Contributor Stories: Jimmy H Salian

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If you’ve ever engaged with the content on the Microsoft Learn platform, it's highly likely that the material you utilized was written or co-authored by dedicated contributors. These contributors, often volunteers, generously offer their time and expertise to fill knowledge gaps within our content portfolio by suggesting valuable updates to our material, sharing their knowledge within the Microsoft community, and/or answering questions on the Q&A area of the Microsoft Learn platform!    


In this interview series, we aim to acquaint ourselves with some of these valuable contributors. Through these conversations, we seek to understand their motivations for sharing their knowledge on Microsoft Learn and gain insights into their experiences.  


Welcome and congratulations for being our spotlighted contributor this month, Jimmy Salian - a Microsoft Azure Entra - AD Infrastructure Consultant and a Microsoft Azure MVP based out of United Kingdom. He is a dedicated IT professional with a robust background in designing and providing solutions, engineering, and specializing in migrations from On-Premises to Azure. Over the course of his career, which spans 20 years, he has garnered extensive experience in designing and implementing IT solutions. As an advocate for continuous learning, he holds various Microsoft Certifications. Beyond the professional realm, he is passionate about reading books, fitness, finding joy and inspiration in meditating.  


Jimmy is a veteran member of Microsoft Community Champions. This program identifies, engages, and rewards technology experts who frequently provide high-quality answers to customers' questions on Microsoft Learn Q&A.  Jimmy, an Azure technology subject matter expert (SME), specifically focuses on Azure Q&A. He has answered over 1,200+ questions - supporting thousands of Azure users on Microsoft Learn Q&A by unblocking them from technical roadblocks. As Jimmy navigates both the professional and personal aspects of his journey, he is driven by a genuine desire to make meaningful contributions to both the fields and the communities he engages with such as Microsoft Learn Q&A platform.   


Meet Jimmy 


Jimmy H Salian, Microsoft Azure Entra - AD Infrastructure Consultant, UK  


Sumit: Hi Jimmy! Thanks for joining us today. It’s a pleasure to meet you again. I'm looking forward to catching up with you. To start us off, do you mind sharing a bit about your background and experience?   


Jimmy: In my role as an Azure Consultant with a private company, I specialize in assisting clients with the seamless migration of their on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. Additionally, I play a pivotal role in devising and implementing effective Active Directory solutions while ensuring the robust security of their data and applications. With a wealth of expertise spanning over twenty years, my proficiency extends to Azure, Active Directory, and Citrix. 

My commitment to excellence in the field has been recognized through my designation as a Microsoft MVP in Azure, acknowledging both my technical acumen and valuable contributions to the community. Throughout my career, I've undertaken and successfully executed numerous projects encompassing Azure and Active Directory migrations. My proficiency extends to utilizing tools such as Quest Migration Manager, Active Roles, Change Auditor, Forest Recovery Manager, and various Citrix products. 

In addition to project accomplishments, I excel in troubleshooting intricate issues, providing end-to-end support for application development and deployment, leading teams, and formulating comprehensive and well-documented solutions. My enthusiasm for staying abreast of emerging technologies, sharing industry best practices, and consistently delivering high-quality results underscores my commitment to achieving success for my clients and the organization I am working for. 

Sumit: Your experience sounds like a fantasy novel involving tech. Battling server crashes, rescuing clients, and forging alliances. To top it all you are an esteemed Microsoft MVP. It's like being knighted, but with fewer swords and more virtual high-fives. Can you tell us more about your journey being an MVP? How you started contributing to the online tech community space and what motivates you to keep up the good work? 


Jimmy: Thank you, Sumit! Embarking on the journey of contributing to this domain was initially fuelled by my passion for technology and a genuine desire to share my knowledge with the community. So, here’s the deal: I got into this whole contributing and community work because I love tech. And you know what? Tech has this crazy impact on businesses and people. It’s like magic! So, I thought, “Why not jump in and be part of this cool group i.e. Microsoft Community Champions Program?” 

Guess what? I got a special invite from the Microsoft Community manager (fancy, right?). They tagged me to start helping out, and that was my nudge to dive in and lend a hand. And let me tell you, once I started, I couldn’t stop. The whole knowledge-sharing vibe, chatting with other tech enthusiasts —it just clicked. So now, I’m all in, ready to contribute and make things happen!  


Sumit:  This is truly inspiring, Jimmy, especially since you've helped over 1,200+ users just on the Microsoft Learn Q&A platform alone! I'm guessing it's a pretty extensive effort. How awesome that it's also a highly fulfilling experience for you! Have you been able to advance your career or skills as a result of contributing to the Microsoft Learn Q&A? 


