Simplifying Azure Kubernetes Service Authentication Part 3

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Community Hub.

Welcome to the third installment of this series simplifying azure Kubernetes service authentication. Part two is here Part 2  .In this third part we’ll continue from where we left off and set up cert manager, create a CA issuer, upgrade our ingress routes, register our app, and create secrets and a cookie for authentication. You can also refer to the official documentation here for some of the steps TLS with an ingress controller.

Install cert-manager Let’s Encrypt

In the previous post we uploaded cert manager images to our ACR. Now lets install the cert manager images by running the following:


# Set variable for ACR location to use for pulling images $AcrUrl = (Get-AzContainerRegistry -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $RegistryName).LoginServer # Label the ingress-basic namespace to disable resource validation kubectl label namespace ingress-basic # Add the Jetstack Helm repository helm repo add jetstack # Update your local Helm chart repository cache helm repo update # Install the cert-manager Helm chart helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace ingress-basic --version $CertManagerTag --set installCRDs=true --set nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/os"=linux --set image.repository="${AcrUrl}/${CertManagerImageController}" --set image.tag=$CertManagerTag --set webhook.image.repository="${AcrUrl}/${CertManagerImageWebhook}" --set webhook.image.tag=$CertManagerTag --set cainjector.image.repository="${AcrUrl}/${CertManagerImageCaInjector}" --set cainjector.image.tag=$CertManagerTag


You should get some output and make sure the READY column is set to True.

Create a CA Issuer

A certificate authority (CA) validates the identities of entities (such as websites, email addresses, companies, or individual persons) and binds them to cryptographic keys through the issuance of digital certificates. We are using the letsencrypt CA. We can create a CA by applying a ClusterIssuer to our ingress-basic namespace. Create the following cluster-issuer.yaml file:


apiVersion: kind: ClusterIssuer metadata: name: letsencrypt spec: acme: server: email: MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS privateKeySecretRef: name: letsencrypt solvers: - http01: ingress: class: nginx podTemplate: spec: nodeSelector: "": linux



Now apply this yaml file by running the following kubectl command:


kubectl apply -f cluster-issuer.yaml --namespace ingress-basic


Update your ingress route

In the previous part of this series we created a FQDN which enabled us to route to our apps in the web browser via a URL. We need to update our ingress routes to handle this change. Update the hello-world-ingress.yaml as follows:


apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: hello-world-ingress annotations: /$2 "true" letsencrypt spec: ingressClassName: nginx tls: - hosts: - hello-world-ingress.MY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN secretName: tls-secret rules: - host: hello-world-ingress.MY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN http: paths: - path: /hello-world-one(/|$)(.*) pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: aks-helloworld-one port: number: 80 - path: /hello-world-two(/|$)(.*) pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: aks-helloworld-two port: number: 80 - path: /(.*) pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: aks-helloworld-one port: number: 80 --- apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: hello-world-ingress-static annotations: "false" /static/$2 spec: ingressClassName: nginx tls: - hosts: - hello-world-ingress.MY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN secretName: tls-secret rules: - host: hello-world-ingress.MY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN http: paths: - path: /static(/|$)(.*) pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: aks-helloworld-one port: number: 80


Then apply the update:


kubectl apply -f hello-world-ingress.yaml --namespace ingress-basic


You should get some output and make sure the READY column is set to True.

Register your app in Entra ID and create a client secret

An Azure Active Directory (AAD) App referred to as Entra ID now, is an application registered in Entra ID, which allows it to interact with Azure services and authenticate users. We can then use the Entra ID App to obtain a client secret for authentication purposes. Perform the following actions to register an app and create a client secret.

  • In the Azure portal search for Microsoft Entra ID
  • Click App registrations in the left side navigation
  • Click new registration button
  • Add a name and enter your redirect URL (Web) https://FQDN/oauth2/callback
  • Register and take note of your Application (client) ID
  • Click Certificates and Secrets and click New client secret and take note of the Secret Value

Create a cookie secret and set Kubernetes secrets

Now register the following client-id, client-secret, and cookie secret. Remember this series is for educational purposes and thus may not meet all security requirements. If you need to store your secrets in a more secure location you can also refer to how to use Key Vault to do so here Key Vault. Run the following commands in PowerShell:


$cookie_secret=“$(openssl rand -hex 16)” # or with python python -c 'import os,base64; print(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(32)).decode())' kubectl create secret generic client-id --from-literal=oauth2_proxy_client_id=<APPID> -n ingress-basic kubectl create secret generic client-secret --from-literal=oauth2_proxy_client_secret=<SECRETVALUE> -n ingress-basic kubectl create secret generic cookie-secret --from-literal=oauth2_proxy_cookie_secret=<COOKIESECRET> -n ingress-basic


Create a Redis Password

 Azure uses large cookies when authenticating over Oauth2, thus it is recommended to setup Redis to handle these large cookies. For now we will create a Redis password and set the Kubernetes secret. In the next post we will install and setup Redis. Run the following command in PowerShell:


$REDIS_PASSWORD=“<YOUR_PASSWORD>” kubectl create secret generic redis-password --from-literal=redis-password=$REDIS_PASSWORD -n ingress-basic


This ends the third post in our series. Look out for the fourth and final post.

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