Why Game-Based Learning? – #TeamsEduChat TweetMeet on June 21

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Education Blog articles.

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Let’s have a global and multilingual conversation on Twitter to discuss the Why and How of Game-Based Learning, and how Microsoft tools such as Minecraft: Education Edition, Flipgrid, OneNote, MakeCode Arcade and video games can help you spark your students’ enthusiasm and creativity. We’d also love to know which other game-based learning approaches you use. 



TweetMeet date and time 


We look forward to welcoming you to the #TeamsEduChat TweetMeet on this topic on Tuesday, June 21 at 7am PDT / 10am EDT / 3pm BST.  

Add this event to your calendar with our *.ics calendar link. 

Our TweetMeet time zone announcer – updated each month – lets you check event times for your country. 



Discussion questions 


We’ll discuss five questions. Now is a good time to start preparing your answers: 

Q1. Game-based learning – what's in it for educators and students? Share stories and results. 

Q2. What challenges the adoption of game-based learning? 

Q3. How can game-based learning be introduced into the classroom?  

Q4. What are some best practices and strategies to implement game-based learning? 

Q5. Which game-based learning resources inspire you? Apps, websites, videos, people? 



Microsoft tools for game-based learning 


Microsoft offers multiple ways to integrate game-based learning into your lessons: 


Join the TweetMeet webinar on Saturday, June 18 

This month’s hosts invite you to join their webinar about the Why of Game-Based Learning. In addition to their presentations, we’ll also cover the basics of joining the TweetMeets. The webinar takes place on Saturday, June 18 at 10-11am EDT. 

TweetMeet webinars take place on Microsoft Teams and don’t require registration.  

Mark your calendar with this *.ics calendar link. Alternatively, use the direct join link at event time. 

Check your local webinar event times 

This webinar will be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel 

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Introducing our hosts

After weeks of preparation for this TweetMeet, this new crew is thrilled to engage with you on their favorite topic. Please check out the hosts’ profiles, consider following them, and engage with their tweets through this month’s Twitter List.


Adrià Machí @onzedisseny – Tech, Computer Science & Math teacher from Algemesí, Valencia, Spain

I'm passionate about the possibilities of technology and game-based learning in education. Let's play!


Amanda Macias @itsAmandaMacias – Instructional Coach & PL Specialist from Fontana, CA, USA

I believe learning is about creating engaging environments for ALL to thrive, and the way one chooses to synthesize their learning creates the Magic.


Amanda Pickard @AJOBPickard – Primary Teacher & Digital Learning Officer from Ayr, Scotland, UK

I believe in the power of Ed Tech to inspire, support and challenge learners.


Amy Dallas @amydallas1985 – Head of Curriculum development from Johannesburg, South Africa

To give an educator the confidence to try new pedagogy techniques and to embrace the changes that education is taking


Andy Knueven @MrCoachK15 – Digital Learning Coach from Zionsville, IN, USA

I am passionate about learning because an education is something no one can take away from you. When it’s fun, it’s even more meaningful!


Asila AL_Fazari @aseela19771 – Geography Teacher from Saham, Oman

Let’s recognize the importance of game-based learning in developing the learner's personality and social-emotional well-being


Becky Keene @BeckyKeene – Director of Operations from Seattle, WA, USA

The best part of my job is getting to meet with educators from around the world to amplify their work for others to be inspired!


Bryan Sanders @nayrbgo – Educator, Researcher from Los Angeles, CA, USA

I had some great teachers who helped inspire me to follow my questions, and that’s exactly what I work to be every day for my students.


Dan Noble @thatminecraft12 – Minecraft Education Consultant from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Ultimately, it's known that my efforts and contributions to Minecraft (whether through projects or workshops) are helping to engage, inspire or motivate students in their education.


Julie Mavrogeorge @jdogmav – Tech Support Specialist & Esports Coordinator from Fresno, CA, USA

I am passionate about integrating Game-Based Learning in the classroom and as extra-curricular programs.


Klaus Conrad @KlausConrad – Director from Balzan, Malta

I am passionate about game-based learning because it allows us to challenge the status quo which often is not good enough for our students.


Magdeleen De Kock @MagsTeacher – IT Teacher & eSports administrator from Roodepoort, South Africa

I’m passionate to see educators succeed and have a positive experience using technology in their classrooms for lessons or admin. I love encouraging teachers to try new things.


Matthew Farber @MatthewFarber – Assistant Professor from Fort Collins, CO, USA

I am passionate about how games and play can have a positive impact on student health and school climate, building happier classrooms.


Nelly Hamed @nelly_hamed – Educator and Trainer from Cairo, Egypt

I like to spread the power of technology everywhere between teachers, students and even parents. Technology makes magic especially in education.


Richard Meijer @ries74 – Imagineer, IT director from Amersfoort, Netherlands

I love to inspire people and activate them in using their imagination and gain new knowledge by education.


Spanish and Arabic language tracks this month

Thanks to our Spanish-speaking host Adrià, and to our Arabic-speaking hosts Nelly and Asila, we are proud to offer this month’s TweetMeet discussion questions in Spanish and Arabic at the respective hashtags #TweetMeetES and #TweetMeetAR.


What are TweetMeets at @TweetMeet?

TweetMeets are monthly, global, and multilingual conversations on Twitter around a specific topic relevant for educators. TweetMeets are also slow chats, which means that if our event hours are less convenient for you, you can join the conversation at a later time that suits you best.


How can I join?

The main account to follow is @TweetMeet, where we publish tips, challenges, and resources.

At event time, the @TweetMeet account will start publishing the five discussion questions 10 minutes apart. All participants can then respond to these questions from their perspective.


For TweetMeet best practices, check the introductory Sway at TweetMeet Starter Guide, embedded here:

If possible, please live-embed the TweetMeet Starter Guide Sway


TweetMeets Tips for newcomers

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Our best TweetMeet Tips in a nutshell:

  1. Use Quote Tweet (= retweet with comment) to respond
  2. Start your Quote Tweet with A1 .. A5
  3. Always include hashtag #TeamsEduChat
  4. Monitor the hashtag and other tweets in TweetDeck


Show you're a TweetMeet Friend

Want to announce the TweetMeet from your Twitter account and other social media? Use our ready-made TweetMeet promotion images and PowerPoint templates for your social media and to create custom Friend banners and Friend cards.

For example, each month we design new TweetMeet Header Photos you can use on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin:  

Header Photos promotion image.png


Curious for more? Access the entire TweetMeet image collection.

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