Healthcare Shorts: Discharge Planning Huddle Board

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Most large providers have Multi-disciplinary (MDR) or Inter-disciplinary (IDT) huddles at all levels of their organization. Starting at the until level with the care team and their managers, then escalating throughout management, and clinical leadership. These huddles are patient-centric and are intended to focus on discharge planning with the goal of reducing the patient’s average length of stay at the hospital.


Many of these huddles are done on physical whiteboards at each unit which causes many issues in reporting, follow-up, task management, and learning from how these issues are resolved. Also, the time it takes to “data mine” in the EMR to collect all the relevant information for these huddles is time-consuming and creates duplicative work across multiple disciplines and roles.



By creating a "digital whiteboard" we can keep the provider’s workflow the same, and automatically pull in and aggregates the data needed to prepare for the huddle. This allows the extended care team to focus on patient care instead of administration work.

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This Healthcare Short provides a quick overview demo of the solutions, for more information please reach out to your Microsoft Account Team! 


This digital whiteboard synchronizes with your ERM with information such as patient census, location, primary diagnosis, and assigned provider. It provides an aggregate view of the necessary information about patient care as the care team is preparing for their discharge. The goal is to discharge the patient as quickly as possible as soon as they are medically ready to be discharged.


By using Microsoft industry-specific data interoperability with your EMR and proving real-time updates to this digital huddle board care teams can focus on patient care while saving your organization money by reducing the patient's Average Length of stay

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