated Project Publish reporting causes the Manage Queue page not to be loaded. In addition, you receive the following error message:
Sorry, something went wrong An unexpected error has occurred
- The Capacity Planning Views don’t always display project assignments for each selected resource.
- When you change the definition of the Task Status field in the Task content type, the “In Progress” value that was deleted previously still appears occasionally.
- When the assignment actual work is missing in the published database, the timesheets pages don’t load in single entry mode. In addition, you receive the following error message:
The view failed to load. Press OK to reload this view with the default settings. Press Cancel to select another view.
- When you create resource engagements from Project Web App(PWA), the PWA always uses 8 hours for one day instead of the expected setting from Enterprise Global.
- When you open projects from Project Center in Project Web App by using Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 7, you receive the following error message in the browser:
Action Not available -Project Professional needs to be installed to open the project. Install project and try again
- The title of Project Detail Pages displays encoded Unicode characters unexpectedly. For example, the character “&” in the title becomes “&”.
- You cannot create customer views that are based on filtering and grouping in Project Web App.
March 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4666.1000
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- When the Project permission “View the Project Schedule Details in Project Web App” is enabled, you may see views and data that you don’t have permission to see.
- Actual work that’s applied as a part of a status updates approval doesn't always appear in the given project.
- When you open and edit a project, and then save back to Project Server 2016, you may see an error message in the Unified Logging System (ULS) logs that resembles the following:
[PS_AC][Number] Invalid bool pid 188745088 (B400580) for container Task
- When you open and edit a project, and then save it in Project Server 2016, you may receive an error message that has some of the following elements in it:
ActiveCacheQueuedMessageExecutionError error="System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid”
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a Project Web App (PWA) site and Project Server 2016 in your organization.
- You log on to a PWA instance, and then create an enterprise custom field for the resource entity and another enterprise custom field for the project entity.
- You start Project Professional 2016 and connect to Project Server 2016. Then, you add a resource and set a value for the custom field of the resource.
- You save the project and check it in.
- In PWA, you locate the Project Center, drill into the project, and then select a Project Details Page (PDP), if you have not already selected it.
- You make a change to the project custom field, and then you save the project from the PDP.
- In Project Professional 2016, you open the project and view the custom field value.
- When you open and edit a project, and then save it in Project Server 2016, you may receive an error message that has some of the following elements in it:
February 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4651.1000
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- Assume that a Project Web App site is configured to use Host Headers for the site collection. In this case, the drop-down menus on the Force in/out field for the project selection in portfolio analyzer views don't work correctly.
- In some cases, the timesheet status is displayed as "Not Approved" even though the timesheet has been approved.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a Project Server 2016 and a Project Web App instance provisioned.
- You have at least one resource defined.
- You log on the Project Web App site instance, locate the Resource Center view, select a resource, open the Resource tab in the ribbon, and then select the Capacity Planning button.
- In Capacity Planning views, you look for the Export to Excel button to export the details table.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a task that has a resource assigned.
- The task has a split in it. For example, there's a week of work, a week with no work, and then a final week that has work.
- In the timesheet for this task, you enter hours on the task so that the work is completed up to the date where the split begins.
- The timesheet is submitted and then the status update is approved.
- After that, the project is opened in Project Web App, and the task finish date is adjusted to a date that’s after the actual work is completed. For example, the actual finish date is set to the middle of the week where there is no work.
January 2018 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4639.1002
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- You cannot create projects by using the Project Server 2016 client-side object model (CSOM) if some required fields are missing.
- Actual work that has been reported by team members in a project inadvertently gets spread differently than what was reported. For example, the actual work hours of 2, 2, 2, 2 are changed to 1.78, 1.78, 1.78, 2.45. The totals stay the same, but the time-phased work appears differently across the days. This issue occurs in certain situations when the project is edited in Project Web App even though the task setting and display server option Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets are enabled.
- SharePoint security groups may not be populated with the correct users when the Project Server Active Directory synchronization process runs. As a result, users may not be able to log on to Project Server or may have the wrong permissions.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have an Administrative category that enables multiple lines.
- You create a timesheet and add a new non-project line that uses the category in the timesheet.
- You change the default name or description for the non-project line to a new name and then save the timesheet.
- After that, you go to the next timesheet period, and then check the administrative task.
