This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Office 365 Blog articles.
Keeping to our promise of continuous innovation and improvements to make Office deployment easier, our team released a new feature that allows you to save the deployment configurations that you create in the cloud. This allows you to create, edit and access your deployment configurations from one central location, your Office 365 tenant.
Not only can you save your deployment configurations, but you can access them directly using an anonymous URL that can be copied from each deployment configuration and used with the Office Deployment Tool.
This allows you to skip the step of downloading the XML and just reference it directly on the command line when executing the /configure, /download or /customize commands. The Office Deployment Tool will access the XML directly from your tenant using the anonymous access URL.
Note: The current version of the Office Deployment Tool does not support the anonymous URL. The next version of the Office Deployment Tool will include this feature and we expect to release the next ODT before the end of June 2019.
For more information and a demonstration of this new capability take a look at the new video posted on the Office Deployment insider’s channel
Chris Hopkins
PM - Office Team