Cognitive Service for Language custom features generally available

In November 2021, Microsoft announced the release of Azure Cognitive Service for Language. This introduced a new unified service for all natural language processing capabilities in Azure’s Cognitive Services. The new service included a set of brand-new… Continue reading Cognitive Service for Language custom features generally available

Como escrever mensagens em uma fila do Azure Service Bus usando ASP.Net Core

Como escrever mensagens em uma fila do Azure Service Bus usando ASP.Net Core
O Azure Service Bus é um serviço PaaS (Platform as a service) que facilita a integração e desacoplamento de aplicações através de filas de mensageira e tópicos de pub-sub.
O o… Continue reading Como escrever mensagens em uma fila do Azure Service Bus usando ASP.Net Core

Search service – add data source from SQL database in private network

Before we start, please read these documents Introduction to Azure Cognitive Search and Data sources gallery – Azure Cognitive Search.
Referred from these documents above you should understand the relationship between Azure Search ser… Continue reading Search service – add data source from SQL database in private network

Cloud service extended support – Supported and unsupported scenarios

What is cloud service extended support?
Azure Cloud Service Extended support (shortly CS-ES) is the ARM (Azure Resource Manager) version of the existing Azure Cloud Service (Classic) version. The Azure cloud service (classic) works on the RDFE m… Continue reading Cloud service extended support – Supported and unsupported scenarios