- After you install the updates Description of the security update for SharePoint Enterprise Server 2016: October 10, 2017 and October 10, 2017, update for SharePoint Enterprise Server 2016 (KB4011161), views in the pjrep schema, which are used for reporting, are lost.
December 2017 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4624.1000
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- Assume that you have an enterprise resource that is a part of a team assignment pool. When you go to the Resource Center, select the resource and then click the Capacity Planning button, the resource is not displayed, and in some cases you see the error “Sorry, something went wrong.”
- Consider the following scenario:
- A project manager publishes a task to a team member.
- The team member goes to their timesheet and enters actual work on the task.
- The timesheet is submitted and then approved.
- The project in which the task exists is deleted.
- The team member goes back to their timesheet.
- In this situation, the task on which the actual work was submitted is no longer there.
- When you delete a value from a custom field that's configured to display a graphical indicator, the record in the database is not deleted, but instead the value is set to NULL, and the indicator value is preserved in reporting.
November 2017 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4615.1000
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- When a Project Server lookup table is created and details are added, nothing is displayed for the resource in Resource Center > Capacity Planning.
- After you change the SharePoint farm authentication realm, Project Server workflows stop progressing and go into suspended mode.
- If the previous publish is failed, the publishing of the master project is blocked.
October 2017 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4600.1001
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- Some summary resource assignment work or actual work values may have large negative numbers. This issue may cause the project publish process to fail.
- After you add yourself to a task by using the Add yourself to a task option for a timesheet, the new assignment request is sent to the project owner instead of to the task manager for the task.
September 2017 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4588.1000
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- Consider the following scenario:
- You create a Gantt Chart format and then select to display at least one of the custom duration bars.
- You edit a Project view and then set the Gantt Chart format to one that has custom duration bars.
- You edit a project in Project Web App.
- You apply the project view.
The view failed to load. Press OK to reload this view with the default settings. Press Cancel to select another view. - When you edit a task and select the Show More button, the focus isn't set on the first uncovered field.
- When you call the GetTimePhase method on the StatusAssignmentCollection that's exposed on an EnterpriseResource object in CSOM, the Status Broker permission is ignored.
August 2017 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4573.1000
This update contains fixes for the following issues for Project Server 2016:
- When you try to rename a project that has a required project level custom field in Project Professional 2016, you may receive the following error message:
Renaming project failed with error code hr = 0x80020009
- When you try to rename a project to a name that contains the ampersand character, you receive the following error message:
Renaming project failed with error code hr = 0x80020009
- After you drill into a project and open the Project Detail page in the Project Center, you may receive the following error message:
Sorry, something went wrong An unexpected error has occurred. Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you have permission, you can use this page to temporarily close Web Parts or remove personal settings. For more information, contact your site administrator.This error occurs if you don't have the Open Project permission.
- The Name column in a Gantt view in a document library does not display the expected values.
July 2017,2017 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4561.1000
This security update contains fixes for the following nonsecurity issues for Project Server 2016:
- Reliability and functionality issues when a SharePoint Server 2013 content farm is consuming a UPA service application from a SharePoint Server 2016 farm.
- A user cannot edit summary tasks lock field in the Project Center while using Project Web App.
- You can't edit items in quick edit mode in a document library that has more than two pages of files when the Edit function (the link to edit items) is enabled. This issue occurs after you move to a different page of items.
- Sub projects may become normal projects sporadically in Project 2016.
June 2017,2017 DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4549.1001 This security update contains improvements and fixes for the following nonsecurity issues in Project Server 2016:
- Improve the performance of the Reporting (Project Publish) queue jobs.
- Fixes the following issues:
- Consider the following scenario:
- A project manager publishes a task to a team member.
- The team member in either a timesheet or in tasks within Project Web App reports work that's earlier than what was scheduled. For example, 8 hours‚ of work was scheduled on Wednesday but 8 hours of actual work was reported and submitted for Monday.
- The status manager approves the update.
- The team member zeros out the actual work and moves it to a later date.
- The status manager approves the update.
- The project is opened in Microsoft Project Server.
- Consider the following scenario:
In this situation, the task's actual start date still reflects the earlier update instead of the new update where the actual start date is later.
- The Reporting (Project Publish) job takes longer than expected in Project Server 2016.
