This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Windows Server Essentials and Small Business Server articles.
First published on TechNet on Jan 22, 2016Folder Redirection Group Policy setup by the Essentials Dashboard needs to be modified. The issue is caused by the WMI Group Policy filters which compare OS build number not working as expected on Windows 10.
User needs to modify the group policy WMI Filter to fix the issue where folder redirection does not work:
Launch the group policy management console:
Press Windows Key and “R”
Popped-up Run windows –Type gpmc.msc in the “Open” text box
Click OK
Modify the WMI Group Policy Filter as the following:
Once you launch the group policy editor, scroll to the bottom where the wmi filters reside.
Right click it and select “edit”, and bring up the filter.
Change it from select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where (Version >= “6.1%”) and ProductType= “1” to select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “10.%” or Version >=”6.1″
Thanks to Robert Pearman, Gary LeTourneau, Susan Bradley and Grey Lancaster.