New in Azure Boards sprint 170

It’s been a few months since we released anything new in Azure Boards. We have good news. In sprint 170 we are delivering several long awaited features. Lets get started…

Better Kanban board error handling experience

If you moved a work item from one column to another, and the state change triggered field rules, the card would show a red e Continue reading New in Azure Boards sprint 170

Changes to How We Manage DefinitelyTyped

The Definitely Typed repository on GitHub is now a regular fixture in GitHub’s annual Octoverse report as one of the top 10 repos with the most contributors. If you haven’t heard of Definitely Typed, it’s a repository that holds type declaration files (*.d.ts files) for thousands of JavaScript projects, and it’s likely you’ve seen the results Continue reading Changes to How We Manage DefinitelyTyped

Manage authentication sessions in Azure AD Conditional Access is now generally available!

Howdy folks!
Many of you have already been using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Conditional Access’s authentication sessions management capabilities in public preview. We’d like to thank all the customers who have tried the preview and provid… Continue reading Manage authentication sessions in Azure AD Conditional Access is now generally available!

Managing cybersecurity like a business risk: Part 1—Modeling opportunities and threats

We often talk about risks only in term.s of potential loss, but most risks have the potential for gain too. To manage cybersecurity as a business risk, we need to better understand the opportunities and risks of key business drivers
The post Managing c… Continue reading Managing cybersecurity like a business risk: Part 1—Modeling opportunities and threats

Hiding C++ template parameter packs in a tuple

C++11 introduced variadic templates and template parameter packs.

Passing template parameter packs around is a bit of a hassle, because the dots “soak up” parameters, which make them hard to pass to other templated types. You also can’t “save” parameter packs in another type:

One workaround for this is to capture the types into a std::tu Continue reading Hiding C++ template parameter packs in a tuple

Simplified Automated QA Testing on Azure DevOps

In this post, App Dev Manager Drew Lewis demonstrates how to get started with Automated QA Testing on Azure DevOps.

In working with a broad range of organizations that have embraced a DevOps culture, many still rely on manual testing processes. The more mature organizations have automated build and release pipelines, some automated unit Continue reading Simplified Automated QA Testing on Azure DevOps

Early technical preview of JDBC Driver 8.3.1 for SQL Server released

We have released a new early technical preview of the JDBC Driver for SQL Server which contains numerous additions and changes. Precompiled binaries are available on GitHub and also on Maven Central.Below is a summary of the new add… Continue reading Early technical preview of JDBC Driver 8.3.1 for SQL Server released