- Suppose you go to the Project Center page in the Project Web app and select many projects. When you click the Open In Microsoft Project option, nothing seems to happen, and the expected master project isn't created in Project Professional. Now, when you've selected more projects than can be used to create a master project via this method, you'll see a message similar to this:
Your selection exceeds the limit for the number of projects we can open at a time from Project Web App. We created a master project with the supported number of projects. You can then add additional projects by going through Insert Subproject.
- Resources from approved engagements become local resources in Project Professional if the project manager doesn't have sufficient permissions to that resource.
- When you add new tasks to a project while editing a project in PWA, formulas that use the Now() or CurrentDate() functions calculate incorrect results.
- An assignment's Finish Date, Work, and Remaining Work values are wrong when team members enter material units in PWA Tasks or Timesheets views.
- User-generated (ad hoc) custom filters that are applied to PWA views don't display data values. For example, you open a custom filter dialog box in Project Center to add a filter on a date column. After you save, close, and then reopen the dialog box, the date you set isn't displayed.
- When you submit a status update, task-level baseline data disappears from the Tasks view for the given task assignments.
- Improves the translation of Project Server 2016 in multiple languages
May 2017 and DB Version - Content DB 16.0.4534.1000 These are the Project fixes - see the full articles linked above for the complete list of SharePoint fixes and the new SharePoint features in this release: This security update fixes the following nonsecurity issues for Project Server 2016:
- The March 2017 public update provided the necessary WSDL files in order to programmatically access the Project Server Interface (PSI). However, the WDSL files were not completely correct. Therefore, even after the update is installed, it wasn't possible to access the various PSI end points.
- When you run an administrative backup and an administrative restore of Enterprise custom fields, the restore fails at 29 percent completion. You also see a DatabaseForeignKeyViolationError (50002) queue error.
April 2017 and DB Version - Content DB - 16.0.4522.1000 This update contains the following improvements and fixes for Microsoft Project Server 2016:
- When you browse PWA pages that have HTML grids either in Internet Explorer standards or enterprise mode, you can't scroll pages because the scroll bars don't appear.
- Screen readers don't identify that the Delegate Name and the User Name fields on the Add Delegation page are required.
This public update delivers the first feature pack (Feature Pack 1) for SharePoint Server 2016 that contains the following features:
- Administrative Actions Logging
- MinRole enhancements
- SharePoint Custom Tiles
- Hybrid Auditing (preview)
- Hybrid Taxonomy
- OneDrive API for SharePoint on-premises
- OneDrive for Business modern experience (available to Software Assurance customers)
March 2017 and DB Version - Content DB - 16.0.4507.1000
SharePoint updates:
- Adds the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) proxy files for Project Server 2016.
- Adds translations for several group membership strings in multiple languages.
- Adds error messages for the exceptions of taxonomy replication and migration.
- Some database views in the reporting schema such as the pjrep.MSP_EpmProject_UserView are missing and they can't be recreated.
- Spelling check does not provide suggestions or correct misspelled words in a calendar app.
- You can't add dimensions or measures to an OLAP cube definition if there is more than one PWA instance defined in a given web app.
- OLAP cube builds times don't follow the requested pattern. For example, if you set a cube to be built hourly, there are some hours where the cube isn't built.
- If you apply a filter that uses the Does not Contain filter test to a project that you are editing in Project Web App, tasks that have the filtered characters are still displayed.
- Administrative tasks should not be auto approved if the timesheet owner has the Adjust Timesheet permission.
- On the OLAP Database Management page, you can't set a new default OLAP database, or enable or disable existing databases if you have more than one PWA instance on the server.
- Previously, files are copied side-by-side if the EnableSideBySide setting is true. Now, files are copied side-by-side regardless of the EnableSideBySide setting.
- An issue that occurs when you pipe Set-SPContentDatabase with Get-SPContentDatabase.
- Adds more logs to diagnose the issue in which a farm server turns to the Upgrade Required status after a successful run of psconfig with the No Action Required server status.
- It's difficult for a screen reader to understand the structure between sections on a discussion board. This is because there is only one heading. This update adds h2 and h3 labels to the discussion board for better screen reading.
- Updates the translations to make sure that the meaning of the word "Drivers" is correct in Project Server.
February 2017 and DB Version - Content DB - 16.0.4498.1000 This update fixes the following issues in Project Server 2016:
- Timephased data on material resources may be incorrect if updates come from PWA. For example, you have a material contour that resembles the following:
In PWA, the team member reports the following:
When the update is displayed in Project Professional, the material contour resembles the following:
Instead, the contour should be like:
- After you edit a project in PWA, formulas that rely on the Now() function and the [Current Date] property aren't calculated.
