MVP’s Favorite Content: Blazor, Dynamics 365 F&O, Windows

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In this blog series dedicated to Microsoft's technical articles, we'll highlight our MVPs' favorite article along with their personal insights.


JinSeok Kim, Developer Technologies MVP, Korea

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Build a Connect Four game with Blazor - Training | Microsoft Learn

“Connect-four enables everyone to develop very famous game. We can learn the basics of Blazor web app to create this game. It's very interesting, and, after learning, we can play it with our friends.”

(In Korean: Connect-four는 한국에서는 입체사목게임으로 알려진 보드게임입니다. 이 게임을 만들면서 블레이저 웹앱을 만드는 법을 배우게 됩니다. 게임을 만드는 것이니 꽤 재밌습니다. 그리고 배우고 나면 친구랑 게임을 해볼 수 있는 재미도 있습니다.)

*Relevant Video: As the community leader from Blazor Korea User Group. I appeared on this video: [Korean] Let's Learn.NET - Blazor (


Tomomitsu Kusaba, Developer Technologies MVP, Japan

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The FAST and the Fluent: A Blazor story - .NET Blog (

“Recommended article from the Fluent UI Blazor team, a UI framework for Blazor. Blazor itself is a fantastic web framework, and it demonstrates that standardizing the UI can make development more efficient.”

(In Japanese: BlazorのUIフレームワークであるFluent UI Blazorチームからのおすすめ記事。Blazorそのものは素晴らしいWebフレームワークであり、UIに関しても標準化することによってより効率的に開発できることを示しています。)

*Relevant Activities:

- Blog: アクセシビリティの観点から見たFluent UI Blazorのすすめ (

- Event: .NETラボ 勉強会 2023年12月 - connpass

- Video: Fluent UI Blazorの新しいComponentについて (


Parag Chapre, Business Applications MVP, Australia

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Virtual entities overview - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn

“I recommend exploring "Enabling Virtual Entities in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Using Power Automate" for its transformative potential. This content delves into seamlessly integrating external data within Dynamics 365 through Virtual Entities and Power Automate. By enabling this feature, organizations can enhance productivity, efficiency, and decision-making processes. Virtual Entities facilitate real-time access to external data sources without complex data replication. Power Automate automates workflows, streamlining data integration tasks. This combination empowers users to harness the full potential of Dynamics 365, optimizing business operations. Exploring this content offers valuable insights into leveraging technology for data-driven decision-making and operational excellence."

*Relevant Blog: Enabling Virtual Entities in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Using Power Automate - Parag Chapre


Maison da Silva, Windows and Devices MVP, Brazil

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REAgentC command-line options | Microsoft Learn

create partition primary | Microsoft Learn

Resize-Partition (Storage) | Microsoft Learn

“Solution for error 0x800706643 when installing Update KB5034441 with Recovery Partition before System Partition."

*Relevant Blog: Solução erro 0x800706643 ao Instalar Atualização KB5034441 com Partição de Recuperação antes Partição do Sistema – Maison da Silva

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