Microsoft Purview Information Protection support in Adobe Acrobat

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Tech Community.

We are excited to announce the public preview program for Microsoft Purview Information Protection labeling and protection in Adobe Acrobat for Windows and Mac OS.


New features           

Support for viewing protected PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader (Desktop) is already enabled in previous versions. The Adobe Acrobat team is eager to get your feedback on the following updates being made to the native integration of Adobe Acrobat with Microsoft Purview Information Protection solutions:

  • Ability to manually apply Microsoft sensitivity labels on PDF documents.
  • Ability to change or remove sensitivity labels on existing protected PDF documents.
  • User defined permissions (UDP) labelling experience.
  • Ability to apply a default sensitivity label on PDF documents.
  • Ability to enforce a mandatory sensitivity label on PDF documents.
  • Content markings associated with sensitivity labels.


Instructions to join

  • Please submit your enrollment request via this form: Register here
  • The Adobe Acrobat team will review your details and invite you to the preview portal where all pre-requisites and installation instructions are available to enable Information Protection features in Acrobat.
  • Expect the invitation link to the preview portal by late June 2022.


We are excited to partner with you on this journey!


  • Adobe and the Microsoft Purview Information Protection Team

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