January 2017 and DB Version - Content DB - 16.0.4483.1000 This update includes the following improvements and fixes in Project Server 2016:
- You can't use the CSOM API to set the BookingType property for enterprise resources in projects.
- When you apply status updates in PWA, actual work is added to some assignments unexpectedly. For example, you have an assignment that has 35 hours total work, and the status update is to apply 9 hours. When you view the results in Project Professional, you find that the assignment is unexpectedly completed. Meanwhile, the total work and the actual work have increased to 400 hours.
- Translates some terms in multiple languages to make sure that the meaning is accurate.
- Translates some terms in Brazilian for Project Online.
December 2016 and DB Version (C0ntent DB - 16.0.4471.1000) This update includes the following improvements and fixes in Project Server 2016:
- If you apply a new site theme, the timeline which is a part of the tasks app, may continue to use the default theme. For example, suppose that the new site theme displays a blue background. In this case, the timeline would still be displayed with the default white background.
- An Active Directory group that's used to synchronize users in Project Web App and that includes disabled accounts does not inactivate those users in Project Web App. Additionally, the Active Directory Sync job may show that it partly failed.
- When you edit a project in Project Web App, the filter that has been associated to the view that you have applied doesn't work if the filter uses the "Begins with" test.
- Consider the following scenario:
- In Project Professional, you have several tasks, some of which are summary tasks.
- You have collapsed some detail tasks so that you only see the related summary tasks.
- You save, publish, close, and check in the project.
- In Project Web App, you go to the Project Center.
- You drill into the project so that you can see the details.
- You choose to edit the project in Project Web App.
November 2016 and One public fix in this release: Self-assigned timesheet lines may display an incorrect TASKUID in the OData feed.
October 2016 and DB Version (C0ntent DB - 16.0.4432.1003) The Project Server specific fixes are not in the public articles for this update. The fixes will be posted here when information is made public.
September 2016 and DB Version (C0ntent DB - 16.0.4432.1003) In 3118289 Known Issues
- If you install the September 2016 public update for SharePoint Server 2016 and then perform a license upgrade from Standard to Enterprise, the license upgrade will time out before completing. This causes the license upgrade operation to fail.If you want or need to perform a SharePoint 2016 license upgrade, you must complete the license upgrade before installing the September 2016 public update.This issue will be fixed in a future public update.Patching and upgrading the September 2016 public update for SharePoint Server 2016 may take three times longer than in previous public updates. Please be patient while the patching and upgrading operations are completing.
Fixes (The Project Server ones)
- When you use a template to create a project in Project Web App, the duration of a fixed duration task is changed unexpectedly.
- For a task that displays in a timeline on a SharePoint site, when you edit the task's date range from the callout, the timeline disappears.
- When you use Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge, the focus is lost unexpectedly when you move bars up or down from one timeline to another.
- When you publish certain projects that include timelines in Project Web App, the Schedule Project Detail Page doesn't load so that you can't see the schedule view.
- For tasks that display in a timeline on a SharePoint site, when you click the Edit Date Range button for a task on the timeline, you receive an error that resembles the following:
Error message "Sorry, something went wrong" Correlation ID: xxxxx Date and Time: xxxx.
- If you use the keyboard to select parts of the Project Summary web part, the visual focus may be stuck on the timeline section of the web part when at the same time the focus appears elsewhere. This causes screen readers not to work correctly.
- When the focus is given to a check box on the Project Web App Resource Center page, nothing is ready by a reader because the column does not have a header.
- On the Manage Timesheets page, a screen reader can't determine which cell is selected and therefore it can't read out the information in the cell to the user.
- If project sites are created on a different site collection than Project Web App, the Web Admins group is created but user accounts are never synchronized to the group.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have an Administrative Time category that allows multiple lines.
- You create a timesheet.
- On the timesheet, you create a new non-project line that uses the category.
- You save the timesheet.
- You go to the next timesheet period.
- You can't use keyboard to expand or collapse groupings in the grid on the Resource Center page.
- Assume that you press the Tab key to move the focus on a column header on the Manage Timesheets page. Then, you press the Enter key in order to sort by this field. In this situation, the focus is lost from the column header, and you have to press the Tab key many times in order to return to the column header.
