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First published on MSDN on Oct 04, 2018
Authored by
Recently we announced many exciting online migration scenarios which enable customers to perform migrations with source databases continue to be operational, and hence minimize downtime needed during the daunting migration effort. These migration scenarios include:
We are thrilled to announce that online migration for all four migration scenarios above are rolled out in 25 Azure regions (same regions as offline migrations). Please note that only Business Critical SKU supports online migration. For offline migration, you can use either General Purpose (1, 2 or 4 vCores) or Business Critical (4 vCores). Get more details of region availability here and SKU information here .
Sign in to the Azure portal and set up an instance of DMS for free. We are constantly adding new database source/target pairs to DMS. Stay up-to-date on #AzureDMS news and follow us on Twitter ( @Data_Migrations ). Join the Azure Database Migration Service (DMS) Yammer group, and give us feedback via User Voice or email by contacting us at . Also be sure to check out the Azure Database Migration Guide for information about how to migrate other source/target pairs. Thank you!