MR Schooling at the Mixed Reality Academy

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Channel 9.

With this month's Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Mixed Reality (MR) is going to be big. Looking to get on this bandwagon?

100 to 250, these Mixed Reality resources will get you on the way...

Mixed Reality Academy

With the Mixed Reality Academy, get hands on with code, tutorials and lessons.


Holograms 100: Getting started with Unity

We will walk you through creating a basic holographic app built with Unity. This project can then serve as a starting template for any holographic app you might want to build in Unity.

Holograms 101E: Introduction with Emulator

We will walk you through a complete project that introduces core Windows Holographic features including: gaze, gesture, voice, spatial sound and spatial mapping using the HoloLens emulator.

Holograms 101: Introduction with Device

We will walk you through a complete project that introduces core Windows Holographic features including: gaze, gesture, voice, spatial sound and spatial mapping.

Holograms 210: Gaze

Gaze is the first form of input, and reveals the user's intent and awareness. You will add contextual awareness to your cursor and holograms, taking full advantage of what your app knows about the user's gaze.

Holograms 211: Gesture

Gestures turn user intention into action. With gestures, users can interact with holograms. In this course, you will learn to track the user's hands, respond to user input, and give feedback based on hand state and location.

Holograms 212: Voice

Voice allows us to interact with our holograms in an easy and natural way. In this course, you will learn to make users aware of available voice commands, give feedback that a voice command was heard, and your app will use dictation to understand what the user is saying.

Holograms 220: Spatial sound

Spatial sound breathes life into holograms and gives them presence. In this course, you will learn to use spatial sound to ground holograms in the real world, give feedback during interactions, and use audio to find your holograms.

Holograms 230: Spatial mapping
Spatial mapping brings the real world and virtual world together. You'll explore shaders and use them to visualize your space. Then you'll learn to simplify the room mesh into simple planes, give feedback on placing holograms on real-world surfaces, and explore occlusion visual effects.

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