- In a task list, when you click the Add button to add a new option from the Predecessors section and use the Tab key to navigate away from the Add button, visual focus disappears and you can't make selections from the Priority or the Task Status drop-down lists.
- You can't use the keyboard to move the focus to the column headers in the grid for the Resource Center page. Therefore, you can't sort the grid by using the keyboard. After you install this update, you can tab to the column header and then press CTRL + SPACE to open the drop-down list. You can also press CTRL + Y to shift the focus to the column header for a grid cell.
- You don't have the permission to create a project in Project Web App even if you are a project manager.
- A server-side correlation cancelation on a save job causes deferred jobs to be canceled. For example, a team member submits time against a task and the status manager approves the update. Then, the project is checked out and the Status Update job state is listed as Skipped for Optimization. If a future save on the given project is canceled for whatever reason, the Skipped for Optimization status update job is also canceled.
- After you delete a value from a custom field on the My Tasks page, the change isn't saved and the value comes back when you go to the My Tasks page again.
August 2016 and DB Version (Content DB) - 16.0.4417.1000 In 3115424:
- Translates some terms in multiple languages to make sure that the meaning is accurate.
This update includes the following improvements and fixes for Project Server 2016:
- Improves performance for the CSOM API GetByUser method from the Enterprise Resource Collection when there are thousands resources in Project Server.
- In the SharePoint Central Administration Health Analyzer, the Missing server side dependencies Configuration rule shows multiple errors that should not be listed. For example, on the Configuration category, the explanation says:
[Upgrade] The number of column pool tables exceeds the database limit. The tables that exceed this limit and should be dropped.
- Assume that the Single Entry Mode timesheet setting is enabled. When a timesheet user receives status notifications, the link in the received email navigates to the My Tasks page instead of the Timesheet page.
- SQL Lock escalation is disabled by default for SharePoint content databases. This causes large databases to fail during the migration from Project Server 2013 to Project Server 2016 because of memory constraints.
- After earned values are calculated in PWA from the schedule project detail page, the values may not be saved. This means the published views of the earned values may not be accurate.
In 3115441:
- Translates some terms in multiple languages to make sure that the meaning is accurate.
- This update will allow to remove search results from the index until the next incremental crawl.
- When you run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard (PSConfig), an error occurs. The error message on the result summary page or in the result summary command line output is generic and doesn't provide enough information to help fix the problem. This update now presents detailed error messages to identify which failures affect critical configuration tasks and which failures affect noncritical configuration tasks in the PSConfig summary. Error messages about missing SharePoint features now include the feature title instead of just the feature GUID. Error messages are displayed when the upgrading or updating has been improved. Finally, the summary message includes instructions for how to retry the configuration tasks that failed.
- When some products or updates are installed on a SharePoint Server 2016 based computer, the SharePoint configuration database may be unaware of the installed product or update. This can cause a failure when the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard (PSConfig) is running to do an upgrade. PSConfig will now automatically update the product and update state for the local server in the configuration database to avoid the failure.
- When you run the PSConfig command tool in GUI or cmdlet mode, informative error messages aren't provided. After you install this update, you can understand the error easily.
July 2016 and DB Version (Content DB) - 16.0.4405.1000 In 3115304:
- Translates some terms in multiple languages to make sure that the meaning is accurate.
In 3115299: This security update contains improvements and fixes for the following non-security issues:
- Add new CSOM APIs for getting term set names of all languages, and for getting and setting group managers and contributors.
- The setCustomFieldValue method can't set a custom field through Java scripts.
- Changes in resource properties aren't propagated to OData until a Reporting Refresh job is started.
- The planned work is incorrect on the Approval page.
- When you reduce the work of a fixed work task while editing in Project in the Schedule Web Part, the duration of the task may be reduced unexpectedly.
- If you have an enterprise custom field that has a formula that references a custom field with a lookup table, the value may not be set correctly.
- Assume that you are in edit mode of a project with an unassigned task. When you switch from a task view to an assignment view that has a task ID, the view is stuck in loading and you have to refresh the page to get it to work again.
- You can't load timesheet if the ASSN_RESPONSE_PENDING field is set to NULL for one of the assignments.
- When you change the start date and a multiline text custom field on a project detail page, the multiline text custom field can't be saved and updated.
- When you save a project detail page, you receive the CustomFieldRowDoesNotMatchCorrespondingDefinitionInDB error.
