Empower your organization with feature access management for Copilot in Viva Engage

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Community Hub.

We’re excited to share that organizations can now implement control access policies using feature access management for both Copilot and AI Summarization within Viva Engage. This empowers Global admins and Engage admins to strategically oversee the rollout and deployment, ensuring compliance with local and business-specific regulations.

Starting at the end of April 2024, Copilot and AI Summarization will become publicly accessible. These features will be automatically activated for all employees who are part of a Microsoft Viva Suite or the Microsoft Viva Employee Communications and Communities license plan.

By introducing feature access management support ahead of the global release, we aim to equip administrators with the necessary tools to manage the introduction of Copilot effectively and within their desired scope.

How can admins use feature access management for Viva Engage?

Available as PowerShell commandlets to accommodate management at scale, admins can create three types of access policies for Copilot and AI summarization, individually:

• Tenant policy: includes everyone within the organization
• Group policy: includes specific M365 groups within the organization
• User policy: includes specific users within the organization


The access policies can be used to set the following enablement states -
Copilot: Enabled, Disabled
AI summarization: Enabled, Disabled, Enabled with user opt out


For detailed instructions on setting these access policies and sample PowerShell scripts, please refer to Microsoft Viva - Feature access management | Microsoft Learn.


As an example, if an organization wants to disable Copilot for employees in Germany, the admin can set the following access policies -

1. Create a group policy named Germany.
2. Assign the M365 group with all Germany employees to this policy.
3. Set the policy to ‘disabled’.

Through these simple steps, all other employees in the organization can continue enjoying Copilot in Viva Engage.


Learn more about VFAM, Copilot and AI summarization experiences within Viva Engage here. Get ready to take the helm and steer your organization towards a more controlled and customized Viva Engage experience!

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