Brainstorm To Talk Track in Microsoft Loop – HLS Copilot Snacks

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Community Hub.

Copilot snacks3.png  HLS Copilot Snacks are the perfect way to learn how to use Copilot to boost your productivity and reduce your workload.

In this snackable you will learn how to leverage Copilot in Microsoft Loop to jump start a brainstorming session. Then once you have finalized your brainstorming see how Copilot can transform your list into a Talk Track that you can use to deliver your messaging to management or a wider audience.

To see all HLS Copilot Snacks video click here.


Have questions you would like to have us address in a snackable? Let us know! 

Thanks for visiting – Michael Gannotti LinkedIn 


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