Empowering Healthcare Payors: The journey to modern management with Windows 365 and Intune

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog articles.

Often times when we talk to customers about Windows 365, we may get the feedback that they love the ease of use and the simplicity the product offers but haven't started their modern management journey to Intune. Well, what if we told you that W365 can help you with that? 


Some of the reasons customers struggle to get started with Intune is that they do not want to disrupt end users to test new configurations and prefer to provide a physical test device for piloting new configs.  In the past that would require provisioning a laptop, shipping it out, running the testing scenarios, and hope that whatever changes needed could be applied as a policy and didn't require a whole reprovision of the device.  With Windows 365, you can provide a dedicated 1:1 Cloud PC that users can connect to anywhere with their current device, lowering the threshold to test and allowing the end user to simultaneously have their production device and test cloud pc. You may be asking yourself "this sounds great but, what happens if I need to reset the device?"  Well, since Windows 365 is in the cloud it's just a couple of button presses (or Graph API calls) and the user will have a fresh Windows 11\10 desktop that will get all the existing configurations and applications targeted.


Not only will Windows 365 help with your current journey it will also help you feel confident that you have a product that is ready to go for your AI journey as well.  Since Windows 365 runs on Windows 11\10 your end users can securely leverage the growing list of AI products such as Copilot for M365 and will follow the same zero trust security and data standards that you apply to your physical devices.


If all this sounds great but, you are wondering if there are resources to help, we have awesome partners like Cyclotron, who presented with us, that are experts in helping you map out and execute a journey that will fit your needs whether it's a migration to Intune, or prepping for Copilot they can be your experts to ensure that you are setup for success.


Wrapping up, Windows 365 is a great way to testing the waters to move to Intune and help prepare for the future of AI.  Also, we have some amazing partners that are just waiting to help you with your journey as it's not an overnight process and come with loads of experience on different migration strategies.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Microsoft Account Team or Cyclotron directly to see what resources are available to help you on your journey.

a AI generated image of a bridge to modern managementa AI generated image of a bridge to modern management


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