This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Azure Global articles.
First published on MSDN on Nov 28, 2018
Written by Larry Mead from AzureCAT. Edited by John Kaiser and Nanette Ray. Reviewed by Benjamin Guinebertière.
The IBM Db2 pureScale environment provides a database cluster solution for Azure with high availability and scalability on Linux operating systems.
IBM Db2 pureScale on Azure
Migration is often the first step in modernizing a legacy platform. This article provides a detailed look at an architecture for running Db2 pureScale on Azure, and it's a starting point for your Db2 implementation plan. Your business requirements will differ, but the same basic pattern applies.
The article covers the following topics:
- Overview
- Architecture
- Compute considerations
- Storage considerations
- Network considerations
- Next steps
Read the article to learn more.
Deploy IBM Db2 pureScale on Azure
This article describes how to deploy an example architecture to migrate an enterprise from an IBM Db2 environment running on z/OS to IBM Db2 pureScale on Azure. Installation scripts in the GitHub Db2onAzure repository allow you to follow the steps used during the migration. The scripts are based on the architecture used for a typical, medium-sized online transaction processing (OLTP) workload.
Topics covered include the following:
- Get started
- How the deployment script works
- Db2 pureScale response file
- Troubleshooting and known issues
- Next steps
Head to the article page to learn more and to deploy the solution.
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