Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure enables customers to drive value from their data more easily

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Disclaimer: The following post shares product details and their benefits from our partner Dremio. Some of the content has been provided by Dremio.



Today, Dremio is introducing Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure, an innovative solution for Microsoft Azure customers. This cloud-native data lake engine delivers high-performance SQL analytics at scale, with no data movement or copies needed.


Microsoft Azure is a leading cloud platform, offering a wide range of services and solutions for businesses of all sizes across all industries. Microsoft Azure enables customers to build, deploy, and manage applications and data globally, with security, reliability, and innovation at its core. As a cloud provider, Azure enables a robust partner ecosystem, where customers can leverage the expertise, solutions, and support of thousands of partners in the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program. The Microsoft Azure partner ecosystem is crucial to our value proposition by providing customers access to top-tier technologies and tools that compliment and strengthen the Microsoft Azure platform.


Whether it is data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Internet of Things, or any other domain, Microsoft Azure customers can find a partner solution that meets their needs and helps them achieve their goals.



Traditional analytic architectures are costly due to their cumbersome, insecure, and difficult-to-maintain nature.



Traditional IT infrastructure has grown over time, and so has the landscape of data lakes and databases.

  • This leads to significant complexity that is hard to manage. Many consumers find there is no easy path to mitigate this complexity without an architectural change.
  • Copies of data that have to be managed and secured. Keeping environments secure in a complex environment is a major challenge without appropriate controls in place. Non-compliance leads to exposure to threats or attacks, that can become costly and lead to fines.
  • Without an appropriate abstraction layer, centralized governance and access control cannot be established. Control requires manual work instead of allowing for a single control plane with self-service capability.


How Dremio Cloud on Micorosft Azure helps

Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure is a fully-managed lakehouse platform that runs on Microsoft Azure. It connects directly to your data lake storage, such as Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS). It provides unified access to other data sources, including Microsoft Azure Synapse, Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, and more. Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure is composed of three main capabilities:

  1. A SQL Query Engine designed for high-performance BI and interactive analytics directly on the data lake.
  2. Unified analytics providing federated query access and a semantic layer to all of a company’s data.
  3. Data lakehouse management features providing Git-inspired versioning capabilities such as branches, tags, and commits to simplify data management.

Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure enables users to query and analyze data with standard SQL, using their favorite tools, such as Power BI, Tableau, Excel, or any other BI or data science tool that supports ODBC, JDBC, or REST APIs. Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure eliminates the need for data warehouses, data marts, ETL pipelines, or data copies, which can be costly, complex, and slow. Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure users can leverage Dremio’s query acceleration technology called Reflections which helps in building a highly-performant Data Lakehouse that overcomes the traditional challenges imposed by data lakes and data warehouses. Reflections are optimized and distributed representations of data that are created and maintained by Dremio, and enables sub-second response time for analytical queries. Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure is designed to be simple, secure, and scalable. You can get started in minutes, with no infrastructure to provision, manage, or monitor.


Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure offers consumption-based pricing, providing organizations with flexibility and cost-effectiveness in managing their data analytics workloads. Simply pre-purchase a pool of Dremio Cloud Units (DCUs), and allocate resources based on their anticipated needs. You can also scale up or down as your needs change without downtime or disruption.


Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure provides enterprise-grade security and governance, with encryption at-rest and in-transit, role-based access control, data masking, auditing, and more. Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure also integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Azure Active Directory and Microsoft Azure Key Vault, to ensure your data and access are protected and compliant.


To mitigate the challenges mentioned above Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure abstracts data storage and locality and adds functionality to have granular access control to ease use and analysis with tools like Power BI, but also Data Science tools or own applications.



Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure is a compelling solution because it empowers Microsoft Azure customers to get the most value out of their data, without compromising performance, flexibility, or cost. Dremio Cloud on Microsoft Azure enables customers to:

  • Accelerate time to insight: Dremio Cloud on Azure allows you to query and analyze data directly from your data sources, without moving or copying your data avoiding complex and brittle ETL pipelines. This means you can get insights faster, and respond to changing business needs more quickly.
  • Democratize data access: Dremio Cloud on Azure allows you to provide self-service data access to your business users, analysts, and data scientists, using the tools they already know and love. This means you can reduce or even eliminate dependencies on IT, and foster a data-driven culture in your organization.
  • Optimize cloud economics: Dremio Cloud on Azure allows you to reduce the cost and complexity of your data architecture. Dremio does this by eliminating the need for data warehouses, data marts, or data copies, which are expensive to maintain and update. This means you can save money, and focus on your core business value.


How to get started

Dremio Cloud on Azure is available today, and you can try it for free for 14 days, with no credit card required. To learn more, visit:



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