GitHub Foundations Certification: A Comprehensive Guide

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Why Get Certified?

  1. Marketplace Recognition: A GitHub certification signals to potential employers, collaborators, and clients that you have a deep understanding of GitHub and the tools to deliver great results.
  2. Boosted Confidence: Upon earning a certification, candidates feel more confident in their abilities, making them more determined to succeed professionally. 
  3. Salary Increases: Many certified professionals receive salary increases, thanks to their verified expertise. 
  4. Exploring New Opportunities: With a GitHub certification, you’ll have the confidence to explore new job opportunities. 


Domains for the Exam 

The GitHub Foundations Exam is broken down into the following specific knowledge, skills and topics.

Domain Breakdown 

Exam Percentage 

Domain 1:  Introduction to Git and GitHub 


Domain 2:  Working with GitHub Repositories 


Domain 3:  Collaboration Features 


Domain 4:  Modern Development 


Domain 5:  Project Management 


Domain 6:  Privacy, Security and Administration 


Domain 7:  Benefits of the GitHub Community 




The following study plan is based on the Certification domains. You can follow the plan or learn at your own pace.

Week No.


Major Topics & Action items

Week 1

Introduction to Git and GitHub


  1. Describe Git
  2. GitHub Entities
  3. GitHub Markdown
  4. GitHub Desktop
  5. GitHub Mobile
  6. Describe GitHub
  7. Describe the difference between Git & GitHub
  8. Describe a GitHub repository.
  9. Describe a commit.
  10. Describe Branching

Week 2

Working with GitHub Repository


·         Repository management

  1. Create a new GitHub Repository
  2. Describe repository templates.
  3. Clone a repository.
  4. Create a new branch.
  5. Add files to a repository.
  6. View repository insights
  7. Explain Feature previews.

Week 3

Collaboration Features


  1. Issues
  2. Pull requests (PRs)
  3. Discussions
  4. Notifications
  5. Gists, Wikis and GitHub pages
  6. Markdown Features
  7. Link a PR to an Issue
  8. Identify how to assign Issues.
  9. Describe a PR
  10. Describe a draft PR.
  11.  Describe GitHub pages

Week 4

Modern Development


  1. GitHub Actions
  2. GitHub Copilot
  3. GitHub Codespaces

Week 5

Project management


  1. Manage your work with GitHub Projects
  2. Describe GitHub Projects

Week 6

Privacy, Security, and Administration

  1. Explain how to secure your account with 2FA.
  2. Explain EMUs (Enterprise Managed Users)

Week 7

Benefits of GitHub Community

Community Engagement

  1. Describe Open Source
  2. Describe InnerSouce
  3. Describe GitHub Sponsors



GitHub Certification Registration Process 

After completing your study plan, you are ready to take the certification exam and demonstrate your skills. The exam costs $99, but for a limited time (as of this publication date), you can get a 50% discount on the Foundations exam. Here are the steps to schedule your exam: 

  1. Visit Certifications Page and login with your personal GitHub account; 

  2. On the Certification Dashboard, Select the Foundations in GitHub Certification Exam and click on "Schedule Exam":


  3. Choose a date and time that suits you from the available slots. 
  4. Pay the exam fee using your preferred payment method. 
  5. Confirm your exam details and check your email for the confirmation link. 
  6. On the day of the exam, follow the instructions in the email to access the exam platform and start the exam.

Further GitHub Foundations Material

Take the GitHub Foundations Learn path at
The "GitHub Foundations Learning Path " is a concise and beginner-friendly journey designed to introduce you to the fundamental concepts and products of GitHub. 


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