How IoT EZ can help improve indoor air quality

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The safety of indoor spaces has never been more relevant to your staff, tenants, and customers. In the wake of the global pandemic, people are asking questions, and who would blame them?


COVID-19 has underscored concerns about indoor air quality, which even before the pandemic led to absenteeism, productivity loss, and liability issues. Today, people want evidence that the air they breathe is safe as they return to the workplace.


73% of North Americans surveyed consider the indoor air quality in offices, condos and hotels to be unsafe.”

Savanta Survey, August 2021


Research shows that carbon buildup within buildings can lead to a 25 percent loss in productivity as occupants grow groggy. Complaints, illness, and potential legal action can result. And the CDC notes that miscalibrated humidity levels speed up the spread of viral agents such as flu and COVID-19. So, how will you address questions about the quality of the air in your buildings?


Using IoT technology for air monitoring and control


HVAC systems optimized with air quality data can slow the spread of viruses and control the buildup of carbon dioxide, a problem associated with increased absenteeism, liability claims, and lower productivity. IoT technology can monitor the data that identifies all these issues, giving facilities professionals the tools they need to mitigate problems and provide occupants with peace of mind to breathe easier and get down to business.


“Many office buildings have significant air pollution sources. As a result, there has been an increase in the incidence of reported health problems.”

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


IoT technology provides new data and insights into the health of your indoor spaces. Facilities managers can take corrective action where needed. Human resources and wellness managers can reassure staff with real data. Sustainability and ESG officers can communicate data with confidence. Robust dashboards, health scoring, and alerts drive improvements at scale—and at speed.


Benefits of addressing indoor air quality now




IoT EZ Air Quality is an end-to-end solution that can fast-track pilot projects on air quality and lead to faster adoption. Microsoft, Microshare, and e-Magic have partnered to create a ready-to-deploy kit of IoT sensors, digital twins technology, and out-of-the-box analytics. As a result, this solution can help:


  • Retain and attract employees: From staff to customers to shareholders, IoT EZ Air Quality gives you improved wellness credentials that inspire confidence and awareness.
  • Meet ESG commitments: IoT EZ Air Quality helps you fulfill your environmental commitments by delivering dependable, timely, and accurate data on the air quality within your buildings.
  • Improve productivity and wellness: Research shows that carbon dioxide buildup can lead to less productivity as occupants grow groggy from this unseen pollution. Potential longer-term effects are even worse, with illness and absences directly affected. By understanding what’s happening in the air that your people breathe, your facility teams can take the required action to improve.
  • Obtain independent, reliable data: Generate new data points that are independent of existing building management and HVAC systems, giving you a greater understanding of what’s happening in your facilities on the ground—or, in this case, in the air.
  • Identify trends and prevent issues: One IoT EZ customer was able to avert significant damage to valuable historic artifacts by identifying a nocturnal spike in humidity within a library, which could have caused irreparable damage.


While these efforts may sound expensive, research supports that taking control of your buildings’ air quality can lead to savings in the long run. According to the Harvard Business Review, the benefits of improved ventilation alone are projected to run from $6,500–$7,500 per person annually. It’s an especially imperative issue as employees return to the office environment in increasing numbers.


Find out more about the EZ IoT solution


In addition to providing peace of mind for employees and others, better air quality can increase productivity and overall well-being, help businesses meet regulatory mandates, and help slow the spread of viruses, including COVID-19. The global pandemic shined a new light on the issue of air quality in indoor spaces. While it was previously associated with issues like mold or the buildup of carbon dioxide, COVID-19 emphasized that poorly ventilated spaces or environments where temperatures and humidity are improperly calibrated can accelerate the spread of viral illness, sometimes with serious results.


Learn more and get started immediately on improving your air quality with IoT EZ Air Quality.

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