Meet a recent Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador graduate: Shreyan Fernandes

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This is the next segment of our blog series highlighting Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors who achieved the Gold milestone, the highest level attainable, and have recently graduated from university. Each blog in the series features a different student and highlights their accomplishments, their experience with the Student Ambassador community, and what they’re up to now. 


Today we meet Shreyan Fernandes, who recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree of technology in Biomedical Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology in India.

Responses have been edited for clarity and length.   

When did you join the Student Ambassadors community? 




What was being a Student Ambassador like? 


It was a once in a lifetime opportunity - a rewarding and exciting journey. I got the chance to represent Microsoft and spread the word about the company's learning materials to other students on my campus and outside it.


In this journey, I gained quite a few technical skills. It also provided me with a great platform to share these skills amongst the wide learning community globally. In addition to this, I also developed important leadership, collaboration, and communication skills that have aided me in both my academic and professional endeavors.


During my time as a Student Ambassador, I got the opportunity to collaborate with other ambassadors from across the world that rendered learning opportunities which I am excited to share more about.

Was there a specific experience you had while you were in the program that had a profound impact on you and why?


My time as a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador (MLSA) had a profound impact on me in many ways. Firstly, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Microsoft Cloud Advocates. This experience allowed me to contribute to meaningful initiatives and broaden my knowledge in technology and healthcare technology.


Additionally, I was fortunate enough to publish my work on Microsoft Learn and gain recognition by being featured on Microsoft Reactor, Microsoft Learn, and Microsoft Developer platforms. This recognition not only validated my efforts but also provided a platform to share my insights and knowledge with a wider audience. One of the most unforgettable moments during my journey as a Student Ambassador was witnessing CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, at a conference in India. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience to be in the presence of such an inspirational leader and listen to his words of wisdom. These experiences enriched my personal and professional growth and left an indelible mark on my journey.


Shreyan poses with others during a Microsoft Tech summit in Bengaluru, India.


Tell us about a technology you had the chance to gain a skillset as a Student Ambassador. How has this skill you acquired helped you in your post-university journey? 


The skills I have cultivated during my MLSA journey have been instrumental in propelling my career forward. Not only have I honed my technical expertise through firsthand experience with major Microsoft technologies like Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Power Platform, but I have also enriched my skill set with an array of soft skills, thanks to this incredible program. Additionally, the MLSA program provided me with the invaluable opportunity to meet and network with fellow Ambassadors and Cloud Advocates. These connections have expanded my professional horizons and introduced me to a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Overall, my experience as a Student Ambassador has been a transformative and multifaceted journey that has contributed to my growth both technically and personally.

What is something you want all students, globally, to know about the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program? 


I would like all students around the world to know that the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program is a unique opportunity that can profoundly impact their personal and professional development. It offers a platform to develop not only technical skills but also essential soft skills, fostering a well-rounded competency. Student Ambassadors get to work with innovative Microsoft technologies, collaborate with industry professionals, and gain firsthand experience. The program is a gateway to a world of learning, growth, and opportunities. I encourage every student to explore this program if they are looking to enhance their educational and career journey.

What advice would you give to new Student Ambassadors, who are just starting in the program? 


For new Student Ambassadors embarking on their journey, valuable advice includes embracing continuous learning in the dynamic tech industry, building a strong online personal brand, actively networking with peers and professionals, championing diversity and inclusion, being proactive in project leadership, managing time effectively, seeking feedback for growth, staying adaptable to tech changes, giving back through mentoring, and, most importantly, enjoying the journey for personal and professional development. The Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program offers many opportunities, and adhering to this advice ensures a fulfilling and successful experience, making the most of this remarkable journey.


Share a favorite quote with us! It can be from a movie, a song, a book, or someone you know personally. Tell us why you chose this. What does it mean for you? 


I chose the quote "Learn to Listen: Listen to Learn" because it encapsulates the essence of effective communication and lifelong learning. This quote highlights the reciprocal relationship between listening and learning. For me, it emphasizes the importance of being an active and attentive listener to acquire knowledge and insight from others. Learning from different perspectives, experiences, and viewpoints of those around us is a valuable source of growth. When we truly listen, we open ourselves to innovative ideas, understanding, and empathy, which are essential for personal and intellectual development. Conversely, the quote also suggests that through learning and expanding our knowledge, we become better listeners. As we gain more information and insights, our capacity to engage in meaningful and informed conversations increases. This reciprocity between listening and learning reinforces the idea that these skills are connected and complementary. “Learn to Listen: Listen to Learn" serves as a reminder that the path to knowledge and personal growth involves not only the acquisition of information but also the willingness and ability to listen, absorb, and reflect upon the wisdom shared by others. It promotes the idea that active listening is a powerful tool for continuous learning and the building of meaningful connections with those around us.

Tell us something interesting about you, about your journey. 


Participating in the program offered me the unique chance to witness Satya Nadella in person, which was truly captivating. Furthermore, academically, this program has significantly enhanced my skill set.

You can follow Shreyan here: 



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