What does the /ALTERNATENAME linker switch do?

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Microsoft Developer Blogs.

There's an undocumented switch for the Microsoft Visual Studio linker known as /ALTERNATENAME. Despite being undocumented, people use it a lot. So what is it?

This is effectively a command line switch version of the OLDNAMES.LIB library. When you say /ALTERNATENAME:X=Y, then this tells the linker that if it is looking for a symbol named X and can't find it, then before giving up, it should redirect it to the symbol Y and try again.

The C runtime library uses this mechanism for various sneaky purposes. For example, there's a part that goes

BOOL (WINAPI * const _pDefaultRawDllMain)(HANDLE, DWORD, LPVOID) = NULL;
#if defined (_M_IX86)   
#pragma comment(linker, "/alternatename:__pRawDllMain=__pDefaultRawDllMain")   
#elif defined (_M_IA64) || defined (_M_AMD64)   
#pragma comment(linker, "/alternatename:_pRawDllMain=_pDefaultRawDllMain")   
#else  /* defined (_M_IA64) || defined (_M_AMD64) */   
#error Unsupported platform   
#endif  /* defined (_M_IA64) || defined (_M_AMD64) */  

What this does is say, "If you need a symbol called _pRawDllMain, but you can't find it, then try again with _pDefaultRawDllMain." If an object file defines _pRawDllMain, then that definition will be used. Otherwise _pDefaultRawDllMain will be used.

Note that /ALTERNATENAME is a linker feature and consequently operates on decorated names, since the linker doesn't understand compiler-specific name-decoration algorithms. This means that you typically have to use different versions of the /ALTERNATENAME switch, depending on what architecture you are targeting. In the above example, the C runtime library knows that __cdecl decoration prepends an underscore on x86, but not on any other platform.

This use of /ALTERNATENAME here is a way for the compiler to generate hooks into the DLL startup process based on the code being compiled. If there is no _pRawDllMain defined by an object file, then _pDefaultRawDllMain will be used instead, and that version is just a null pointer, which means, "Don't do anything special."

This pattern of using the /ALTERNATENAME switch lets you provide a default value for a function or variable, which others can override if they choose. For example, you might do something like this:

void default_error_log() { /* do nothing */ }
// For expository simplification: assume x86 cdecl
#pragma comment(linker, "/alternatename:_error_log=_default_error_log")   

If nobody defines a custom error_log function, then all references to error_log are redirected to default_error_log, and the default error log function does nothing.¹

The C++/WinRT library uses /ALTERNATENAME for a different purpose. The C++/WinRT library wants to support being used both with and without windows.h, so it contains its own declarations for the Windows functions and structures that it needs.

But now there's a problem: If it is used with windows.h, then there are structure definition errors. Therefore, C++/WinRT needs to give its equivalent declarations of Windows structures some other name, to avoid redefinition errors.

But this in turn means that the function prototypes in the C++/WinRT library need to use the renamed structures, rather than the original Windows structures, in case the C++/WinRT library is used without windows.h. This declaration will in turn create a conflict if the C++/WinRT library is used with windows.h when the real declarations are encountered in windows.h.

The solution is to rename the C++/WinRT version of Windows functions, too. C++/WinRT gives them a WINRT_IMPL_ prefix, so that there is no function declaration collision.

We now have two parallel universes. There's the windows.h universe, and the C++/WinRT universe, each with their own structures and functions. The two parallel universes are unified by the /ALTERNATENAME directive, which tells the linker, "If you find yourself looking for the function WINRT_IMPL_GetLastError, try again with GetLastError." Since nobody defines WINRT_IMPL_GetLastError, the "try again" kicks in, and all of the calls to WINRT_GetLastError end up redirected to the operating system GetLastError function, which is what we wanted in the first place.

¹ The more traditional way of doing this (that doesn't rely on undocumented vendor-specific linker features) is to take advantage of the classical model for linking, specifically the part where you can let an OBJ override a LIB: What you do is define _pRawDllMain in a separate OBJ file that defines nothing except that one variable, and put that OBJ in the C runtime LIB. If the module provides its own definition of _pRawDllMain in an OBJ file, then that definition is used. Otherwise, the linker will search through the LIBs, and eventually it will find the one in the C runtime LIB and use that one.

So why does /ALTERNATENAME exist if you could already get this effect via LIBs, and in way that all linkers support, not just the Microsoft C linker?

C++/WinRT is a header-only library. It has no LIB in which to put these default definitions. It therefore has to use the "command line switch version of a LIB".

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