Azure Lv3 VM series delivers higher performance at a lower cost for Azure Data Explorer

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The recent announcement of the general availability of the Lsv3 and Lasv3-series Azure Virtual Machines is great news for Azure Data Explorer (ADX) customers. These VMs are a great fit for all storage optimized ADX workloads.


The Lasv3 and Lsv3 VMs run on the latest AMD and Intel processors, respectively. These VMs deliver new capabilities that Azure customers will appreciate – faster CPUs, while maintaining excellent local NVMe IOPS and throughput. ADX will support the 8 and 16 vCPU VM instances.  Lasv3 or Lsv3 VM SKUs availability depends on regional availability.


The new Lv3 VM series is significantly cheaper than the existing ADX SKUs with premium storage and provides better performance. We strongly recommend adopting these SKUs in new and existing clusters. For pricing information please refer to the Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) Cost Estimator.



By how much will the new Lv3 series VMs improve the cost/performance of existing clusters?

It really depends on the workload and existing configuration. However, the new VM series is cheaper than the equivalent VMs with attached premium storage and provides much faster disk access. For more details refer to Lasv3 and Lsv3 documentation.


Will the cluster require less VM nodes after scaling up the SKU to Lv3?

It is hard to tell, because every workload can behave differently, however we strongly recommend using the Optimized Autoscale feature and letting ADX manage the cluster size to achieve optimal performance/cost configuration. In most cases, you will see a reduction in the VM node count with the Lv3 family SKUs.

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