- When you change the start date of an assignment through the My Tasks page, or through the Timesheet page in Single Entry mode, the actual work of the assignment may be changed.
June 2016 and DB Version (Content DB) - 16.0.4393.1000 In 3115184
- When you're denied the permissions to open a project, you receive a generic error message instead of the access denied message. This issue also occurs when you have the access to the project but no view is available to the category in which you are added.
- Exporting resource assignments to Excel fails.
In 3115181
- The Resource Plan button is removed from the schedule Web Part and Project Center. Project Server 2016 now offers the Resource Engagements and Capacity Planning features to replace resource plans.
- You can't set a Resource Assignment view to be filtered by a custom field, and you receive the following error message:
An unknown error has occurred.
- When you try to add or delete a user from a project server security group, you experience an error if the project site is a root web and the host header configuration is enabled.
- After a project manager rejects a task update, you don't receive an email notification that informs you of the task rejection.
- When you're denied permissions to open a project or view a project schedule in Project Center, you receive the generic "An error occurred while opening your project" error message instead of the more specific access denied message.
- Assume that you save time for a timesheet without submitting. Then, a project manager deletes it from the project of the tasks on which you saved within your timesheet. When you go to submit the timesheet or a status update for that timesheet, it fails and you receive the following error message:
An error occurred while communicating with the server. Check connectivity with your administrator to determine whether further action is necessary.
- If the timesheet unit settings are set to weeks, planned work isn't displayed in timesheets.
- A summary task may not correctly compute the rollup value of a custom field if the field is configured with the following properties:
- A date type
- A minimum rollup
- A formula where the value may be null (N/A)
- You can't edit and save changes to enterprise resources in Project 2016.
- When an administrator edits the Proposal Summary Project Detail page, the following error message appears on the page:
Sorry, something went wrong.
- Assume that a project server administrator creates an enterprise project template. Then, project managers create a project by using the template and specify an owner for the project. When the project is saved, Project Web App ignores the owner information.
- It takes a long time for the initial project publish and user synchronization jobs to complete. The end result is that a project manager who creates a project in Project Web App waits for a long time before being able to move to other Project Web App pages.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a project-level enterprise field that's linked to a lookup table.
- The custom field is exposed on a project detail page (PDP).
- You edit a project on the PDP.
- You change the value of the custom field as well as other fields such as the project description field.
- You save the project.
An error has occurred while saving your project to the server. Please contact your administrator for assistance. - After you change the booking type of a resource in a project, the booking type of the resource's assignments aren't updated to reflect the new booking type.
- The status update process fails to update actual work on a project when a custom field formula calculation in the project fails.
- Cost values are displayed incorrectly when you edit a project in Project Web App. For example, 100$ is displayed as 10.000$.
- Assume that the Project Web App project editing session of a project has timed out. After you select OK to the "Your session has timed out because of inactivity. To continue editing this project, click OK" message and save the changes, the changes aren't applied to the project.
- Enterprise Flag fields don't save a No value unless you explicitly select the value. Therefore, if you're looking at this value as you move from one Project Detail Page to another, you may find that the value is displayed as blank or NULL instead of the No value that you expect.
- The Approvals page doesn't roll up totals on grouping rows for the timephased data.
May 2016 DB Version (Content DB) - 16.0.4378.1000
- When you change a resource in the resource center in Project 2016, you receive the following error message if the resource has an email language set:
The e-mail language for this resource is not valid.
- Consider the following scenario:
- A project in which tasks have been published to team members is checked out.
- As a team member, you assign yourself to a task from the project.
- You add actual work to the task.
- You submit the task and work for approval.
- The new task is approved.
- The task on which the assignment was made, and it's deleted from the project and the project is then saved, and checked in.
- When you add an assignment to an existing task on a timesheet, you receive the following error message:
error loading.
- Within the schedule web part, if you apply a filter on an enterprise field that has a lookup, no tasks are displayed for the project.
- When a team member submits time against an administrative task and the task requires approval, an e-mail notification intended for the approver is sent to the team member.
- When you switch to a different filter type on the Manage Queue Jobs page, you may receive the following error message if many jobs are present:
Sorry, something went wrong.
- Incorrect availability or capacity is displayed on the Capacity Planning page. For example, 7.5h becomes 8h.
- Resource Engagement data is deleted after a full publish of a project.
- After you upgrade Project Server 2013 to Project Server 2016, large PWA sites become read-only.