What’s new in Viva Insights – March 2024

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Community Hub.

Private preview: Advanced insights in Microsoft Copilot Dashboard for Viva Insights customers 

Additional insights that combine Copilot usage metrics with collaboration data are now available in the Copilot Dashboard for Viva Insights licensed users who are part of this private preview. 


Customers can dive deeper into adoption and impact metrics with various organizational attributes. Customers can see how Copilot is being used across Microsoft 365 apps, and they’ll also see how usage impacts factors that influence productivity and engagement as well, such as time spent in meetings, processing emails, or creating content. 




Customers also have the ability to measure “Total Copilot action assisted” filtered down to specific groups using the organizational attributes. Customers can further compare how these and other behavioral metrics trend before and after Copilot adoption, and see metric comparisons for Copilot and non-Copilot users. Customers can view and analyze sentiment of Copilot for their employees compared to industry benchmarks on measures like “Quality,” “Efforts,” and “Speed.” 


Viva Insights analysts can also create a custom dashboard that combines Copilot usage adoption and collaboration data, enabling customers to address additional questions about Copilot rollout and return on investment. 


Learn more about the dashboard and these advanced features. 



Private preview: Attribute clones 

Attribute clones allow customers to duplicate their admin-uploaded attributes and customize them using rules that update the attribute values. This powerful feature enables dynamic grouping of employees, leading to fresh ways to analyze data insights. 


Here are some example scenarios of the things you can do: 

  • Rename an attribute value: Modify attribute names for clarity 
  • Combine multiple attribute values: Consolidate related attributes into a single value 
  • Update attribute values based on other attributes: Dynamically adjust attribute data 

 To create a new attribute clone: 

  1. Navigate to the Organizational Data tab in the left-hand navigation panel of the advanced Insights app. 
  2. Select Data Quality to view available attributes. 
  3. Select the vertical ellipses next to an existing attribute and select Clone Attribute. 

Note: If you don’t have access to the Global partition, you can access the entry point through the query interface. 


Attribute clones modify the clone itself, leaving the original admin-uploaded attributes unchanged. You can’t clone a clone, and the new attribute name must be unique and adhere to length and character restrictions. 



View Power BI templates in the advanced insights web app 

We’re proud to announce the release of a new way to view Power BI templates in the advanced insights web app, leveraging Power BI embedded. With this new option, analysts no longer have to set up Power BI templates in Power BI Desktop, and can instead view them directly in the web app. 


After successfully running a Power BI template query, analysts will find a new option to View it in the Query results page, along with the current Data export options, like download .csv. 


Templates in web app.png


Upon selecting View, a fully interactive Power BI template will be opened. Analysts can navigate across the different pages in the report using the navigation menu and use all the features already available in our Power BI templates, like selecting the employee attributes to view and filter the report by web app. 


Users with the Insights Analyst role can view Power BI templates in the advanced insights web app. 


Currently, the View option is enabled for the following templates: 

  • Ways of working 
  • Meeting effectiveness

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