This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Azure Database Support Blog articles.
Azure portal Import from BACPAC fails if database schema is large because the number of tables, columns, indexes and views.
" BadRequest ErrorMessage: The ImportExport operation with Request Id 'ed049000-1d74-46bf-9dd6-2375c5d079fa' failed due to 'An internal error occurred. Please contact Microsoft support and reference the server name, database name, and operation ID.'.."
SQL Server Management Studio "Import data-Tier application" option fails after some time with an error indicating "not enough memory"
If the number of tables, indexes and views is large, import model preparation needs a lot of memory and time.
In this case the solution is use SqlPackage.exe with "/p:Storage=File" option
/p: Storage=({File|Memory}) Specifies how elements are stored when building the database model. For performance reasons the default is InMemory. For large databases, File backed storage is required.
sqlpackage.exe /Action:Export /ssn:tcp:<servername>,1433 /sdn:<source-database-name> /su:<username> /sp:<Password> /tf:.\export.bacpac /p:Storage=File /d:true /df:.\outputlog.log /p:LongRunningCommandTimeout=0
SqlPackage.exe /Action:Import /sf:.\bacpacfile.bacpac /tsn:<servername> /tdn:<database-name> /p:Storage=File /tu:<username> /tp:********** /d:true /df:.\outputlog.log /p:LongRunningCommandTimeout=0
Note that some import steps will take some time (hours) and you could think that process is hang. You can use Windows "Resource Monitor" and monitor Sqlpackage.exe disk activity.
Note: This solution also applies to export operations
Regards, Paloma.-