Jimmy:  Indeed, my journey through the Microsoft Community Champions program helping users over Microsoft Learn Q&A platform has been fulfilling. To top it all, I’ve been recognized for my hard work in this field, and was awarded with Microsoft MVP in Azure, acknowledging both my technical acumen and valuable contributions to the community. 

Contributing to the Microsoft Learn Q&A platform has undeniably been a pivotal factor in advancing my career and honing my skillset. When I engage with the platform, I get a chance to learn more about Microsoft technologies and stay up-to-date with the latest developments. By creating and sharing content, I not only reinforce what I already know but also explore new areas within Microsoft’s diverse ecosystem. It’s been an enriching experience!  

Moreover, the act of contributing has allowed me to refine my communication and teaching abilities. Breaking down complex concepts into digestible modules for a diverse audience has enhanced my ability to articulate ideas clearly and effectively. These improved communication skills have not only enriched my interactions within the community but have also led to more impactful collaborations in my professional work. Overall, my experience of contributing to the Microsoft Learn Q&A platform has been essential for both expanding my technical knowledge and refining the soft skills necessary for success in my career.  


Sumit: Cheers to your tech adventures!! Knowing you for more than a year now, I can say it’s been a rollercoaster of learning, laughter, and maybe a few coffee spills as tech and caffeine go hand in hand. Exploring what Microsoft has to offer and helping others along the way, is like building your own little Microsoft universe, one byte at a time. We would love to hear how about your experience partnering with Microsoft as part of the Community Champions Program. 


Jimmy: My participation in the Microsoft Community Champions program has been an enriching and collaborative experience, fostering a strong partnership with Microsoft. In short, it’s been a fantastic ride! Imagine teaming up with Microsoft—it’s like having a superhero friend.   
Here’s the scoop: Being in this program gives me special access to cool stuff. Think of it as getting a backstage pass to the Azure concert. I get resources, insights, and chances to learn more about Azure technologies. It’s like levelling up my tech wizardry. But wait, there’s more! I chat directly with Microsoft experts, product teams, and fellow champs. It’s like having a virtual coffee with the smartest folks in the room.  We swap ideas, brainstorm, and stay ahead of the game in the ever-changing Azure world. 

And guess what? This partnership isn’t just about my professional or LinkedIn profile, although it does look snazzy now. It’s about learning adventures and making new pals in the big Microsoft playground. So, my journey as a Microsoft Community Champion is all about high-fives, brainpower, and cheering on the Azure community. I would suggest to everyone to join the program and grow along with it.   

Looking ahead, I’m excited about the prospect of further contributing to the Microsoft  Learn Q&A platform, leveraging the knowledge gained through the program, and continuing to build meaningful connections. I am truly grateful for the experiences, insights, and relationships forged through this exceptional community-driven initiative.  


Sumit: That's wonderful to hear, Jimmy. We truly value your dedication and partnership in helping others on our Q&A site. If you don't mind, what advice would you give to people who want to start contributing to open-source content?  


Jimmy: If you want to dive into the exciting world of open-source content, here’s my advice: follow your passion! Find projects that match what you love and what you’re good at. Enthusiasm is like rocket fuel—it keeps you going. 

Next, get social! Hang out with the community. You can chat on forums, join discussions, or even attend cool events. It’s like joining a big tech party!  

And guess what? I started my journey by reading blogs, joining online groups, and watching tech videos. Yep, I was a YouTube detective, learning from the MVPs (those are the tech rockstars).  It’s all about sharing knowledge and having a blast while doing it. My mantra is to believe in yourself and value the good work you are doing helping the community. So, go ahead—dive in, make friends, and spread the tech love! 


Sumit: Thank you for the encouragement. I’m quite sure your story will inspire others to follow your suit. Another goal of this interview is to get to know the amazing person behind all the tech wizardry and selfless community work. We would love to hear from you about how you spend your time outside of work? 


Jimmy: Beyond my professional endeavors, I am passionate about reading books and my favorite one is “Bhagvat Gita”. Other than reading I also follow meditation whenever I get a chance. Additionally, I’m an avid fitness freak, immersing myself in meditation and working out at least 4 days a week and specially 1 day dedicated to boxing drills. This not only provides a welcome break from the fast-paced world of technology but also contributes to my holistic well-being. 

Family and community are integral aspects of my life, and I often spend quality time with my family and friends. Balancing work with these personal pursuits not only rejuvenates me but also shapes a well-rounded individual with diverse experiences and interests.  

Sumit: It was great to have you, Jimmy. Wishing you best of luck for all your endeavors and Kudos to you for all the great work you’ve been doing with the online community and Microsoft Learn Q&A forum. Thank you.   

Keep up with Jimmy:  

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