This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Microsoft Azure Blog.
With the new addition of a device template library into our Device Templates page, we are making it easier than ever to onboard and model your devices. Now, when you get started with creating a new template, you can choose between building one from scratch or you can quickly select from a library of existing device templates. Today you’ll be able to choose from our MXChip, Raspberry Pi, or Windows 10 IoT Core templates. We will be working to improve this library by adding more device templates which provide customer value.
The addition of the device template library helps to streamline the device modeling workflow. It saves time as you can pre-populate a model with existing details. This now opens the door for more manufacturers to create standard definitions for their devices or smart products which we’ll continue to include in this growing template library.
To get started with selecting a device template, select the Device Templates tab and click the “+ New” button. This will bring you to our library page where you can choose which template you’d like to get quickly started with. You can also choose the Custom option if you would like to begin modeling your device template from scratch.
Once you select a template, simply give it a name and click “Create” to add this template into your application. We will automatically create a simulated device for you to view simulated data coming into this new template. Once your template has been created, you can visit the “Device Explorer” page to connect other real or simulated devices into this template.
We are excited to continue simplifying your device onboarding experience. If there are particular device templates you want to use or if you have any other suggestions, please leave us feedback with the links below.
Next steps
- Have ideas or suggestions for new features? Post it on UserVoice.
- To explore the full set of features and capabilities and start your free trial, visit the IoT Central website.
- Check out our documentation including tutorials to connect your first device.
- To give us feedback about your experience with Azure IoT Central, take this survey.
- To learn more about the Azure IoT portfolio including the latest news, visit the Microsoft Azure IoT page.