Healthcare Shorts: Virtual Visit Back-up or Ad-hock Virtual Visits

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Tech Community.

Story Background

Customers are looking for a quick and easy way to send a Virtual Visit link to their patients. They need this in 2 unique scenarios: When their EMR Integrated solution is down or when they want to conduct a virtual visit that is not integrated with the EMR. This solution uses our Virtual Visit API to create a patient join link that does not require log-in or app download to join the visit. Also, the provider can easily send the link and join the visit all inside a single solution. 


Business Challenge 

Customers are looking for a quick and easy way to send a Virtual Visit link to their patients. They need this in 2 unique scenarios: When their EMR Integrated solution is down or when they want to conduct a virtual visit that is not integrated with the EMR.


Business Outcomes 

Providers can quickly send a patient a virtual visit join link via SMS and the patient can join the visit without requiring a log-in or app download to join the visit. Also, the provider can easily send the link and join the visit all inside a single solution. 


Solution Overview  

This PowerApp uses our Virtual Visit API to create a patient join link that does not require log-in or app download to join the visit. A simple user interface allows the provider to easily send the link and join the visit all inside a single solution. 



Thanks for reading, Shelly Avery | EmailLinkedIn 

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