Lesson Learned #178: What is the command timeout when we are querying an External Table?

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Tech Community.

Today, I received a very good question from a customer about what is the command timeout that external tables is using. Following I would like to share with you my experience playing with this. 


We need to know that the command timeout is configured by application side, so, for this reason, I developed a small C# application with the following characteristics:


  • Every loop I'm increasing the SELECT TOP in 100000 rows.
  • PerformanceVarcharNVarchar3 is an external tables that contains around of rows. 
  • I used the connection statistiics to obtain the time invested on every operation. 
  • Changing the command timeout to multiple values (in this case to 0) the operation will wait until the command timeout is reached. 
for (int tries = 1; tries <= nRows; tries+=100000) { stopWatch.Start(); C.SqlCommand command = new C.SqlCommand("SELECT top " + tries.ToString() + "* FROM [PerformanceVarcharNVarchar3]", oConn); command.CommandTimeout = 0; Console.WriteLine("------------------> Exec N#" + tries.ToString()); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); IDictionary currentStatistics = oConn.RetrieveStatistics(); if (bMetric) { Console.WriteLine("ID Connection: " + oConn.ClientConnectionId.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("BytesReceived: " + currentStatistics["BytesReceived"]); Console.WriteLine("BytesSent: " + currentStatistics["BytesSent"]); Console.WriteLine("SelectCount: " + currentStatistics["SelectCount"]); Console.WriteLine("SelectRows: " + currentStatistics["SelectRows"]); Console.WriteLine("ExecutionTime: " + currentStatistics["ExecutionTime"]); Console.WriteLine("Network Server time: " + currentStatistics["NetworkServerTime"]); }




In this situation, as we could see, the command timeout that a query that is running using External Table will be the same that the application has. 





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