Windows Hardware Compatibility Program – Guidance for Windows 11, version 24H2 Release

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To facilitate the release of Windows 11, version 24H2, and Windows Server 2025, the Windows Hardware Compatibility Program is set to accept submissions. The submission package must fulfill the prerequisites to guarantee compatibility between the operating system and the Hardware Lab Kit (HLK).


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Windows Hardware Compatibility Requirements –


Submission Pre-requisites

  • OS and HLK minimum acceptable build:
    • Windows 11, version 24H2 (Build 26100 or greater)
    • Windows Server 2025 (Build 26100 or greater)

The table below illustrates the required playlists for testing each processor architecture:

Target Architecture

Required Playlist(s)

Client (ARM64) 1

HLK Version 24H2 CompatPlaylist x64 ARM64.xml

HLK Version 24H2 CompatPlaylist ARM64_x86_on_ARM64.xml

HLK Version 24H2 CompatPlaylist ARM64_x64_on_ARM64.xml

Client (X64)

HLK Version 24H2 CompatPlaylist x64 ARM64.xml

Server (X64, ARM64)

HLK Version 24H2 CompatPlaylist x64 ARM64 SERVER.xml

1 For Client system-level x64 and ARM64 submission, the only playlist required is the HLK Version 24H2 CompatPlaylist x64 ARM64.xml

Please refer to the HLK Getting Started Guide for details on HLK client setup and playlist use.


Deferment of Partner Dev Center SBOM Validation

  • The WHCP requirement, for partner SBOM submissions alongside driver packages submitted to HDC, will be deferred at HDC. Partners will be given notice as soon as there is a set enforcement date during a future release, along with guidance on how to meet any new requirements.
  • WHCP continues to support a secure supply chain throughout our signing process. That said, the EO on Cyber Security is a call to action from the U.S. Government, so we continue to encourage that our partners seek to enable a secure supply chain as stated in the NIST guidance.

Device.DevFund.StaticTools Requirement

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