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We are excited to announce the public preview of the Data Map Audit history feature in Microsoft Purview.
When a user updates an asset in Microsoft Purview, data map history logs that change and makes the information available in the Microsoft Purview portal. Information about who added or edited an asset, what edits were made, and when the edit happened, is stored for reference later. This information helps data auditors and business owners to maintain compliance and security in their Microsoft Purview accounts. It also allows data stewards and admins to debug issues and curation in their data assets.
Data map history is available to users in both the free and enterprise versions of Microsoft Purview.
Currently, you can view your assets' history through these:
- Audit Solution in Microsoft Purview
- Individual Solutions in Microsoft Purview
- Rest APIs
Which assets have history?
Currently, these kinds of assets have data map history available:
- Classifications*
- Data assets*
- Glossary terms*
- Business assets*
- Domains
- Collections
- Role assignments
- Data sources
- Scan
- Scan rule set
- Credential
- Policy
* In-Individual solution experience is currently only available for classifications, data assets, business assets, and glossary terms.
How to use data map history
Data map history allows you to see the operational history of changes to your data map assets in Microsoft Purview.
You're able to see the history for select operations that include:
- Creation
- Updates
- Assignment
For a full list of available operations in Data Map History, see the audit log activities documentation.
Audit Solution Experience
To view the activities within the Audit App, follow these instructions:
Navigate to the Audit solution within Microsoft Purview
Select Search to search for audit records
Select time range for activity.
Narrow the scope of your search using Activities - friendly names, Activities - operation names, or Record types.
- Select Search and wait for job state to change to Complete.
- Select your search from the list and scroll through or filter the history table to find the operations you're looking for.
Individual Solution Experience
To view the activities, follow these instructions:
Search for a data asset, glossary term, or classification in the Microsoft Purview Data Catalog.
Select the History tab.
Scroll through or filter the history table to find the operations you're looking for.
- Currently, it takes a couple minutes for an operational item to appear in an assets History tab.
- Currently, to see a new item in the History tab, you need to manually refresh the tab
Additional Resources:
Learn about Microsoft Purview: What is Microsoft Purview? | Microsoft Learn
Learn about DataMap Audit History:
Query Audit Logs using API: Audit Query- Rest API Purview