Since the school year started, we’ve been making improvements to the Class Notebook add-in for OneNote on the desktop. Here is a summary of the highlights—as well as details for the update releasing today. To update your OneNote Class Notebook add-in, just click the Update button on your toolbar to download and install the latest version. If you’ve never installed the Class Notebook add-in, you can get it from the OneNote Class Notebook website.
Improvements to Review Student Work
The most exciting new feature is being released today. Teachers now can quickly and easily see updates made by students in the Review Student Work pane.
Some common requests from teachers have been to:
- Easily see when students have started their work in a distributed page or assignment.
- Quickly see which pages you, the teacher, have already reviewed.
- See if a student added any new content after a teacher has already reviewed or graded a page.
These requests are all now possible with the new OneNote Class Notebook add-in (version and use the familiar bold convention to denote the unread status.
Read/unread support in the Review Student Work pane.
Improvements to notebook and student mapping
- Notebook mapping—If your notebook name and LMS/SIS course name match, the Class Notebook add-in will automatically map the two together.
- Student mapping—If the format of your students is <LASTNAME>, <FIRSTNAME>, the student names will be automatically mapped.
A few more improvements and detailed summary
We have provided additional LMS support for SEQTA by adding assignment and grading integration. Also, we made some performance improvements to help speed up page distribution.
Here is a detailed summary of all the new capabilities and improvements to the Class Notebook add-in over the last few months. This list can also be found at the bottom of the Class Notebook add-in support page.
Version—September 2016
- SEQTA assignment/grading integration.
- Automatic mapping of Class Notebooks.
- Automatic mapping of students by last name, first name.
- Refresh tokens so teachers only need to sign in to the LMS/SIS once.
- Display a warning when distributing pages that contain attachments.
- Apostrophes in section names now preserved correctly during page distribution.
Version—September 2016
- Fixed an issue with grading in MS Classroom courses with many assignments.
Version—October 2016
- Fixed issue affecting Schoology sign-in.
Version—October 2016
- Fixed issue preventing student mappings from getting saved.
Version—November 2016
- Fixed bugs that happened with certain content types for page distribution.
Version—December 2016
- Read/unread state for Review Student Work assignments and distributions.
- Performance improvements for page distribution.
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