Finding My Path: Reflections and Revelations from ESPC 2023

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Community Hub.

Hi, my name is Gabby Williams and I am a Microsoft Student Ambassador out of Maryland, USA. 

I am a high school junior at Atholton High and also taking college courses at Howard Community College focusing on Business Administration and Cyber Security.

The conference ESPC (European SharePoint and Azure Conference) is a yearly event that takes place in different countries across Europe and this is my 2nd year speaking as a co-speaker with my dad Fabian Williams who is a product manager for Microsoft Graph at Microsoft.

In our session together we covered using ChatGPT and OpenAI to work the Microsoft Graph, we covered some do's and don'ts when trying to do Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Microsoft 365 data. This year the conference was in Amsterdam and my
 trip to the Netherlands was truly incredible. Every aspect of it fascinated me and introduced me to customs that I'll likely embrace for life. 

The (ESPC) conference this year was a tremendous success, in comparison to last year, this time I felt completely at ease. Collaborating with my dad on our session (Unlocking Scenarios with Microsoft Graph Using OpenAI and ChatGPT) for months was rewarding.  We had over
260 attendees in our session and our score was 9.2 out of 10 in the attendee survey
. The topic was perfect, as I frequently use AI for schoolwork and general queries. Having a deeper understanding made me more connected and enthusiastic about sharing the topic with others. 


About two weeks before the conference, we began working on the actual demo. Surprisingly, we incorporated our conversation snippets into the demo, showcasing how AI stores memories, making specific information retrieval easier than combing through numerous emails. 


During the session, I deliberately disregarded the large audience size, imagining I was speaking to a smaller group. This tactic boosted my confidence for my first co-presentation in front of such a large audience.  

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To see and download a copy of the presentation I used in the session the PowerPoint is in a PDF form here and you can find the Python code in the Github Repo here.  To follow me and my work on Github my profile is gabriellewill


The positive feedback afterward exceeded my expectations, which was both thrilling and humbling. Connecting with various individuals, especially Femke Cornelissen, sparked my interest in cybersecurity.  Initially I was set on a non-tech major however Femke's story at the D&I Luncheon intrigued me about cybersecurity's breadth and depth. Now, I'm contemplating switching majors to delve 

deeper into the tech industry, recognizing its potential benefits. The luncheon covered the need for more diversity in tech, inspiring me to pursue a future where I can impact others similarly to how Femke impacted me. 


In summary, leaving Amsterdam, I departed with a completely transformed mindset. I'm immensely thankful for this experience and the opportunity to present and be a productive part of the conference. I now eagerly await May 2024 where I'll proudly take the stage as an official speaker at the European Collaboration Summit in Germany where I will be presenting “Mastering Microsoft Graph Connectors with the NEW Microsoft Graph Python SDK (Software Development Kit)



Come out and check out our session if you will be at the conference. I look forward to seeing you there.  

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