Azure Load Testing generally available on Fairfax

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Azure Load Testing is now generally available in Fairfax cloud - USGov Virginia. US Government customers on the Fairfax cloud can now use Azure Load Testing, a fully managed load-testing service that simplifies the end-to-end process of performance testing.


US Government customers can leverage Azure Load Testing to easily generate high-scale load and quickly identify performance bottlenecks using a rich dashboard of client-side and server-side metrics. Customers can also ensure continuous performance validation by integrating load tests into CI/CD workflows. Being a service built for Azure; Azure Load Testing builds on the existing Azure conventions to streamline billing and test management, and it integrates seamlessly with other Azure services.


With Azure Load Testing, customers can

  • Get started without any knowledge of performance testing tools by configuring the test scenarios in the Azure portal itself or by uploading their existing Apache JMeter scripts. Azure Load Testing provides high fidelity support for Apache JMeter.
  • Run tests with up to 100,000 concurrent virtual users and up to 24-hour duration to simulate load testing scenarios like stress testing, spike testing, endurance testing etc.
  • Run load tests against private endpoints, that are not publicly accessible, by leveraging virtual network injection.
  • Easily identify root causes using a combined dashboard of client-side and server-side metrics; identify performance regressions using analysis capabilities like comparing results, viewing trends in metrics across test runs and comparing metrics with baseline.
  • Automate the process of performance testing using a first class support for Azure Pipelines and GitHub actions or by using Az CLI, REST APIs and SDKs.

Please do try out Azure Load Testing in Fairfax and let us know your feedback through the feedback forum.

Additional resources about Azure Load Testing at

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